Galactic Nips
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Galactic Nips

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Settle into your favorite spot.

Get the aless or aneros activated bliss going. Let the waves travel from ass, to groin, out into space, then through your skull, pulling your eyes into your sockets, sucking your lips into each other, down your back, and returning to your ass.

Keep circling, encouraging the waves of pleasure to wander. Feel your toes and legs join in. As each wave enters your skull, encourage it to tug at your nips, bringing them to attention. Your pecs help them rise to each moment.

Slowly and carefully, bring your arms across your chest to position your left hand high over your left nip, and left hand high over the right. Feel the nips yearn for their attention.

Choose your index or "fuck you" finger and with your eyes closed, bring it towards your nips. Where are they, exactly? Come closer, but don't touch. The nips yearning increases. As each finger gets closer, find them discovering the hairs of the areolae. Enjoy the quivers of pleasure.

When you can stand it no longer, let your finger find the extreme tip of each nip, now a tiny point on the erect edifice. This discovery will be a watershed moment, with waves of pleasure bringing your groin alive. Spasms will tug at your legs and balls. Your core tugs tight with each flip.

Imagine each stroke of the nip as mirrored in a phantom stroke of each side of your glans. Curse those suggesting leaving your dick out of this. It is all in - with the shaft encouraging with the flow of the blood of life.

Suddenly, stop caressing, and grab each nip violently, pinching the life out of it. Pause, and feel it desire you again. Now a flat tab of flesh, it wants you to caress it more. Make it satisfied.

Make your whole body satisfied.

Let it continue.


charlie5, mlmac, Ggringo and 12 people reacted
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Thanks for sharing this, and also, great writing, short and to the point(s) hehe. 

Posted by: @wallybanger

Imagine each stroke of the nip as mirrored in a phantom stroke of each side of your glans.

This is solid methodology and I feel everyone should work that nips-prostate-glans connection. Good stuff ! 

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This sounds fantastic! Great imagery.

Posted by: @wallybanger

Imagine each stroke of the nip as mirrored in a phantom stroke of each side of your glans.

For myself the nipples and prostate are connected. If I make circles on my nipples, I feel the same circles in my prostate. There is energy movement with this exercise. The only thing I'd add is to lock your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This closes the energy circle, and might amp things up a bit more?

This post was modified 3 years ago by zaqpol

myturnnow, Bill Bately, Helghast and 6 people reacted
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Cool write up. The nipple are connected alright. Everything is connected! I got great pleasure some stroking my sides with my fingers tips just after my nails had be cut and the edges were a little rough. I’d stroke upwards,turning my thumbs upwards and letting them brush over my nips at the end. Heaven.

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Yes. Sometimes when I'm feeling it with the nipple-prostate connection, I'll circle one nipple clockwise and the other counterclockwise, and often the contradiction makes me squirm and my legs will move inward or even cross. It's amazing what the body can do.

Zentai, Zentai and Zentai reacted
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