First involuntaries...
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First involuntaries (after two years of trying!)

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Wow, first involuntaries....exactly as described. I've been using for two years now i guess. What I thought were involuntaries before was only the "twitching". LOL

Involuntaries were GREAT! Now I need to try to reproduce them.

Will keep going just for the involuntaries alone! Although I do want to experience the alusive super-o.

For a while there I was thinking i just wasn't meant to experience anything. But good things come to those who wait.

Anyways, its been a while since I've been here and I just wanted to share my recent success.

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Wow! That's great to hear normaltype! Hopefully if you continue to stick with it, you can get even further to that elusive super-o (which I have not had the pleasure of achieving yet either). However, I have learned a lot along the way (only about a month so far), including the invoking of involuntaries. If you have just reached them, or may be having trouble reaching them again, let me share with you a passage from a thread of mine, from where I first discovered the secret to involuntaries (at least for me)

Over the past few sessions, I really feel like I have learned a lot about this, and am beginning to feel a lot less confused about technique and whatnot. 2 Sessions ago I had my first REAL involuntaries, and I was easily able to duplicate these again last night during a brief session. However, I do sort of feel that I could've easily reached these sooner had their not been so much confusion (or better stated, "lack of clarity") in many of the advise posts I read. Hopefully, I can clarify for others. For me, the key was to SEPERATE ANAL AND PERENIAL CONTRACTIONS. It seems like every post is plastered with instructions referring to anal contractions, and although they are important (especially during the focus/warm up period), I would say they fall a distant second to perenial muscle activity. So then, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, or haven't been able to make that seperation, let me try to explain. After your period of focus/warm up (the slowed breathing with timed contractions) we want to invoke our invluntaries. For me the easiest way to get used to this was laying on my back, with my legs up in the air bent at the knees (I layed on the floor of the bathroom and just rested my calves up on the edge of the tub), and here's why:

You know what it feels like when you are standing up, and have a semi-hard erection, where your penis is pretty hard but not standing at full attention? Now, when it's like this, you know how we can "flex it" to make it stand up at higher attention by squeezing that muscle? THAT'S THE KEY. That's the perenial muscle. Maybe even get a semi and stand up and try to flex it a few times to focus on that muscle and what it feels like. Now that you know that, let's get back to where I was, in postition on the floor.

This position works well for me because as I am erect laying on the floor like this, my penis now points upwards towards my navel, and gravity pulls it downwards towards my stomach. I find this works so well, because I can be FULLY erect, yet still have that feeling of pulling against something when I flex that perenial muscle to stand my erect penis back up, as if I were standing with a semi-erection. So, during your warm up, your anal contractions were likely exercising both your rectum and your perenial muscle. Now, for the main part of the session, I just focus ONLY on perenial. I'll start flexing the perenial muscle alone for 10-15 seconds. then release for a few, then flexing again and holding it. As I do this a few times, my penis starts to get really hard, and my anus automatically tightens a bit as the excitement builds. From here, it only takes a few seconds until the involuntaries begin. To get the involuntaries, I just hold the perenial muscle slightly flexed, and soon your penis will begin what I call "bobbing" up and down, sort of like the motion that it has when you are ejaculating. It's like a pulsing of muscle contractions in the perenium, caused by just holding a slight flexing of the muscle.


Like I said, I think a lot of people throw around a lot of terminology pretty loosely, and I think it tends to confuse others, or even delay their progress, so hopefully my post makes a bit of sense to you, and perhaps is even beneficial or helps you out on your journey. Keep us posted!

B Mayfield
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Great post! I believe what you're referring to as perineal contraction is more widely known as a PC or Pubococcygeal muscle contraction (sometimes aka. pelvic floor muscle). I just posted some comments elsewhere in the forum that might add some clarity.

Just so we are clear in our terms here; a true PC contraction is the kind of contraction that one makes when one is stopping the flow of urine. An anal contraction , is a contraction of ones sphincter as is felt when one "clinches" (it closes the anus shut, like when stopping a bowel movement and has the sensation of pulling in at the same time). A rectal contraction is typified by the sensation of "pushing out" as during a bowel movement. For most people engaging a PC contraction may also involve a certain amount of simultaneous anal contraction (as these muscles groups are closely connected).

BF Mayfield

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Originally Posted By: B Mayfield

Great post! I believe what you're referring to as perineal contraction is more widely known as a PC or Pubococcygeal muscle contraction (sometimes aka. pelvic floor muscle). I just posted some comments elsewhere in the forum that might add some clarity.

BF Mayfield,
That is exactly what I was referring to. It just seems that most people here on the boards refer to their perinium when discussing any aspect of that area, so I figured it would be easier for everyone to understand than just telling them to learn to seperate and use independent pubococcygeal contractions. Either way though, thanks for the clarification.. after all that was the main underlying intent of my post to begin with!


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Originally Posted By: dixiewrecked

Originally Posted By: B Mayfield

Great post! I believe what you're referring to as perineal contraction is more widely known as a PC or Pubococcygeal muscle contraction (sometimes aka. pelvic floor muscle). I just posted some comments elsewhere in the forum that might add some clarity.

BF Mayfield,
That is exactly what I was referring to. It just seems that most people here on the boards refer to their perinium when discussing any aspect of that area, so I figured it would be easier for everyone to understand than just telling them to learn to seperate and use independent pubococcygeal contractions. Either way though, thanks for the clarification.. after all that was the main underlying intent of my post to begin with!


i have been using for 18 months and in my exp what you are talking about never lead to any thing near an SO but only made the good sensations up to that point disapear and my prostate to go num and I had to stop the invols and relax to get any sensations again the only true invols come when you are just going into your asention to your SO and they come on all by themself . they start out as little tiny blips like a pulse of your heart beat and are very rapid and then they slow down and flow into the larger pulses or invols . I fell that if you consentrate on bringing on these invols you are talking about you will never get to the SO .the only way there is "less is more" by witch I mean lite contraction of the PC and lite adominal breathing thats what got me there after many wrong directions. also when you fell the need to tighten your stomach museles try to relax and just keep the lite PC tension it is very difficult to do but this allows the slow build up to your SO the waves of pleasure will come in ever increasing intensity until you reach the shaks or involintery pulses in your legs,toes,hands ,chest,jaw,eyes just about anywhere in your body but not ness the whole body your "invols" will come in there somewhere if you are lucky and take you to your SO . this is how it happens for me I wish you luck on your journey weather you take my advise or not if you continue to experiment and persist you will get there some day if you truly learn from your bodies reactions each time you try someting new it will teach you what works and what does not.If your level of pleasure does not increase with each wave you are going in the wrong direction. GO SLOW and learn from each session it is not easy to reach the SO but it is very rewarding when you do.

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