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Help a Newbie: Progasm Advice, Please!

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I'm a gay man with a long history of bottoming. So, when I encountered the Aneros line, I purchased the Progasm, thinking it would be okay, since I'm used to having things "up there." Well, in part, that's true. I don't have any problem getting it in or doing the breathing or contraction exercises. But...nothing seems to be happening. I have tried several different body positions, have focused intently and have not focused at all. I've put it in for 30 minutes at a time and 2.5 hours at a time. I've walked around the house and done laundry with it in, and I have laid in bed, paying close attention to sensations, etc.

Still...I never get more than a short flush of something. It feels like a pleasant bruising sensation -- can't really describe it better than that -- but it never grows, no matter what I do (or don't do) when it happens. Then it just goes away.

The only "instructions" I really see are from the Wiki, where someone suggested doing 20-30 inhale/contractions and exhale/relaxes. Um...nothing really happens.

Am I doing something wrong? Or, do I just need to wait longer and keep practicing so my body can figure out what to do with this? (It's been 2 weeks...probably 10 sessions so far.) Or, are there better exercises/routines that will get me to the quaking, MMO point?

For the record, I don't masturbate during these sessions and, after reading forum posts, don't play with my nipples either (though even if I did, that wouldn't do much for me, personally). I'm using plenty of lube, but not too much. And I have no hang-ups on needing this to be connected with penile orgasm.

Thanks, in advance, for your wisdom.

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Very early days yet it might take 6 months or so!After your sessions try a Super-T! You will feel it working when you blow.
Just dont touch your wang during the practice time. After is ok. So argue that this helps, everyone has a different opinion. You have chosen the hardest device to get moving, smaller devices like helix are easier to train with. You will grow to love your progasm.
What you have just embarked on is a journey of discovery , you most likely wont get results fast it may take a while. In 2 years you will look back and say wow look what I have achieved!

Bill Bately
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I haven't tried Progasm yet. Tried MGX, SGX, Helix, Eupho. For me, being shorter, the SGX gives me very sweet sessions.
Been using them for a few years, and more and have had some very sublime and sweet experiences.
Important tips I'VE found, (disclaimer, may not work for you):
Pick the right time of day. For me early or late morning work best. Evening sessions hardly ever work for me.
Being stressed or tired both contribute to a "non-show".
Have sometimes continually remind myself that I'm seeking a non-traditional orgasm.
Once device inserted, and laying down, that's it, don't try "improvements"--adjustments, just go with the flow, literally.
Don't be skimpy with lube.
Hope that helps.

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Bill Bately
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Oh yes, and concentrate. Tiredness, distracting thoughts will work against you. Even overly erotic thoughts may work against you as it pushes you more into the traditional orgasm goal, whereas the Aneros orgasm is different, more sublime, long lasting, I guess like a female orgasm.

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Thanks to you both. I do need to keep in mind that it can take months...although I'm not sure why. Is it psychological or physiological, or both, or...?

The tips are helpful, as well; many of them I already put into play, so hopefully I'm on the right track.

Patience, patience, patience, I know...

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Thanks to you both. I do need to keep in mind that it can take months...although I'm not sure why. Is it psychological or physiological, or both, or...?

The tips are helpful, as well; many of them I already put into play, so hopefully I'm on the right track.

Patience, patience, patience, I know...

Yes both. Mind has to except it and muscles need to learn it.

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You might not have the right kind of muscle tone in your sphincter, pelvic floor, and abs to get a lot of movement right now. The bad news is, it takes time and practice to develop that tone. The good news is, you get to practice. 😉

If you want to speed things along, I'd suggest getting either (a) a Helix or (b) a Peridise set.

But keep at it, by all means. I started with the Progasm as well. After three years, still no Super-O, but I don't really care. Every session is fun and there's nothing wrong with a hands-free Super-T as far as I'm concerned.

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Thanks, deepinfocus. While I'd be delighted to experience a Super-O, and will keep that hope for the future, I'd be happy just to have some of the waves of pleasure I see in various videos and read about here.

And I have to own a little ignorance: what's a "Super-T"?

Practicing again/more today!

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@Progasmer91750 masturbate and blow your load while riding a aneros = Super-T

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Straight guy here - WORK HARD on your kegels ! You've started with the second biggest aneros there is, you need some muscle to move it effectively. I own two - Helix and Progasm Ice. With Progasm, I really need to contract hard, and the kicker is once or a few times is not enough ! You need to be able to hold a fairly fast, deep rhythm.

I exercise my kegels each day except on days with an Aneros session. My routine is:
10 second STRONG contraction, 10 second rest (x12)
1 second contraction, 1 second rest (x400 - I got there gradually, starting from 200).

Even my Helix is best with fast and deep contractions. Bigger is not necessarily better for massaging prostate, Helix feels more precise, Progasm feels more like a blunt object.

If you have a non-Syn Aneros (it would dissolve!), try silicone lube. It's really long lasting and slippery.

Positions that work best for me:
- on my back with knees bent and wide apart. Butt slightly raised. (I often do this lying on floor with legs on bed)
- "doggy", or rather - "froggy". The difference is I lower my butt and spread legs even wider.

Walking around with Aneros never produced any nice feelings for me.

A significant part of Aneros power comes from semi-permanent changes to your brain. Initial sessions don't feel spectacular, but within about 2 weeks you should feel a difference and be intrigued. The same effort produces stronger feelings once your brain adapts ! For best results, try having 1-2 days of rest between sessions.

Other than having sessions too often, being in bad shape is a great way to ruin your session. This includes not sleeping enough, being drunk, being exhausted.

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Great feedback, airbag, thanks.

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A tip for lubing - you can do better than applying lots of lube at once.
Apply some lube, put it in, do some contractions. If you feel it seems to hit a snag, take it out and lube once again. I typically lube 2-3 times before going for it. You know you don't use enough lube if you pull it out and the surface is very warm (=friction).

Once you find a position where contracting makes you feel anything at all, stick to it for a while. It doesn't feel special at first, but after a few minutes it either becomes more enjoyable, or dries out (when this happens I change the position slightly). Focus on keeping rhythm that feels good to you, more often than not responding by contracting harder doesn't do anything.

Playing with your dick during sessions will get you nowhere, it's a different kind of arousal, it will make you switch to penis mode. Regular arousal feels like "I want to cum so hard!". With aneros, it's "It feels so great I don't want to stop!". It's a pillow-biting experience, but not so desperate.

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Straight guy here - WORK HARD on your kegels ! You've started with the second biggest aneros there is, you need some muscle to move it effectively. I own two - Helix and Progasm Ice. With Progasm, I really need to contract hard, and the kicker is once or a few times is not enough ! You need to be able to hold a fairly fast, deep rhythm.

I exercise my kegels each day except on days with an Aneros session. My routine is:
10 second STRONG contraction, 10 second rest (x12)
1 second contraction, 1 second rest (x400 - I got there gradually, starting from 200).

Even my Helix is best with fast and deep contractions. Bigger is not necessarily better for massaging prostate, Helix feels more precise, Progasm feels more like a blunt object.

If you have a non-Syn Aneros (it would dissolve!), try silicone lube. It's really long lasting and slippery.

Positions that work best for me:
- on my back with knees bent and wide apart. Butt slightly raised. (I often do this lying on floor with legs on bed)
- "doggy", or rather - "froggy". The difference is I lower my butt and spread legs even wider.

Walking around with Aneros never produced any nice feelings for me.

A significant part of Aneros power comes from semi-permanent changes to your brain. Initial sessions don't feel spectacular, but within about 2 weeks you should feel a difference and be intrigued. The same effort produces stronger feelings once your brain adapts ! For best results, try having 1-2 days of rest between sessions.

Other than having sessions too often, being in bad shape is a great way to ruin your session. This includes not sleeping enough, being drunk, being exhausted.

I used a great deal of @airbag's regimen of Kegels in the first six or seven months in my Aneros journey. I used this regimen especially when I began to work with the Maximus and Progasm models. I found this regimen in strengthening the various muscle groups in the anal canal and my sphincters. That only enabled me to use the larger Aneros models without them slipping out. But this regimen then was exhausting, but necessary.

Then afterwards I began to let go and relax in my sessions. Things got much better for me in my sessions since then, especially when I added the Tempo to my sessions.

Now everything is effortless. I can concentrate now upon my models and what they do for me, especially feelings of pleasure. I can control my models without effort now, and this has spilled out even when I am in Aless!


P.S. I forgot to mention the role of rhythmic breathing in my sessions. Such breathing should not be forced, but rather easily and natural. Breathing naturally enters my working with the Do Nothing Approach and even activates the motion of my models. It is so uncanny!

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