Frequency of use
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Frequency of use

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I'm curious to know how often everyone is able to use the Aneros and still have a good session. For me personally, I have to wait about a week between sessions. If I try to do them more frequently, the sessions are not as intense. 

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@Mercury , According to the user poll Frequency of Use about 1 out of 4 users has an Anerosession once a week, so you are definitely not alone in your frequency of use. As to how intense those sessions are, we really don't have any measures/polls for that.

You might be interested in the companion poll How long to ride the Aneros?, where there is a clear tendency to have Anerosessions spanning 1-2 hours.

Good Vibes to You!

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I have found the same experience. I have better experiences if I wait a week or more than if I have another session the next day or two. I think part of it is age, I'm 47 and things don't replenish like I remember when I was a teenager. It seems like after a session, I have a bit of a crash and have to "reset" back to normal.

I notice that if I go into a session feeling just "meh" about it, then the session will be the same. I also think part of it is your overall mental state. If you're feeling really good and relaxed, it's better. If you're feeling stressed out about work, kids, or whatever else is going on, it's a prescription for a lousy session. In the beginning, I remember the experiences were like no other, but now It's almost like my body has gotten used to it and is like, oh yeah, here we go again, just another walk in the park; sessions which are just "ok", but not spectacular.

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I guess it depends on the person whether frequent or more spaced apart sessions are better. Experimentation seems key in figuring out what works for oneself.

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I haven't found a happy medium. I have had delightful surprises after every night use and after waiting a week or two. Never has it been do intense as the first time I had a full body convulsing pleasure blissful crazy aneros addictive orgasm 6 months ago. I wish I could get back there again, but now I will occasionally have one where I feel pleasure, increased heart rate, pulsing out to my hands, fingers, feet and toes for a few minutes. I only trust knowing it was a real experience because of the pleasureful rumblings that happen half the next day before drying up. The first mind-blowing experience left me feeling those rumblings for a week.

I wish there was a formula for how often to have sessions.

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My general rule is twice a week,but that is depending on mood,time availible.I am retired so I can see where this would be different for working people with kids.If I go longer than 10 days It will take a couple sessions to get back in the groove.

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It can vary even with me. A while back I had 3 sessions on consecutive days and they were fantastic. However once a week seems to be what works best for me. 

I've had some intense experiences, but I don't think I've had that mind shattering full body orgasm I've read about. The journey is enjoyable nonetheless.

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