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Helix Classic, My New Impression

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so my third session with he Helix Classic proved FAR better than the first two. While the tiny p-tab is too tiny and only makes contacts with medium hard sphincter contractions. The "head" of the Helix and it's presses on nerve bundle just right and trigger far more involuntary anal contractions and flutters far better than my ol' SGX. Just relaxing and letting things take course had the session last a wonderful 2 hrs of many mini O's and multiple dry orgasms, and a few big "boom" "calm seas" super-O's. Refraining from drinking fluids a few hours before the session really alleviated the urge the pee sensation.
Nipple stimulation assisted things along as usual. Mere touching of the inner thigh helped to trigger *a lot* of P-waves that quickly ramped up into dry orgasms. Finished the session with only stimulation of skin of my testicles which sent me into a Super-T orgasm, didn't even stroke the penis even once. Possibly it being 14 days since my last Aneros session or any penile stimulation contributed to this one being so very wonderful Aneros session with the Helix Classic

So overall it's seems I've gotten the "hang of it" now. That tiny p-tab is still a bit to small. Going to see if the medical dropper bulb placed on it will help with it's lack of contact. I guess it's like learning to ride a bike, one may fall off and scrape the knee a bit, but with a bit of skill, balance, and patience one can have a really fun "ride" eventually.

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