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Garlic FTW

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I recently saw a documentary, the truth about food. They claimed that eating raw garlic will increase bollodflow to the penis and help peopel who cant have an erection to have one. I figured that if it helps for the penis it could help make my prostade more sensitive to since it is in the same region. So far i have been at it for two weeks and i notice results. I dont know if its the garlic or if its just the placebo effect. It would be nice if some more people could try it and see if it helps.

This is the documentary i saw:

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I have a tub of 300mg odor controlled garlic pills, I'm going to start taking them everyday and see what happens

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I'm not 100% sure but i think it has to be fresh garlic. The interesting
substance is allicin and for some reason it doesnt work well in

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Well, to be quite frank, f*ck that. I would rather have decent breath.

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garlic helps fight cancer promotes overall wellness, its a detox, just put a little in your spaghetti sauce or whatever you eat that's hearty! Also helps metabolism too

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Yep the allicin is the key active ingredient. In order to activate it, it must me mechanically mashed. In other words, chewed to become effective.

B Mayfield
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If it's true that garlic is a home remedy for erectile dysfunction it would seem that it comes at a price. Can't imagine that too many partners would want to be intimate with someone who chews large amounts of raw garlic every day. I'd also be concerned about this causing gastric distress. There are many folks who have difficulty processing allicin rich foods (garlic, onions, leeks).

That said, if it's effective, it's nice to know that there's a natural alternative available!

BF Mayfield

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I "process" it quite nicely. Not too much effect breath-wise as most of the odor radiates from my arm pits for 24-30 hours after. It's a natural antibiotic though with the capacity to kill off some but not all intestinal flora -- suggest, go gently with garlic until you find some yogurt or other pro-biotic that will bring you back into balance.

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