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Hello and a couple quick questions

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Hi there,
Wanted to introduce myself. I'm in my early 30s. I've very new to this. I first read about prostate orgasms in late November and I thought...hey that sounds like something I'd enjoy. I talked to my wife about it and she was very supportive. We have an n-joy pure wand and I played around with that a bit but think I was really going about it the wrong way. Trying to force things etc.
For Christmas my wife got me the Helix Syn. Yay! I've read through the wiki multiple times and understand better now the optimal way to try to make things happen.

I have two specific questions.

1. Does the rewiring start to wear off after long periods of time without prostate stimulation? Or is it like riding a bike where once you get it, you have it? I assume if you don't use it you lose it but how long would that take? If I'm away for a week or two weeks or a month am I going to be set back a lot? Just curious what other people have experienced.

2. I've done maybe 7 sessions with the Helix Syn so far. I've definitely been having good feelings but no orgasms (big or small). No worries; I'm just getting started. I Have never had any pain, even at insertion time. I've had very little leakage and no erections.

I have gotten to the place where I start to have involuntariness. But I feel like these involuntaries are happening as a result of my anal muscles getting fatigued. If I maintain a 20-30% clench for 30 minutes I think I start to get tired and then I start to shake. Is this what is supposed to happen? Are these the involuntaries I'm looking for or is this something else? They aren't more pleasurable than any other time but maybe that will change in the future. Also, I feel like at the point I start to shake and get involuntaries my muscles are tired enough that I can't maintain the clenching for very much longer. Is that normal or is this something that will go away once my muscles get stronger? Also, if these are the involuntaries I am looking for, as my muscles get stronger will it take longer to get to that point since it will take longer for my muscles to fatigue?

I apologize if these questions are answered in the wiki. As I said, I've read through it but didn't find the answers to these questions anywhere but I may have missed it.


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Hi Jim

Without answering any of your questions, are you sure you want what seems to be your real name as a user name on this forum? It means that possibly employers, etc, could find your posts here. Perhaps you've already thought this through, in which case, please excuse my intrusiveness.


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Welcome Jim. I guess you know how lucky you are to have such a understanding spouse. What a wonderful present to open on Christmas! My take on rewiring is that once you achieve it, you'll want to use it to have multiple male orgasms for the rest of your life so there's no likelihood of losing it. I could be wrong. I'm not sure what you're asking in the second question between contractions and shaking but I'm sure someone here will have a answer. You can also hang out in the chat lounge and ask questions. Best wishes.

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Yes. Some of what you ask is mentioned in the Aneros Wiki. I'm also early 30s and really just starting out as of Summer 2014. I've also been able to achieve the Super-O since September.

(1) I think most users believe that rewiring is a permanent thing. Like weight training, you can lose strength gains if you take too much time off, but increasing your sensitivity will be much longer-lasting. With regular practice (2-3 times a week), over the next weeks to months, your anus and PC muscles will become more toned than they've been in your life. As you make these gains, your involuntary contractions will become stronger and deeper.

(2) Some men, not all, experience leaking and erections. It depends on your feedback response and arousal.

You are definitely on the right path if you're exhausting your muscles and achieving involuntary movement. Some users discourage expecting anything in particular about the Super-O. They say to just let it happen in it's own time and way. But I've found that I've also made progress by emulating others' experiences from videos and writings. Maybe check out some of the blogs on this site.

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First: Your "bike example" is very close. Heightened nerve sensitivity (inner ear in the case of the bike and prostate with the Aneros.) The difference is that your inner ear was 'activated' when you first stood alongside a table and took your first step. Your prostate sensory nerves have been pretty much asleep.
Second: For a given Aneros tool your body/brain/prostate is slowly learning the static position of that tool in relation to the nerve structure surrounding your prostate. It is also learning a range of motion for maximum pleasure (just two or three millimeters for most guys). This is why most of us suggest not swapping tools until you've had two or three dozen sessions over a period of several months.

Once you've found and stored that data in your brain, you will relax more and more and allow your ano-rectal muscles (most of which are beyond your conscious control) to function in "automatic."

Eventually, you will not initiate movement. You will just think about the intention to contract and that "intent" will be sufficient to open your session.

This "neuroplasticity" takes some time to develop. For me it began to appear in my ninth month. (I had changed tools four times and started with a dominant, controlling personality that initially overrode everything subtle.)

Meanwhile, enjoy and cherish the feelings you experience and share those with your wife. Find lubes that agree with you and join Aneros Chat to share your progress.

Relax, breathe, and don't "chase" the orgasmic feelings. As in most sports requiring Jedi precision, allow the feelings to come to you.

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@Rook Very well said. I like what you said about the science behind what is happening in your body as the the months progress.

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@Darwin - Jim Malone was Sean Connery's characters name in "The Untouchables". Thanks for your concern though 🙂

@Rook - Thanks! Great advice. Yeah, I have been chasing it a little bit. And I also have been finding myself holding my breath at some points. I'll have to be more aware but I feel like I'm making good progress and it's definitely been an enjoyable experience so far.

@Thugofalltrades - Thanks! Yeah, had another session today and I started getting involuntaries almost immediately and there's no way my muscles were tired out yet. I also got a lot more leakage today than usual so I guess I'm on the right track.

@Euphemistic - Yes! My wife is the best; no doubt about that. I'm sure you're right too about not losing the ability because you'll be doing it often enough. I hear it has some good health benefits too.

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Jim...Congrats on your journey thus far! Great advice given above! Much more fun to come! Enjoy the journey and as Rook so aptly stated..."Relax, breathe, and don't chase the orgasmic feelings..."


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@jim-malone1234: I want to welcome you, too. I also started with Helix syn. For me, it was a great introduction to the sensations of anal/prostate stimulation and it gave just enough "hints" of good things to come after 2-3 months. Try something that I have found very helpful and pleasureable: Visualize the device moving inside without physically moving it--sliding in and out, and what the device is touching at any point. This not only encourages the involuntaries, but allows you to relax from the physical clenching which can be fatiguing. Enjoy. BTW: down the line--my wife appreciates when I use a device during our lovemaking. For this, though, the Progasm Jr has been the best for me. I had tried the Helix Syn and I noticed some vague discomfort with it. But the PGjr has been great. But that's only after you've achieved your re-wiring. Focus on the basics before moving on and upwards. Enjoy.

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@Armon-neat - Thanks! I'll give that visualization method a try! Sounds like it could be helpful. I plan to use it eventually during lovemaking. I just want to figure it out first before I bring my wife into the picture. It would be too distracting to try to properly learn to rewire while having sex at the same time. I'm sure down the road it'll come into play though. I've often wondered, and maybe you can answer this as a person who uses your massager during sex, can you have sex while you are having a super-o? If they can last as long as some people say (10+ minutes) could you conceivably have sex while having a super-o? Or would that just cause you to have a quick regular orgasm and then you'd be done?


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@jim_malone_1234 I totally agree with your working on your own re-wiring before trying any of the devices during lovemaking. Of course, broaching the whole subject of use of Aneros during sex has to be a very well thought out decision, based on your relationship and mutual trust. My wife knows I have the device and use it, but she neither asks or wants to know if and when I do. . I'm sure, though, that she knows when I am (either anerosing during our lovemaking or using Viagra--or occasionally both!).As far as "superO" during lovemaking, I cannot give you any real "objective" information. I do know that some of my lovemaking with the PGjr in have been extremely good--some of the best of my recent life (again, I'm a bit of an old codger here), and I know that they were good for my partner. The orgasms were extremely strong, slow in building and very slow in letting go and were entirely enjoyable. When I had first tried it with the Helix, though there was significant discomfort or at least a sense of the device that didn't allow me full concentration on the matters at hand. But PGjr was a lot more lovemaking friendly to me.

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