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Hello im a beginner, i have some questions about the aneros

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I have recently bought the Helix syn model and started some sessions.

I think i have done 5-7 sessions so far, and some questions have aroused during my sessions. I would like the experienced people here, the ones that have really reached p orgasms, multiple orgasms and the big O orgasms to share some experience with me if possible. 

I already know that everyone is different, but i still want to hear your answers to each of this questions, so i can sum this things up for myself, and learn things from your experience.


1) How long were your sessions during your journey to get results?

2) how many sessions have you done per week?

3) did you watch porn in those sessions? did it help you? 

4) Is lube necessary? Im just putting saliva on the toy and a bit around the hole and im good to go, but maybe it impairs progress?

5) How hard are you squeezing inside your but to make it press on the prostate? i find my self squeezing pretty hard to enjoy the stimulation, i can actually understand how the orgasm builds up in the prostate, i do feel some mild sensations, but those sensations intensity got stuck somewhere, and untill now i couldnt really get past them. 


I would appreciate any answers from your personal experience.

Thank you!

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1. It took me 2 weeks to get any pleasure at all (it wasn't an Aneros brand name prostate stimulator). At about the 2 week mark, it was BAM! What just happened to me???

2. Most weeks, I get 2 consecutive days (I only use when I am alone at home).

3. I try to avoid porn as it interferes with my marriage, but being turned on to begin with will definitely get the ball rolling so to speak. To this end, cannabis helps, and though it's not about an erection/ejaculation, getting an erection will enhance what your prostate and perineum are feeling. Once you are erect, leave your penis alone.

4. YES, YES and YES!!! For 2 reasons: a) to reduce internal friction so as not to injure the lining of the rectum; and b) the more slippery, the freer the movement of the massager = +++++ O's!!!

5. While some "massage" from squeezing is a part of the pleasuring, it is often more pleasurable to move indirectly via such motions as laying on the side and circling the knees around each other; on the back tightening and relaxing your glutes, and even envisioning that you're making small circles with the perineum tab on the Aneros and focusing on that exquisite feeling....

As many on here have remarked, the prostate orgasm is surrendered to. Like a butterfly, chasing it will make it fly away; relax and let it find you.

Good luck!

P.S. I have a Eupho Trident and Progasm Ice. Your body will respond differently on different days, and being able to switch out different sizes will give you options.

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Posted by: @justarandomguy

1) How long were your sessions during your journey to get results?

Personally my Anerosessions averaged about 1.5 hours each. You can see what others had to say in the user poll -> How long is just right to ride your Aneros?

Posted by: @justarandomguy

2) how many sessions have you done per week?

Initially I did a session almost every other day, even did some sessions every day but as I gained experience the frequency became less as I realized I was trying to force things to progress and it was actually retarding my learning. Now I have one or at most two Anerosessions per week satisfying. You can see what others had to say in the user poll -> How frequently do you use your massager?

Posted by: @justarandomguy

3) did you watch porn in those sessions? did it help you?

I did initially but have found that it is a distraction. Porn before a session may help ignite your arousal but focusing on it during a session takes mental focus way from you attuning to your own inner feelings and sensations which are essential aspects leading to prostate orgasms.

Posted by: @justarandomguy

4) Is lube necessary? Im just putting saliva on the toy and a bit around the hole and im good to go, but maybe it impairs progress?

IMHO, YES, it is absolutely necessary especially considering the length of time these devices are in our anus/rectum. Saliva dries up very rapidly and is easily absorbed into the skin and rectal membrane mucosa, Adequate lubrication insures ease of movement for the massage action of the Aneros to work. You can read what other users have to say in a related user poll -> Is it enough to simply lube up the Aneros and the anus? Please also see the Lubrication section in the Getting Started portion of the Aneros WIKI.

Posted by: @justarandomguy

5) How hard are you squeezing inside your but to make it press on the prostate? i find my self squeezing pretty hard to enjoy the stimulation, i can actually understand how the orgasm builds up in the prostate, i do feel some mild sensations, but those sensations intensity got stuck somewhere, and untill now i couldnt really get past them. 

Everyone is different in this regard, as you get more experienced and attuned to yourself you will find that hard conscious squeezing is actually counterproductive, What you want to develop and encourage are involuntary muscle contractions, these need not be strong to actively move your massager effectively leading to prostate orgasms. As your focus ability improves you will find that stronger contractions are not necessary to feel/generate pleasure waves.

Good Vibes to You!

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1) 15-30 mins 1-2 times per day,A-Less.

2) 14-20 short sessions.

3) No,and it messes a lot of ppl up through distraction and pleasure centre damage in the brain. Imo,if you can’t get aroused without it,then you’ve got a problem.

4) Lube is you’re best friend.

5) Not very hard. And anchoring tension in the pelvic floor is more important. Just lift all muscles on a little bit,and try to never let it drop below this point. No need to gut wrench contractions,grow the sensations with arousal and focus.

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Thank you for all the answers!

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good luck. Pay attention to this forum and the wiki and it might not take you 12 years like me!

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