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Frequency of ejaculation

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Thought I'd share some thoughts about ejaculation and semen retention. I think I may have found a preferred frequency of ejaculation for myself, being once every four days. I get the urge to ejaculate by that point but it's long enough that I don't lose as much arousal from ejaculation. On one hand I think this may help me to not obsess as much about cultivating arousal, semen retention, and whether or not to finally have an orgasm. On the other hand, what if it's partly to do with addiction to porn masturbation and orgasm? The very thought of masturbating to porn at the four day mark will get my heart racing a bit. Maybe I'll get used to it and move on to five days or more? In any case, if I'm getting uncharacteristically frustrated at little things I'm going to go ahead and blow off steam instead of fighting against urges. 


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I’m in my early 60s and once a week seems okay but I am trying to figure out how to avoid it because it is just so depressing afterwards. I had never noticed how it saps energy before, until about 8 years ago, when I realized it had always happened but I had never gone more than a day without ejaculation so I never was in a position to realize how de-energizing it is.

I’m looking to improve on getting orgasms with semen emission but not all-the-way ejaculation so that it can reduce semen pressure but not result in post orgasmic fallout.

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Mid 60's here, Aneros use 4+years. 

I too noticed the after ejaculation blahs and usually needed 3-5 days to get any arousal to get any kind of pleasure from my Aneros use, and also lose of any A-less pleasure, that I usually can conjure up daily. This really made me careful about getting off.


I have evolved to edging....sneaking up slowly on PONR......really slowly reducing stimulation....stopping...starting....two fingers only near circumcision scar...  really relax any PC floor tension (even a bit of reverse PC peeing push)......   ease-up...stop/start many times......Eventually I may get a 'pearl' of seaman/prostate fluid.....stop..... start again... two fingers again.. .slowly.....another 'pearl'....OR maybe a dribbling-ooze of seamen draining out! (about 1/3 to 1/2 of normal orgasm  ejaculate).  This 'pearl's or dribbling seems to 'take the pressure off' (maybe like prostate milking). 

No after energy'blahs'.... Arousal continues to stay high for Aneros play or A-less pleasures.  Doing this every 2-3 days keeps 'the blues' away and I feel like a youngster again,  "always horny" This may not be true 'Seamen Retention', but maybe I get the same increasing arousal because SR is really about not using up the endorphin cascade cause by traditional WET orgasms.

This took some practice, but now I seem to not 'fall off the edge' most times.


Hope this helps

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That makes me curious... lately when I masturbate I go to the shower to finish up and use a finger to massage my prostate. The feeling upon getting close to the edge seems to spread to where I'm rubbing, but sometimes I let some semen out without quite going over the edge into ejaculatory orgasm. I kind of wonder what it would be like if I did that on purpose and then stopped without going into full ejaculation.

Then again, I'm also wondering again about not looking at porn as much and less overall stimulation as a means to increase sensitivity... I have something new to experiment with anyway.

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Posted by: @aneros_user88299

... sometimes I let some semen out without quite going over the edge into ejaculatory orgasm. I kind of wonder what it would be like if I did that on purpose and then stopped without going into full ejaculation.

@Jspad, what you are essentially doing in that scenario is prostate milking.
'Milking' your prostate and seminal vesicles of fluids, you can partially or fully drain both your prostate and seminal vesicles without triggering the ejaculatory reflex and the accompanying refractory period. You can read a short paragraph about Prostate Milking in the “Your Body” chapter of the Aneros WIKI. You can read a longer treatise on prostate milking technique and issues from Lady Lubyanka. There is also a well written blog by Andr. titled HOW TO MILK A BULL which gives step by step descriptions of the process.

For those of you interested in more information regarding prostate milking here are some links to articles/websites I've run across over the years which I found helpful in my learning.
1.) Self Prostate Milking for Health and Pleasure!
The male chastity community has developed a more focused interest in milking techniques/variations due to their limitation of traditional ejaculatory orgasms the following links are from such sites.
2.) Male Chastity Milking (Three Fun Ways to Do It)
3.) Different Male Milking Techniques for More Control
4.) A Lazy Domme's Guide - Prostate Milking

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel Thanks Rumel, I was just about to ask about that! I'm pretty sure I skip the refractory period since I can continue right after to regular ejaculatory orgasm. I just got done doing that in the shower to see how things go with prostate milking instead of ejaculation. Took a few times getting close to the edge, but it doesn't seem difficult for me to do on purpose.

I have a new tool in my tool belt to try out for a while.

After reading the Wiki link about prostate milking I read the part of how part of ability to ejaculate involves fluid pressure, and adequate milking can make a man no longer able to ejaculate. I wonder if this fluid pressure is what makes it difficult to resist the thought of ejaculation sometimes? I wonder if this will help me to stick it out longer than 3-5 days without ejaculating.


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Hi @jspad, it could be the right time for you to learn some basics about tantra, if you haven‘t already.

At least I myself can tell that I have got a lot of benefits from semen retention during my journey.

Tao Recommended Ejaculation Frequency to Increase Lifespan

"A man may attend health and longevity if he practices an ejaculation frequency of twice monthly, or 24 times a year. If at the same time he pays careful attention to proper diet and exercise, he will live a long and healthy life."

Sun Simiao

“A research published by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health found that after 7 days of not ejaculating, men’s testosterone levels reached 145.7% of the baseline.

Best vibes, Mart

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I tried that stuff for a bit, like masturbating slowly and mindfully and retaining semen and whatnot, but after a few days it gets more difficult. After a point I get to the edge within a minute or two, and the urge to ejaculate gets to me. Perhaps I'll get farther with prostate milking since it lets off fluid pressure. I think it may reduce that sense of urgency to get off.


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@jspad, it‘s partially a matter of mindset. If I only want to fuel my arousal, it feels easier to stop the stimulation and return to my errands before the urge to cum becums 😉 too strong. Keeping your fingers away from your frenulum helps a lot too. Good vibes! Mart

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@sowithoutaneros As far as mindset goes, I know that at around day 4 since last ejaculation I tend to get kind of grumpy. Today's day 4 since now that I think about it, not grumpy yet as far as I can tell. I usually don't get past day 4 or 5, so things might get interesting.


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Just turned 75 and I can tell you that my desire to masturbate has diminished and replaced by anal and prostate stimulation. Am 75 years young and had a vasectomy 40 years ago and have been rewired. I frequently do some type of anal/prostate stimulation every day and have not noticed any reduction in pleasure but rarely masturbate (four to six weeks on average). I do experience anal and prostate orgasms as well as intense feelings in my anus/rectum, perenium, prostate, and cock head!

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At around the 4th day or so since ejaculation I get to the point where thinking of porn, or even just ejaculation, can sometimes get my heart racing a bit. I think that my arousal typically has to do with fluid pressure and thus a sense of needing release, and I'm eager to find out what will happen when I go longer periods without ejaculation. I'm on day 5 now and I'm feeling ok. No strong urges or grumpiness, so I think that this experiment with prostate milking is going well.

I've got these frequent little muscle spasms around my prostate that I've experienced before, but it doesn't happen too often. No pleasurable sensation from it, but I wonder if this will evolve into anything else as I go further without full on ejaculation.


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Hi @jspad, as it surely makes a difference, are you willing to tell us your decade of life?

My sixth here.

Cheers, Mart

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26 year old as of a few days ago. Dabbled in Aneros for years but never seemed to get much farther than occasional p-waves. I'm hoping that semen retention and prostate milking can help increase sensitivity enough to get somewhere further.

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Not sure why my reply came out as one line in that little box, did I press the wrong button?

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I like to keep my prostate orgasms and penile ejaculations completely separate.  For one thing, ejaculating makes me lose interest while I can have numerous prostate orgasms and it only makes me want more.  I wouldn't consider myself tantric but I've gone from ejaculating every day to wanting to have several days of prostate orgasms before resuming penile ejaculation sessions.

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That's quite a story, thanks for sharing. And I agree about experimenting, that's been the greatest lesson I've been implementing since I resumed having Aneros sessions a few months ago. Everyone is different, and those that have issues with progressing over long periods of time probably just haven't experimented enough to figure out what works for them. I've found that letting semen out via "ruined orgasm" (stop just at the point of no return and let the semen ooze out) greatly diminishes the refractory period, and I feel more sexual in general doing this. I initially though maybe it skips it, but doing it too much does diminish sexual arousal so I am going to try using it sparingly when I feel as though I need release.

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