Five essential thin...
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Five essential things to do .

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I'm sorry but I don't like these posts. They presume to know what is best for other people. It can be daunting and worrying to read these posts as they may well have no revel acne to your personal situation. What is ok for one guy, may be totally useless for another. Every step is your own learning experience. Ok, you can get a useful tip here and there and sometimes a new idea can help. But they are not essential. Listen to your own body. Feel your own sensations. Wow that was nice! Can I feel that Again? Yes yes! There it is. Go with that and enjoy the moment, the present. Don't worry about what might happen in 20 mins time. Don't force things just enjoy the stroll. The walk in the woods. Smell the flowers. Sense the clean air and relax into the moment. You'd be surprised at what can turn up unexpectedly, just around the corner. But if the "weather" is not too bright or promising, there is always tomorrow. Oh yea, take a rain-coat. Could be a drizzle or a downpour or the sun might come out and fill your journey with light warmth and joy. Good one ye !

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Well said. It is a personal thing and it varies so much that there is no consistency between individuals experiences, glad you said this.

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The author of the post you are probably referring to is an experienced user and was simply giving his five essential things that work for him after much trial and error. I don't think he was presuming anything. The title of the discussion is "My 5 Simple and Essential Points for a Successful Session," not "Everyone's 5 Simple and Essential Points for a Successful Session." I'm surprised he's getting so much flack for what I thought was a helpful post. Everyone stating that posts like that are harmful to newbies are being a little condescending. They can think for themselves. If they follow his advice and it doesn't work, they can just try something else. If it does work, even better.

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It's not a competition and there's no exclusive inner circle to join.

Give it time. If you only learn 1 tiny nugget of info from a post then it's helped you. Baby steps...

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