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First time with Aneros, but it's nothing like my other prostate massagers

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So I have read everything in the wiki here and all I can find, but I still have a question/concern. I started with a prostate massager a few months ago. It is much larger in diameter than my new MGX Syn. The first unit has a vibration which I don't like, but it has a come hither motion that really gets the prostate. I do however have problems keeping the old one in place as it tends to want to back out. It also seems to only hit the prostate when pushed fully in. I have tried two sessions with the MGX and don't feel like it is hitting my prostate at all, and while it is easy to keep in, I realize that I do like the fuller feeling in the anal sphincter that the first unit provides, even though I use it to supplement penile masturbation and don't think it would ever .

So, If I stop using the larger unit entirely and keep using the MGX, will I eventually be able to feel the more subtle sensations in the prostate?

Is it possible that my prostate is further up than others and I need something longer?

Would trying something like the Progasm work better? Or will I be able with time to make the MGX work?

I certainly know that two sessions with the MGX is just a tiny drop in the bucket of the time it could take to experience any kind of Super O, but I thought I would feel at least something in the prostate.

Anyone else feel absolutely nothing the first several sessions but still start to feel it with more experience?

I am listening to the mindgasm intro videos that teach you to be able to contract and relax the PC and sphincter both together and separately and I at least feel the P tab pushing and releasing tension on my perineum, but feel nothing else.

I guess the main question is: Does feeling absolutely zero sensation in the prostate just part of the normal "it takes time" or is it an indication that I'm doing something wrong altogether?


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Posted by: @chiro972b

I guess the main question is: Does feeling absolutely zero sensation in the prostate just part of the normal "it takes time" or is it an indication that I'm doing something wrong altogether?

Yes it can take some time, and I think that if you're already used to more firm contact on the prostate, the much more subtle sensations form the Aneros will be harder to feel. It's unlikely that your prostate is too high unless you're really tall, I'm half joking but the average urologist's finger can't be much longer than yours or mine and it gets the job done. Best way to check is to stick a finger up there and compare with your toy's length, or compare with your MGX against your vibrating device and see what's up. It's *possible* that your prostate is higher or deeper and you'd want to confirm that if you think it could be an issue. 

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I had the same thoughts when I first started.  I got a couple prostate orgasms with the Rocks-off Naughty Boy which is such a poorly-designed thing that doesn't stay in, has weak vibrations, and poor battery life, but it's hard to argue with results!  My first 6 or so months with the Aneros I didn't feel much contact with my prostate, I thought the tabs weren't connecting properly to my perineum, everything else you're going through.  It was definitely a process for me of just trying to relax everything, and let the sensations come to you.  Some get it quickly and have a Super-O on their first few sessions, others like myself are still waiting for that after 2.5 years!  The thing is, I don't regret my decision to go this route, the journey has been worth it, and I've gotten some good sensations in nearly all my sessions.  I wouldn't consider most of them to be orgasmic but everything I've read here says it takes time and I'll confirm that it does get better.  Keep with it!  Celebrate every milestone, take notes, journal your experiences, etc. 

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Hello my friend.

Your experience with both devices sounds very similar to how I started my journey, for years (and I really do mean years!) I was under the misconception that I had to force out and batter the hell out of my prostate to achieve pleasure, how wrong was I? It's the complete opposite, you have to totally and utterly relax, be in a good headspace and be mentally turned-on, free your body and mind of all possible distractions, lock the doors, close the blinds and put on sound cancelling headphones. 

I find on my back with a rolled pillow under my bum helps position the massager onto my prostate.

Lie back relax and listen to your body, if you are in the zone you'll feel the most subtle of sensation deep inside your groin, almost like a dull ache, if that happens do nothing, just ride it. If you are feeling sensations let them build slowly and gradually, don't try to force them, by all means try a squeeze here or a push there but only with the minimum of effort, the secret to 'the journey' is to be soft and gentle, something us chaps aren't used to when it comes to self pleasuring.

Hope this gives you a helping hand, keep at it my friend, its worth it!

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