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Finasterside and Aneros?

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Hey all

I took interest in Aneros a few months ago and bought myself a Helix Syn. I've not used it often enough to have incredible results, but that's not to say I'm not benefiting from it.

Anyway, I'm considering going on Finasterside (propecia, proscar, fincar, etc) for my hair loss, which is a DHT inhibitor. While the drug is proven to help hair loss sufferers, the initial use of the drug was to shrink prostates in males with enlarged prostates.

Now, before I start using this drug, has anyone had any sort of negative experience relating to the aneros while being on Finasterside? Could it reduce, or even eliminate sensation in the prostate? There was one post in this forum that had said going off of it really boosted prostate sensation, but that's exactly it, just *one* post. Regardless, I'd be highly appreciative if anyone could share their experiences (if any) with this drug and how it has affected your Aneros sessions.


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I used it for BPH for a while. I didn't notice any effect on aneros. But at that dose it gave me gynecomastia, which was surprisingly nasty, and forced me off the stuff.

i don't know man... i am not you, but, i'd rather have hair loss than be on daily medication. half the world's dudes have hair loss, and most manage to make it look just fine. sorry, you didn't ask for my opinion.


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No, I didn't ask, but opinions are always welcome.

I'm already on a daily med, actually.

I'm just.. Basically, I'm going from looking really boyish to looking like an older gentleman within the duration of a few years. Such a drastic change is something I'd rather.. hold off on. Especially since I'm 19.


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I took it for a while due to BPH and had some pretty bad side effects. If you need to take it to manage your health, you are pretty motivated to make it work. It can help some men with enlarged prostates get their life in order. For a purely cosmetic purpose, I wouldn't take it. On the other hand, it did not impact my Aneros enjoyment.

I lost my hair a long time ago and early. Now I keep what's left short, and go for the "athletic" look. Instead of messing with a serious medication with potential side effects, be very glad you don't need it. I'm sorry this isn't the advise you hoped for, but the guys here give pretty darned good suggestions, usually based on a lot of life experience.

And, us older guys are really cool!


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Well, no doubt age does not make someone "cool" or not, but.. I feel like my youth has essentially been stolen away from me due to my hairloss. And living in a rural area as a gay guy, it's already hard enough to find someone.


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@coconut1 Dan, I know what you mean. When I came out I was living in a town in Connecticut in the 70s, without a gay bar even. And my hair was thinning since my 20s, well before I came out. I tried everything available to stop my hair loss. Like you I felt like my youth was slipping away, both with the hair loss and my advancing years. I tried minoxadyl, different hair cuts, nothing worked to my satisfaction. Now at 67 yo I have finally decided to shave off my hair and show off my nicely shaped head. I've started dating again since aneros awakened my prostate and have found men who are attracted to me. My point is that I made the most of how I look and found the confidence to be myself. Besides feeling my bald head turns out to be very sensuous.

Whatever you decide to do, be assured that there are other men who will be attracted to you. I know it's harder in a small town for anyone to meet someone. The feelings of losing your boyish good looks is hard but probably more in your mind and fears than in reality. It's a change in your personal identity when you look in the mirror which is very powerful but is more in your attitude perhaps than in the reality that is you that others see.

Sounds like finasterside is safe for your prostate and aneros experience according to the other commentators. If it's successful in restoring your hair, good for you. I'm told it's best to start these drugs while you're young for maximum results. The gyno effects would probably steer me away from them. Let us know how you're doing. Best wishes.

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@coconut1 here's my 2cents. Hair loss at your age certainly has an emotional impact far greater than for someone at, say age 55 (the age when I first had noticed it) so I would not presume I was in a position to tell you what to do. I am a physician (a diagnostic radiologist) who sees men with BPH in my consultation practice who are taking Finasteride , and from what I've heard described , I do not think I would use that very powerful drug unless I absolutely had to. BTW I am assuming that you've had some endocrinologist work up for your predicament, unless this Hairloss follows a familial pattern. Words are cheap, but I think I'd want to hear someone tell me ( where I in the same predicament )that I shouldn't let me coiffure or lack of it define me or dictate my happiness. The use of Finasteride may alter more than your hairline--libido, emotional stability can be affected (look at the list of side effects).

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I took finasteride for 15 years. Went off last year. I found that it caused subtle reduction of sex drive, less richness of sexual sensation, softer muscles, subtle depression and reduced manliness. It makes the prostate a bit less sensitive and horny, too. I was still functional, just reduced spark. My performance was fine, drive was a little sub par. It subtly 'nutered' my drive while allowing most function.

I started it at a young age (21) going bald early and freaking out about it happening so young. I feel your pain, bro. But looking back... The hair wasn't as helpful at getting laid as masculine energy, and I would say that finasteride wasn't a help... More of a subtle handicap. Going back, I likely wouldn't have started it but just worked on being as masculine as possible and I'd have gotten way more sex.

A few months after going off finastetide I got a blowjob and the richness of the natural sensations blew me away. It was like the difference between oral with a condom and without.

After going off Fin I lost a little bit of hair but nothing dramatic. At this point, 38, I don't care too much and place more value in my masculinity and sensual prowess than my appearance. Going bald sucks but I won't let it control my life or how I think of myself

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It can reduce libido and make your manhood feel a little numb. I am not sure about prostate stimulation.
I haven't had the experience of trying both simultaneously as they did not overlap in my life, but I did use Finasteride for about a week before quitting it. Besides the sexual side effects, it made me incredibly depressed. Some guys seem to function ok on it, but it was a horrific pill to me.

I am also a young guy, albeit in my 20s, and was also afraid of losing my hair. It took me a few days personally to say forget that drug and let the cards fall where they may. It is your choice to make, you know what is best for you, but be prepared for the potential side effects.

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I nearly lost my dad to prostate cancer over ten years back, but thank the Lord he's had a miraculous cure and doing well into old age. I got started in those years on finasteride and then Avodart just to see if I could stop hair loss and about that time his urologist got to talking to me about my prostate health and I told him about doing this and he encouraged me to continue it to keep my gland small and healthy. I've done so with hair loss stopped and with a healthy small prostate gland the result over these years, then discovered the Aneros about 5 years ago. Took me months before I got the hang of having super-O's and over all, though I haven't tried it both ways, I'd have to say my success with the Aneros is so good that I wouldn't imagine that use of finasteride or dutasteride (Avodart) affects it.

At the smaller dose you'd take finasteride for hair loss prevention, I'd think you'd pose no problem to enjoying the unique sensations of prostate stimulation and massage that the Aneros provides.

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