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Experiencing but not feeling?

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Odd sort of topic, but I'm sure a fair few are familiar with the matter at hand.

Background: a couple of weeks ago I had a taste of the prostate's magic. I have owned an Aneros for a while, and have used it on and off without real dedication to savoring what it might offer. This has changed recently, and during a particular session, I began to heavily experience arousal throughout my body. I have never attempted nipple play, because my own never felt sensitive, but this time I turned to them during a dry portion of the session. Serious arousal came on, the automatic (and beautifully gentle) contractions went about their business, and my body started jerking up and down. The nipple stimulation introduced an energetic form of arousal to the upper portion of my body (I don't know how else to explain it; there were sensations, and I certainly could feel this "energy" I'm referring to, but it was nothing like the friction of sensation I experience during any bodily contact), and it became almost all-encompassing. After reaching certain periods, I became very fatigued, and my body was telling me to really give it a rest.

So the "issue" is: I did feel things, but I would almost be hesitant to call them sensations in my general use of the term. Part of me imagines that the lack of "sensation" is based on sensitivity of awareness, possibly a lack of familiarity with actual sensations, etc., but I do question how the arousal could be so prevalent under these conditions. I was fantasizing, but not that heavily, and the man I was fantasizing about does not seem to turn me on whatsoever outside of that session. I'm tempted to say the arousal was spurred by sensuality, but maybe this categorization is not only inaccurate, but absurd to make in regards to prostate stimulation and/or nipple stimulation.

Would you say that prostate stimulation can offer something qualitatively different than sensations?

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To add:
After I (quickly) recovered from fatigue, I charged out of bed, and immediately took a shower. I felt uncomfortably energized, and somehow very masculine. My posture was straighter than it usually is, and my voice sounded deeper as well (this could have been a side-effect of belly breathing, which would have been another change, but I cannot remember.) I was moved to continuously (and loudly) sing for almost an hour, and I was almost tempted to go exercise, but I stayed in due to a feeling of discomfort at this odd change. After about a day I mentally returned to my "usual state", and have not been able to decipher all that appeared to change so suddenly in my physical and mental state. Have others experienced anything akin to this?

I used the Aneros once more (yesterday) after this particular instance, but was not very aroused, and the session didn't go anywhere.

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I believe that Aneros use and the internal sensations that are generated and/or amplified by using the device bring access to forms or arousal that we are not used to experiencing. That's what is so awesome about it. To experience the fresh and new, the unbounded pleasure. As I have mentioned in other posts, with these experiences we are tapping realms of abstract ecstasy that women have enjoyed forever. Our penises can take a break as we writhe through multiple internal orgasms.

My nipples were never sensitive in an erotic way until Aneros. Now, they sometimes single highhandedly generate the desire for a session. They ache to be gently touched or flicked and I have to wait until my session is really going to attend to them because they immediately send electric bolts of energy to my whole pelvis. That type of uber sexual sensation and stimulation that isn't then dissipated by a traditional ejaculation orgasm can leave you greatly satisfied and yet still full of energy. It's the best of both worlds.

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From DarkOrb's current thread on Head Orgasms,

"There comes a point in one’s progress along the KSMO trail when the true full-bodied orgasms begin to materialise. Then, as they develop and grow, various parts of the body which are subordinate to the torso (such as arms, armpits, legs, shoulders, face and the top of the head) can become more and more sensitive and involved in the orgasmic process so that some areas can, if touched, generate not only total orgasm but also orgasmic sensations that can be very different to the ones normally associated with traditional orgasm. These can be so radical that they, in my experience (and that of others I think), can lie completely outside and above the realm of even the strongest traditional ejaculative events."

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Would you say that prostate stimulation can offer something qualitatively different than sensations?

In a word - YES. "The G-Spot or Sacred Spot of a man is his prostate gland. Tantric philosophy considers the G-Spot a man's emotional sex center. Massaging the man's prostate releases tremendous amounts of emotional and physical stress." The Aneros journey can lead men into a deeper understanding of their emotions and feelings well beyond the physical sensations as you have already discovered. Many men have commented on the awakening and awareness of energy flow in their body as a result of travelling on the Aneros path. You have opened a door into a new realm of awareness and potential growth from the altered state of consciousness these energy flows can induce.
Your question about bumping an older thread (which is perfectly OK by the way) reminded me of a series of threads from 7 years ago by member 'esfenides' which you might find interesting to read, they are Aneros yoga, The Tao of O & Non-erotic orgasms, aneros can be non sexual

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Thank you both for your responses. I tend to be a very circumventive (sp?) thinker, so I tend to sacrifice direct points in order to emphasize nuances; I appreciate the fact that you two understood my statements.

It's very odd; I could "feel" what I'll just call the "energetic" for now, but it was so different from sensation. I am skeptical of claims regarding organic energetic form, but I am willing to pay attention to what I feel.

Rumel: thank you for those links. I will try to take a look at them tomorrow before work.
