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First feelings from my prostate!

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I've been trying to find my prostate for years. I've yet to officially feel anything that I could identify as my prostate until recently. But Apparently I have a prostate and oh the feelings it can give! Feelings such as the sharpest pain I've felt in my life! I had been diagnosed with acute Prostatitis a few weeks ago. The doctor had to do a rectal exam and when he stuck his finger in, oh boy did I yelp in pain. Hollered and wailed. They gave me morphine for the pain. So I felt my prostate for the first time. Too bad it was extreme pain instead of even just subtle pleasure... I can't say my prostate has dead nerves like I had hypothesized. Now I'm scared to even try anymore.

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@lfriends5564 I'm sorry to hear about your newly discovered condition. Any idea what caused the Prostattitis? Apparently 5% to10% of such cases are caused by bacterial infection. Thank the stars it does not raise the risk of cancer. Hope you get well soon and get to feel your prostate in the good way (with Aneros). Good luck.

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@lfriends5564 I'm sorry to hear about your newly discovered condition. Any idea what caused the Prostattitis? Apparently 5% to10% of such cases are caused by bacterial infection. Thank the stars it does not raise the risk of cancer. Hope you get well soon and get to feel your prostate in the good way (with Aneros). Good luck.

@GGringo I assume it actually was just a bacterial infection. I tested for STIs and all were negative. It must have been a bacterial infection from sharing a toy. In hindsight, I knew anal toys shouldn't be shared but it was a heat of the moment thing and I wasn't thinking clearly. I actually asked to use the toy on me in an attempt to possibly feel pleasure by help of another. Nope. Nothing. It's a mystery I suppose... But in actuality, I think some men just are incapable of having prostate pleasure and I am one of them. I always tried to keep good thoughts and had no expectations, but this is approaching 10 years of trying. It's a wrap. Not even P-Waves or barely any pleasure tingles. I don't get much out of receiving anal sex either. I've tried SO MANY things, and it's almost officially insanity. You most likely heard the quote:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

This hits me so hard as to what I'm doing with Aneros. Except, I'm not really expecting different results. But I am hopeful for different results. Let's be honest, it gets pretty close to/intertwined with expectations if we want to get technical.

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