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Helix syn V

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Has anyone bought an syn V? I’m wary as anytime I’ve tried anything that vibrates,it’s eventually numbed the buzz. The wife bought me a vibrating dildo,but it didn’t work out. Seems ok at the start but then creeps over like a local anaesthetic. 
She’s shopping for some new models to play with,but maybe should miss that one out. Is there a funky reason why vibrate should work with a HSV

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Posted by: @helghast

Is there a funky reason why vibrate should work with a HSV

All speculations here, here's my best shot :

Well if the vibration patterns are varied and not too strong, this might work without inducing numbness. Like you I never had great success with vibrations, bought some expensive toys but no luck, or if I want to be completely honest, sometimes it works okay, sometimes things just go numb, and it's too hit or miss for me. I also own the original Vice and sadly it does not stay in place when things get serious, so my focus on keeping it in detracts from letting go. This one should be better in that regard. 

The regular Syn Trident is 70$, you get the option of vibrations for 30$ more, which I think is a bargain for a premium prostate vibrator if you start shopping around and looking at prices. Then you get the option of turning it off when you start getting involuntaries, this makes it pretty unique compared to all the other toys out there that are not self-propelled. Guess we'll have to wait for some users to report back to see how good it is. 

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Does the Syn V not come with a remote? I figured it would be an obvious addition, but the product page doesn't mention it. Having to reach around and manually cycle through all of the speeds/vibrations sounds like kind of a buzz kill.

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@zentai yea I just wondered is all. Many comments over the years about vibes killing the buzz. Can’t work out how aneros have gotten around this.

@truenorth Agreed,I think you pick a pattern perhaps and off you go. It does say hands free so mustn’t have a remote. Odd though because nearly all vibrating toys have a remote lol.


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Yeah I was just thinking out loud, if it has a plastic core like the regular Syn, the vibes should carry pretty good trough this but with some damping from the coating, how it's built internally might be part of the 'secret' here, plus the body is pretty thin, so perhaps a stronger vibe is not needed? Anyway, whatever they did, I hope it helps guys 'get over the edge' hehe.  

I wonder if Aneros Team can chime in about this without revealing the proprietary stuff, like what makes this design special?  


Aneros Team
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Posted by: @helghast

Is there a funky reason why vibrate should work with a HSV

Zentai has this right, high intensity vibration can yield a desensitizing effect particularly when coupled with a static (continuous) vibration pattern.  This is essentially the theory behind therapeutic vibrators for the relief of pain.  Dynamic or variable patterns (patterns with peaks and valleys)  coupled with lower intensity vibration, avoid overwhelming sensory nerves, allowing them to partially recover during a cycle of stimulation.  As some of you may know, prior to working for us, our Product Development Manager created some of the earliest threads and posts in this forum on the topic of vibration and prostate massage, under the name B Mayfield.  In a nutshell, he was not in favor of it, certainly as it existed back in the day. In designing the Helix Syn V he sought to find levels of vibration that emphasized the stimulating effect while avoiding the numbing effect.  Specifically he was looking for a low level of vibration that promoted sensation without becoming obtrusive. The Helix Syn V's low speed mode provides modestly elevated stimulation, a level that indeed promotes more sensation while allowing the user to maintain full awareness of movement and responsiveness to contractions. Think of this as a “power assist” setting, some background rumbling terrific for Super O sessions and specifically designed for those who enjoy subtle stimulation. Medium speed is more than double the intensity of the low setting, yielding stronger stimulation while still providing an awareness of movement and responsiveness.  A terrific setting for both Super O and traditional (non-ejaculatory) sessions.  High speed is almost 3 times the intensity of medium and is specifically designed for those who enjoy high energy vibration. (Note: this speed may cause some desensitization and should be used sparingly for Super O sessions, (a spike to send you over the top) or in the context of a session where a traditional orgasm is desired.

With respect to a remote control, unfortunately the technology isn't currently available to create an ultra-compact massager like the Helix Syn V with this capability.  Bear in mind, the Helix Syn V is only slightly larger than a Helix Syn...there's simply no place to put the components needed for this.  On the matter of the onboard control being a "buzzkill" there wasn't one member of our testing group that felt so.  Hope this answered some of your questions. 


Your Aneros Team



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Thank you for your prompt and insightful reply. Perhaps we could be swayed to give it a go.

Im still surprised in these technological days a remote can’t be figured,but it is what it is.I’m sore remotes will come in good time. 


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Thank you for the long comprehensive response, @aneros-team.

It sounds like a good toy, especially the low setting, and if it doesn’t work for someone, it still can “work” without vibration. 

Aneros Team
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Posted by: @helghast


Thank you for your prompt and insightful reply. Perhaps we could be swayed to give it a go.

Im still surprised in these technological days a remote can’t be figured,but it is what it is.I’m sore remotes will come in good time. 


If you examine the profusion of prostate /anal devices with remotes on the market today you will see they have several things in common. They are non-interactive, considerably larger than the Helix Syn V, with conspicuously larger bases. With respect to the latter, this is where the components necessary for remote capability are housed.  In the case of the VICE 2, although it took some engineering, the size and conformation of the original VICE allowed sufficient area to make this possible.  As we were developing the Syn V it became clear that providing remote capability would change the look and the performance of the product substantially, given current technology.  Ultimately, we weren't willing to sacrifice either of those aspects.  Rest assured, as there are further advancements, we will work quickly to implement them.

As it stands, the Helix Syn V is quite an achievement, once you experience it, we're sure you'll agree.  It has power, a wide variety of vibration patterns, and an impressive battery capacity (up to 6 hours on a single charge on low speed) all in an ultra-compact, highly interactive Helix Syn Trident design. In staying close to the original specifications of the Helix Syn Trident, the Helix Syn V works equally well when it's powered off, making it a very versatile product as well. Slightly larger, it has a feel that is more robust, but equally responsive.  Check it out!  And if you haven't done so already, be sure to enter our Helix Syn V Giveaway.


Your Aneros Team


This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Aneros Team

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I ordered one. It arrives on Saturday. I am likely to give it a try on next week Monday or Wednesday. The low settings sounds like where I want to be already. I'll post a review once I spend some time with it.

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@darkbond I’ll look forward to your report!


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Been thinking of buying a Helix syn and have also been experimenting with vibration so I sprung for the Syn V. It's been a long journey for me and I have yet to have a super O. I feel I'm getting close though so hopefully this will help push me over the edge!

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