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Helix Syn not deep enough

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I've had slow progress, but progress, and got the NJoy Wand. After playing around, I quickly realized I have to insert the Njoy in between 4-5". That is the insertion depth, not along the length of the device's curve.

The 3.5" maximum insertion depth of the Helix is too limited. I have received some benefit from the Helix, but the only way is through extreme flexing in order to pull it in deep, with the tabs and arms fighting.

I'm planning on getting a Eupho and Progasm after taxes. Or should I get the Jr? The Pro sounds quite girthy, but it does have more depth. Hopefully one of those will work. But are there any recommendations to improve the usefulness of the Helix while waiting these next few months?

Update: Wife surprised me and ordered Eupho, Pro, Pro Jr, and Periodise. Monday! Maybe something will work, maybe they won't. But I'll learn more through playing around. She loves how the Helix has helped me and us.

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I think it's possible you're hitting something else that isn't the prostate. I've put the thick end of the pure wand in pretty deep, and there is something intense up there... but it's definitely not my prostate. The problem with locating the prostate is that it doesn't jump out at you the second you touch it... you have to be engaged with it for a while before it really makes itself known, which is pretty annoying because how are you supposed to know you're in the right spot to begin with?
The other thing is the purewand can apply a huge amount of pressure, which can easily shout-down more subtle sensations (that might build)... and I've done that to myself plenty of times too... sending myself into a cycle of pushing harder, hunting further, and ending up nowhere.

I recommend the Eupho, probably the most solid purchase in the whole lineup. Keep your Helix too, since you might discover interesting sensations lower down, and wish you had something to "scratch" it with. Things change, don't give up on your lower rectum just yet.

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Posted by: @clenchy

I recommend the Eupho, probably the most solid purchase in the whole lineup.

Agreed ! The Eupho does feel like it reaches further too, it's a very good companion to the Helix. 

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Posted by: @zentai
Posted by: @clenchy

I recommend the Eupho, probably the most solid purchase in the whole lineup.

Agreed ! The Eupho does feel like it reaches further too, it's a very good companion to the Helix. 


The Maximus isn't a bad choice either if you like more girth than the skinny Eupho.  They both (and my HS) have their places in  my collection.

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Was under the same impression for a long time that I wasn’t in deep enough! Then i purchaseda lube shooter and things came alive! Even Eupho and Peridise started to work their magic! Still like the fullness of ProgasmIce and MGX and occasionally NJoy pure wand! Have noticed since using the lube shooter that HelixSyn will slide in to the max and hook itself in place and then the flexible tabs work their magic! The K tab in particular has awakened the area by the tailbone providing immense pleasure! This all has occurred after almost five years so keep experimenting!!

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Posted by: @fred27

Was under the same impression for a long time that I wasn’t in deep enough! Then i purchaseda lube shooter and things came alive! Even Eupho and Peridise started to work their magic! Still like the fullness of ProgasmIce and MGX and occasionally NJoy pure wand! Have noticed since using the lube shooter that HelixSyn will slide in to the max and hook itself in place and then the flexible tabs work their magic! The K tab in particular has awakened the area by the tailbone providing immense pleasure! This all has occurred after almost five years so keep experimenting!!

Indeed.  There are other things you could try without buying a different model.  I have most of the different models and they aren't too different in terms of length.  There's even a milestone that states 'No longer believing that "...this model doesn't fit me..."'  Unless your anatomy is that far off the norms that holds true for my experience. 

You also haven't told us how long you've owned the Helix, and how frequently you use it.  How exactly do you use the pure wand?  How vigorously?  You must have some anal experience but I wonder if the sensations of the Helix are going to be similar enough that you'd recognize them.  These are all factors that might determine your level of success. 

It's possible that the helix is not right for you at the moment and that another model might be better but I'd caution you against the mindset that the solution is the toy you don't have.  After buying now 6 other models the Helix Syn Trident is still the one I go back to most frequently and get the best results. 


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Posted by: @fred27

Was under the same impression for a long time that I wasn’t in deep enough! Then i purchaseda lube shooter and things came alive!

This! Being well lubed up is crucial! 🙂 It isn’t possible to overstate the importance of lubracation.


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While only the 3rd time that I used the NJoy, I inserted it just past the logo and found a spot that gave me a bunch of intense dry orgasms. Measured out, it works out to about 4", but I found myself stroking just past that ideal location for the full effect. Though I doubt I go anywhere near 5". I just used 4-5" as the idea of 4"+. So anyways, about 4" in is a spot that resulted in lots of great orgasms. And when I pressed firmly on the spot, water milky fluid came out. I assume prostatic fluid. But the Helix has a MAXIMUM of 3.5" insertion, and that's assuming its nearly getting sucked in.

I was also able to have a similar orgasm with the Helix when I pushed it deeper with my fingers. Of course I couldn't push much more than the 3.5" that it allows, but it was just enough to get a very mild feeling of something that eventually built up to an orgasm. There is no way I could get it in that far hands free. Yet alone have any use of the tabs because they don't do much when it's bottomed out. /pun

Plus, the Helix is very uncomfortable and can hurt if I don't have it pushed in far. It seems to have some strange orientation that feels like it's poking me if I only insert it relaxed. I have gained enough muscle control and strength to flex some muscles that feels like it's rotating backwards and in deeper. Then it feels good and natural. But if I relax for even a minute, the arms pull it back out and it changes position and again starts to feel discomforting. And can lead to raw pain if I try to do kegels too strongly in this position for too long. I read somewhere about Aneros that getting  the massager wedged "under" the prostate can cause discomfort and pain.


Been using the Helix almost nightly for several months. My prostate just woke up in its own after some non-anal sexual play and if I didn't ejaculate before bed every night, it'd wake up me. I don't do well in 2-4 hours of sleep. Doctor says everything is physically fine. The NJoy I rarely use since it is easy to get wrong. I use it primarily periodically to re-explore to see if I find anything new. I've only had 2 times where I had any success, and I have not been able to replicate it. I can't seem to consistently get the depth and angles correct. The Helix is still my fav because it's low risk and easy to use, not to mention hands free. Any discomfort I may get from being overly aggressive is very transient, except in the early days before I had a lube shooter....

I'm at a point where I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to aless involuntariness. The Helix has been a great help and has allowed me train my body and mind, but that cluster of orgasms I got that one time from the NJoy at a depth just beyond the reach of the Helix has made me question.


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Posted by: @6dae3a828411


While only the 3rd time that I used the NJoy, I inserted it just past the logo and found a spot that gave me a bunch of intense dry orgasms. Measured out, it works out to about 4", but I found myself stroking just past that ideal location for the full effect. Though I doubt I go anywhere near 5". I just used 4-5" as the idea of 4"+. So anyways, about 4" in is a spot that resulted in lots of great orgasms. And when I pressed firmly on the spot, water milky fluid came out. I assume prostatic fluid.

From your description I am almost certain what you were doing was 'milking' your seminal vesicles which are (deeper in) above the prostate and forcing that fluid down through the prostate, simultaneously stimulating it as well. You are correct that the Aneros massagers won't normally reach the seminal vesicles. Hence, full seminal 'milking' is difficult to accomplish with Aneros use, but Prostate Milking is possible with some training.

Good Vibes to You!

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It wasn't so much that I felt the prostate, but that I felt like ejaculate was getting pushed out, but it turned out only to be a thin watery milky liquid. If I went even further back just a bit more, I got actual normal looking semen to come out.


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Posted by: @rumel

forcing that fluid down through the prostate, simultaneously stimulating it as well

Ahh yes. Correlation, not causation. I didn't think about this. I'm not entirely sure how all the plumbing generally works. I will definitely reflect upon this when trying to figure things out.


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I too thought the helix was just a touch short. I also wanted something to push more firmly onto the prostate(putting a finger under the P-tab would usually do this), but I could get good things to happen with it. The eupho hits deeper and farther forward than the helix, and I knew I was on to something with it. Mobility is the Eupho's forté.

I decided to get a Progasm and a Maximus, and let me tell you, the Maximus is where it's at. Similar curve and length of the Eupho, but with a little more girth than the Helix. 

That being said: learning to do more with less, like the helix, will pay dividends, especially when you use the eupho where good muscle control is key.

Keep on riding!

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I just received the Eupho, Pro, Pro Jr, and Peridise last night. The Pro Jr reminded me the most of the Helix and worked very well. Instantly noticed it pressing in a not overwhelming way. The Pro might be a bit much right now. While I did notice it right away from a pressure standpoint, it didn't have much way of rocking movement for me. Possible muscle control and strength is needed to fully appreciate it. The Eupho was actually the most immediately noticeable and gave me the most effect, even without trying anything.

The Jr gave faster first results, but the Eupho seemed to give better long term results. Both quickly resulted in involuntariness and worked well with the "Do nothing" approach.

The Peridise is an interesting one. I only used the larger one, but after just doing nothing for a while, it started to move around and felt like it was giving an in-and-out prostate massage instead of the typical back-and-forth prostate massage of the prostate massagers.

All 4 of these quickly gave me better results than the Helix, FOR ME. And at no point was I uncomfortable, unlike the Helix.

I only have a few hours of playing around and I felt like I just made a huge leap forward. I can't wait to get more time with each of them. I think I'm going to focus mostly on the Eupho as it's focused on more gentle sensations.


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Dudes,if there is no anchored tension,you could very well come up short.

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Posted by: @6dae3a828411

All 4 of these quickly gave me better results than the Helix, FOR ME. And at no point was I uncomfortable, unlike the Helix.


Don't dispose of your Helix just yet; as you gain more experience with your new toys, one day you may decide to pull it out of the moth balls and insert it.  That may be the moment you discover a new appreciation for the pure pleasures it's capable of giving you. 

Been there; done that.


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No plans on throwing it away. Ignoring that I would wouldn't waste something like that, I am a curious person and it would drive me batty if I wanted to revisit it to try to better understand why it does or does not work for me.

The Helix was still been an overall win. I have no regrets getting it. Money well spent. It just isn't as good for me as some of the other options, for reasoning I don't 100% understand yet.


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As @ggringo said, hang on to that helix because it will sneak up and light you up one day should you try it again. Not surprised to hear about the eupho, it surprised me the most once I tried it. I will literally go from the maximus or PG to the eupho for my next session and it will knock my socks off, lol. Switch up positions, too. I've sat on my heels with the PG and a C-ring and had some great HFWO, as thrusting/gyrating gets it moving.


Sometimes you will get a mood: mobility or fullness and pick which one will do it for you at the time.

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Posted by: @6dae3a828411

It just isn't as good for me as some of the other options, for reasoning I don't 100% understand yet.

Every single of my Aneros models have been, at times, my best working unit and at other times, my worst.  There are no specific reasons; I can only attribute it to my prostate's preference du jour.

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I hated the original helix until recently,just move on don’t waste time with it,and come back to it when you’ve got your shit on lock.

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Posted by: @helghast

Dudes,if there is no anchored tension,you could very well come up short.

I had to look up "anchored tension" and finally found the write up https://community.aneros.com/community/general-discussion/a-simple-prostate-orgasm-tutorial/

Not sure if coincidence, but I just had another major milestone last night after trying this technique for the first time. And that was just the first time.

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Glad to hear this,I wrote that post and a few guys have made some great progress from it. Nothing better that journeymen reaching the next progress  milestone 🙂


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