Freak of nature
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Freak of nature

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I just had my 3rd session and I don't think I can handle this anymore. The "feelings" are so intense its scary.

I put the device in, started on my back just breathing normally, to relax. Then began deeper breathing, and small contractions. I actually didn't think it was gonna happen so mentally I started to worry. I relaxed my mind, and just concentrated on being in the moment without a presumption of success. Then wham! The shaking started and my body just took over. I had to consciously stop my self so that I could breathe! This couldn't possibly be a Super-O, I'm sure. If this is just the precursor, I don't think I could handle a Super. This may sound counter intuitive, but how do I slow myself down so that I'm not afraid to use my aneros? The feelings literally frighten me! I've never really been into anal play so I don't want to hurt myself. Any advice?

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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

You apparently are one of the lucky few men who are inherently pre-wired for the Super-O experience. What you described was entering a FBO (Full Body Orgasm) a definite manifestation of a Super-O. You said “This couldn't possibly be a Super-O, I'm sure.” Really? How do you know that? Have you had Super-O’s before? and therefore know what it is?. I think it is much more likely that the intensity of these pleasurable reactions is coming as a surprise to your ego consciousness. I think you need to be very careful about trying to establish mental control over these feelings. Most of us have to learn how to “Let Go” of conscious control for the Super-O to occur at all, you seem blessed with the facility to easily “Let Go”.
Fear is an emotion generated by your conscious mind, not by your sensual body. You may want to think about why you are being fearful of these feelings before trying anymore sessions. Your body would not react with such pleasurable feelings if it were generating harmful sensations, on the contrary, if you were doing harm to your body you would most likely be in real pain. IMHO, you need to trust that your body and sub-conscious mind are working in harmony to bring you these wonderful, powerful sensations, not to your detriment but to your benefit.
There is very little likelihood your Aneros usage will cause you any harm if used hands free and without contact with external objects/surfaces.
You have entered a strange new world of sensory experiences and like Alice in Wonderland are now having to go through a period of adjustment to deal with these new feelings. This is all part of the normal re-wiring process.
As part of my "HypnAerosession" recording I included a continuous string of positive affirmations played subliminally to help men like you with these minor issues. You can read what those affirmations are in the thread HypnAerosession subliminal messages. My suggestion to you would be to read those affirmations to yourself several times before starting a session as a way of assuring your conscious mind there is no reason to be fearful, then enjoy the wondrous ride and see where it takes you.

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Hi again reddog_e350!

Well you certainly are on steep initial experiential learning curve! - particularly for an anal novice. From the beginning, my Super-Os have been FBO, full body orgasms, too. However I have had some previous experience with FBOs (see my blog ) and was prepared for them this time.

In addition the muscle spasms, which can inadvertently compress the chest and give you the sense of breathing constriction (although your body will insist on breathing), I also spontaneously have laughing fits, crying, and vocalizing loudly to the point of guttural growls and groans. I am curious as to whether, beyond the muscle spasms, you had any other manifestations? Your versions/variations of these sorts of things may appear more easily, if they are going to, as you are able to relax.

Relaxation, deep relaxation, and arousal going into a session are key strategies for most men. You seem to be suffering from the reverse version of the expectations problem of most men. Slow things down by relaxing, deeply. Perhaps try this partly by reading of others' Super-O experiences in the Sticky Thread about First Super-Os or in the Blogs here. Do you do yoga or any other similar discipline that includes deep relaxation?

There are other forms of prostate-centred dry orgasm besides FBO Super-Os. As you relax and your body gets comfortable with the general orgasmic energies (also throughout your body) driving these things, the calm radiant floating bliss of the Calm Seas Orgasms, "above and beyond" Super-Os may well be yours too, given your system's openness to all of this.

Since I have bad back, chest, neck muscle injuries, my body quickly quelled the more vigourous FBOs and seeks the CSO whenever possible instead.

Without YOU directing things (as rumel signals above), you will naturally just come to a friendly arrangement with your body and its new experiential preferences, as it/you rewire and integrate this wildly wonderful new dimension of your life experience!

the best relaxed bioenergetic experiences for you


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Thanks for the replies. I do have a type-a personality but have learned to manage it by quickly relaxing on demand. I use my relaxing music that play for clients during a massage. I guess the loss of control over what my body is doing is more of a mental release that I wasn't prepared for. I was open to the experience and approached without any expectations and I guess that receptivity is what allowed things to progress as quickly as they did. I will be taking a step back from my experiments for a while to kinda wrap my head around my new journey. I've scoured the forums and have come to the conclusion each experience is subjective. My fear comes from the unexpected rush of pleasure that is so atypical of all other sensual pleasures.

Thanks again rumel and artform for your insightful replies!


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