Hi fellas,
I have been stagnant in my journey for a while now. I regularly got some nice feelings, but not to the level of orgasm.
I thought that the problem might be that my aneros devices do not seem to be moving much during the sessions. They just seemed stuck there no matter how much lube I used.
So I bought a sponge used to clean the shoes, ripped it away from the plastic, washed it, and cut an appropriate size piece from it (see attached picture). I cut a hole in one side so it would be mountable on an aneros p-tab.
I tried it out today for the first time. And holy shit! It blew my mind. First I tried eupho, and my orgasms were very vocal and sensual. Then I tried progasm jr, and I thought I ruined it because suddenly I couldn't feel anything. And then it hit me like a train. I was shouting and moving like I was being fucked by the Flash or something. The sponged worked perfectly. There was so much more movement!
Cool to see this! Congrats!
Hi fellas,
I have been stagnant in my journey for a while now. I regularly got some nice feelings, but not to the level of orgasm.
I thought that the problem might be that my aneros devices do not seem to be moving much during the sessions. They just seemed stuck there no matter how much lube I used.
So I bought a sponge used to clean the shoes, ripped it away from the plastic, washed it, and cut an appropriate size piece from it (see attached picture). I cut a hole in one side so it would be mountable on an aneros p-tab.
I tried it out today for the first time. And holy shit! It blew my mind. First I tried eupho, and my orgasms were very vocal and sensual. Then I tried progasm jr, and I thought I ruined it because suddenly I couldn't feel anything. And then it hit me like a train. I was shouting and moving like I was being fucked by the Flash or something. The sponged worked perfectly. There was so much more movement!
Thanks for your suggestion on my thread, @pirontras.
What kind of sponge is that? I've never seen that for shoes - but could a sponge for washing dishes work at all?
I wonder, do you think the sponge acts a little bit like a spring?
I have noticed when using my Eupho trident that I get a lot of pleasure that seems to fade away,only to find that it is over a third of the way out.So at some point it is sliding over a sweet spot.I have a memory foam pillow that I don't like I am going to make a cushion for the p-tab.
@lonewolf8 I used this type of sponge, I'm sure you can find some even in the smallest super market -
As for the dish sponge, it very much depends on what you use. I think it would work. I chose the shoe sponge because it felt firmer.
And I absolutely think it works like a spring, and that is why it worked so well. It creates so much more movement. When the contraction happens, the aneros is drawn in a lot, but when the contraction relaxes, aneros gets pushed out further than usual. This creates a lot more movement.
I can absolutely say that the sponge was my breakthrough, because now in every session I get to at least moaning from pleasure state, even if I don't achieve a super O every time.
@pirontras Interesting, I never thought about the springiness of the sponge being a contributing factor! Different levels of give might affect this then. I am interested in getting one of these sponges myself, and might just run to the store now to see what's available! I was wondering if something like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser might have something approximating the appropriate density, as an alternative?
@faith-manages I think you will definitely get results with different sponges. As for Mr. Clean sponge - I have no idea, as I never had one. From the pictures it looks a bit too thin for aneros tab to be properly inserted.
When I first wanted to try more padding under the p-tab first I just used few sheets of folded toilet paper. Even with that I had results, but I wanted a bit more durable alternative (the TP wears out quite soon). I think you just need to do a couple of test runs to see what works for you - padding, springiness and all of these are adjustable and you can try out many materials to see what works. I went through a lot of used and unused items in my home trying to see what would work, so I'd say just have some fun with it
Evidently the forum hates me now. I promise I'm not a spammer...
@pirontras The Magic Eraser is large enough. For some reason the forum won't let me so much as attach a single picture so I don't know what's up with that... Anyway with the extra padding the head of my Helix definitely hits differently, and it felt different! Also I could be imagining it but I feel like there was more movement, and certainly when I pulled it out after 45-60min the entire thing was decently coated even through the stem protruding from my asshole. More movement but with the fulcrum softened it didn't hit nearly as hard, and I didn't get as hard either, but I did stay hard for pretty much the entire time. Anyway more experimentation is needed but my Psy did just arrive today...
I'm trying with pics one more time and then I give up. I made them rather small in terms of resolution and certainly it's under the 10MB limit in terms of file size!
A sponge or spacer on the p tab definitely improves the contact of the Aneros on the prostate - if you haven’t already tried it, you should! You will be amazed at the difference!