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Ever enjoy climbing a pole when you were young?

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When I was a little kid, I used to love climbing poles because of the intense pleasure it gave me. Back then, all I could understand was that if I climbed a pole, and held myself up as long as I could and just continued shimmying my legs, it would feel like the moment just prior to having a traditional orgasm for as long as I could hold myself up there. Now, this is long before I ever had an orgasm, and after I started to masturbate and later have sex, I tried to do the pole thing, but never was able to replicate those sensations ever again. The Aneros definitely has brought me back to that place, and a while ago, I realized that those sensations were really caused by my prostate being stimulated. One of the things that helped me along to achieving Super O's is imagining I am back climbing a pole again. Of course, it is nicer with the Aneros because I don't need to support my body weight with my arms any longer. In any case, if you ever had this sort of experience as a kid, you can use it stimulate your Pspot.

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I can relate to the pole climbing experience. Contemplating the purchase of an Aneros, and your experince really helps!

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Yes, remember well about 10 or 11 years of age doing that several times and having what I best recall as a real orgasm, the buildup and then the incredibly wonderful but embarrassing feeling like something had squirt out of me but when I'd check, I was dry. (Masturbation discovery and wet orgasm didn't come for another couple years). So at a pre-pubertal age, or at least in my case, dry orgasm really does exist. Can't remember so much if it was gripping the pole and pressure there externally stimulating my prostate or if it was friction being applied to my as yet undiscovered penile pleasure areas.

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Yes, I can remember the pole experience also. It was very pleasurable, and I spent a lot of time on the playground. "If it feels good, do it"

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Man, what a memory jab! YES, I did, I remember it clearly, I was no more than 10 years old, because I remember where we were living when I experienced it.

Youthful ignorance about all thing sexual, naturally, prevented me from understanding what it was, but I remember how pleasurable it was.

Thanks for the nostalgia.


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Me too. But I can remember being about 13 and tightening my PC muscles as I lay in bed on my side and feeling the warm pleasure of my penis becoming erect and very hard. I would relax and proceed again and again. Not any more though. sadly!

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shimmying up a pole was great fun, and although I don't remember it as having any sexual overtones at seven or eight ...

i'm certain that presexual feelings were indeed involved

... after about 10 or 11 that experience and sliding down a bannister definitely had a sexually arousing component

to this day my wife says she enjoys sliding down my pole

- rip

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I remember the pole climbing too-the first time I masterbated was with the water coming out of the tub facet over my cock as I scrunched up to it...hands free and it felt so wild and sexy, but I didn't know what wild and sexy was at the time! I only knew that it was really, really unusual and new!

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I remember the pole climbing too-the first time I masterbated was with the water coming out of the tub facet over my cock as I scrunched up to it...hands free and it felt so wild and sexy, but I didn't know what wild and sexy was at the time! I only knew that it was really, really unusual and new!

noice hehehe 😀

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Monkey bars -- grand variety of positions, postures, contact angles.

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Monkey bars -- grand variety of positions, postures, contact angles.

[COLOR="blue"]loved the monkey bars in elementary school - useta head for the playground; during the summer and even helped my younger brother break his arm on said monkey bars ...

had a childhood friend told me learned to wank from the monkeys - i too loved the zoo but I don't recall monkey dicks catching my attention any before puberty

... after age eleven I was more interested in my own dick than anyone else's or any monkey's

- rip 😀

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Very nice priapusone!! 😀 😀

I remember the pole climbing too-the first time I masterbated was with the water coming out of the tub facet over my cock as I scrunched up to it...hands free and it felt so wild and sexy, but I didn't know what wild and sexy was at the time! I only knew that it was really, really unusual and new!

During puberty did a lot of bath tub erotic sensations explorations! On my upper back, my lower back against the side of the tub under the running water; ass, balls and cock in the flooding torrent... experimenting with temperature from hot to cold and OMG the effects of all that back then... Still enjoy some forms of water pressure play and temperature play too!

Now most of my KSMO sessions are while deeply relaxed in the therapy hot tub!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhh!!!

all the best erotic engagement with the world's phenomena through all the senses all


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I may have had similar feelings when I was climbing trees as a boy. It was years before my first orgasm, all I knew was that pressing my genitals against the trunk feels good.

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I had my first orgasm while climbing the pole on the playground swings. I guess you could say that pole became my "best friend".

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OMG yes. Can definitely relate. I was very young (elementary school) and didn't know what it was at first. Felt embarrassed but also felt really good so I kept doing it. Had to stop when I matured enough and started ejaculating.


I've had flashbacks to those moments since starting the aneros journey, but I've not been able to really replicate the experience.

I should buy a pole.

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I got an A in pole climbing as a child. 🫠

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I read an article some while back that suggested boys could achieve multiple (dry) orgasms before their bodies were able to ejaculate, with appropriate stimulation, which ability disappeared once they were able to ejaculate, but which experience made it easier to achieve multiple orgasms as an adult.

Unfortunately since this experience was left to chance discovery, many boys (and consequently adult men) missed out on this potential of their bodies.

With the huge variation in timing of rewiring mens brains for prostate mediated orgasms, I am now wondering if this may be correlated with boys early experiences of multiple dry orgasms before being able to ejaculate, and those boys who accidentally discovered this marvel finding it easier to rewire themselves for prostate enjoyment.

I was one of those boys who discovered "something" before I was able to ejaculate, however I don't think they were orgasms as I suffer from Anhedonia and ejaculation is just experienced as a genital sneeze in adulthood: it's like I'm missing the orgasm circuitry in my brain. I have laboured off and on to achieve dry orgasms in adulthood for over 15 years without success, but that could be due to a number of factors including continual pain and discomfort from CFS distracting me from subtle sensations I have difficulty relating to pleasure.

Consequently I am not a good candidate for answering my question about correlation between boys who accidentally discovered pre-ejaculation orgasms and their ease in rewiring for prostate orgasms in adult life, but I wondered if it would be interesting to work up some statistics between accidental discovery of dry orgasms as a boy and ability to rewire quickly as an adult.

Beyond adult achievement of multiple dry orgasms, it's a tragedy, in my opinion, that we don't educate boys about the potential capabilities of their bodies before its too late and just leave it to chance discovery, which may also affect their ease in developing said state in adult life.

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@li2206 I think the trick is to try to remember what the sensations were like climbing the pole, whilst doing the usual relaxation and breathing: orgasm is mainly in the mind and if you already have an experience of the objective, I think it makes it easier to recreate.

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Posted by: @stubby3

I got an A in pole climbing as a child. 🫠

Perhaps you meant an O !


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Probably about seven years old I started climbing one of our two backyard poles used to hold the outdoor laundry drying lines. These poles were shaped like a T. I would hoist myself up the pole and hang my arms over the pole. From there I would raise my knees up to recreate the pole climbing sensations while suspended in place. Holding onto that sensation long enough and soon the pleasurable feelings increased in intensity, building to what I would describe today as a prostate orgasm.  I loved it. Time went on and when I discovered my older brothers porn collection my "sessions" moved from the backyard to the locked bathroom. Secure in the bathroom I would get into the mood getting naked and soaking up hardcore magazines, paperback picture books and novels. My brother was 10 years older and had a pretty expansive collection. This was before computers. After working myself up and backing off numerous times (before the word edging was used) I would climb up and lay my arms over the top rail of the two glass panel shower door enclosure. One door could be slid to the open position, leaving the other panel space open to enter/exit the bath-shower combination. Putting a cushy towel on top of the metal frame open shower door space I would lay my arms on the towel I would then lift my knees up to recreate the pole climbing feeling. One nice bonus was I had a full on view of what was going on as my position was directly facing a large bathroom mirror. Over the years I witnessed my body maturing. I went from dry orgasms to clear cum orgasms and eventually white normal cum. I never touched myself while "climbing" to cum. As time went on I transitioned to normal wanking, but still "climbed the hill" once in a while.

Last time I did it I was probably 15 or 16 and was getting a little too heavy to hang out.

Started me out on a life of sexual pleasure that I still enjoy today, very similar to an Aneros session with no touching needed.

Interesting, I do remember before discovering porn to build arousal while climbing I would recite a song in my head titled "She wore a itsy bitsy, teeny weenie, yellow polka dot bikini". lol.


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Yeah I felt the pole thing too. Does anyone know if it still works as an adult? I don't have any suitable things to climb around here to test it out.

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@fred-garvin Interesting report.  My coordinated and periodic tensing of glutes, abs and thighs as an adult to produce aless and Aneros orgasms seems to overlap the same sort of muscular and sensual activation you and others describe from childhood.  I never had that early experience.

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Whilst not exactly pole climbing, I had a recent experience as a mature 64yo man that was interesting as I have been unsuccessfully attempting to achieve prostate initiated orgasms for some time.

I was laying on my side in bed, which is not something I do often, and adopted a recovery position pose with the leg closest to the bed straight and the other leg bent, then allowed myself to tip over so that the bent knee was resting on the bed supporting the position. For some reason I then bent the leg at an even greater angle, bringing the knee close to my chest.

In this position I began feeling interesting sensations in the prostate area that were "exciting". As I breathed deeply, the sensations started to build like a form of tension and I was getting involuntary clenching that was more pleasurable than uncomfortable. The sensations built to a peak at which point I was begging for some form of release of the tension, but it felt like I was missing a trigger for this release. After a while, the peak subsided along with the tension and it just started to feel uncomfortable and I changed position and it all went away.

It reminded me very vaguely of sensations I had as a boy before I was able to ejaculate and I wondered if these were similar to the sensations of pole climbing. I noticed a palpable excitement experiencing these feelings as though I was recalling something quite special from my past and was about to experience it again.

These sensations were not initiated by penile stimulation or any other usual erotic stimulation and I was not experiencing erotic thoughts at the time.

Has anyone experienced something similar and knows what is going on? Particularly if there is a way to trigger the relief of the tension as a prostate orgasm without ejaculation? I felt I was getting close to something, but frustrated it didn't go further.

It would be wonderful if this was an avenue to recreating those pole climbing experiences that are mentioned, without having to climb a pole, which is not very practical at my age, body mass and lack of muscle fitness. I'm sure it has something to do with tensing muscles that connect to the prostate.

I did come across a video that demonstrated exercise could induce a hands-free orgasm-ejaculation https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6091ca2ddaddc and in the past I came across another video of a man supporting himself on his hands only, with his legs parallel and above the floor and experiencing a hands-free orgasm-ejaculation, but I can't find it again. They suggest putting certain muscles into tension can lead to orgasm, although in these cases it was not an instance of dry multiple orgasms.

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It’s nice to hear of your handsfree pleasure.  Don’t concerned yourself with trigger and release.  Try that same position again.  Maybe your body likes the subtle stretch of pelvic floor, glute and butthole.  Instead of a trigger & release mindset, lose yourself in the feelings and allow them to grow.  Egg them on with muscles in the lower torso, pelvis, butthole and pelvic floor, and legs above the knees.  I agree, it all has something to do with muscles which connect to the prostate or toy- or nearby tissues and nerves.  It can happen with or without Aneros- Aneros can make it easier.  It also has something to do with mimicking some patterns you find in orgasm, which can pave the way for your body to act like “oh am I having an orgasm?  I know what to do!”.

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I wouldn't call it pleasure, it's a kind of ache that is just this side of being uncomfortable, yet it creates a feeling of excitement when it happens.

I suffer from Anhedonia and don't experience pleasure: I don't think I even experience standard penile orgasms as it just feels like a genital sneeze and there is no explosion going on in my brain. Consequently I don't have a target sensation or experience to aim for that isn't interpreted as pain, discomfort or meh and not worth bothering with: I don't seem to have a functioning dopamine reward system.

It also takes effort that just doesn't seem worthwhile because I can't imagine a payoff, and before you judge me for being lazy and not understanding that gain takes effort, I struggle with CFS daily that has me in constant discomfort with muscle aches and pains 24/7/365 that dissuades further effort beyond what is necessary to sustain life.

I feel like a lost cause, although I still have hope: I see men experience a traditional penile orgasm and its obvious it's rewarding far beyond what I experience.

However, I did try again last night and I think I got a little further, the ache was more intense, but it's not being experienced as pleasure and there is a hesitancy and anxiety it will cross into pain instead. I don't want more pain.

I have experienced more with this extended recovery position technique than I have with a variety of prostate stimulators over many years, which makes me wonder whether it is an easier shortcut to a target experience for men in general, that will better develop enthusiasm to pursue it further, and it doesn't require messy preparation, dietary management, special devices or even particular effort.

The sensations seem to be enhanced the closer the bent knee is to the chest.

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@clenchy Yes, its called a "coregasm".

I post a similar story some years ago in the thread "Epiphany":

"Hello dear Aneros community,

During one of my recent sessions, I had a epiphany or a "revelation"... A thought came to me: "It's like the pleasure you had when you were very young".

Having this epiphany has increased my pleasure. And thinking about this idea in my subsequent sessions has also increased the pleasure I feel. So I tend to think it's a "valid" thought.

I don't remember masturbating until I was 13 - 14 years old. On the other hand (no pun intended), I remember very well the pleasure obtained by accident during gymnastics lessons at school when I was around 7 - 8 years old. It was when I was climbing poles. I was not very good at this exercise, but I got a lot of pleasure several times (probably because my perineum had to rub against the pole with force...). Of course, I didn't know what it was like then. Now that I have discovered the pleasure coming from my prostate, I find it to be a very similar sensation.

Babies masturbate, ultrasound examinations show fetuses masturbating.
So I wonder now if I haven't forgotten many prostate orgasms obtained between the ages of 0 and 10...

Have you also had any revelations or epiphanies during your sessions?

Take care!"

This post was modified 1 year ago by Morexp

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Oh my! This thread brought back memories. I remember the good feelings I got climbing poles. Never really took it any farther, but by Jr. High, I had forgotten about it...until...in the 7th grade we had to climb a rope to the rafters in our gym class. We could only use our arms, and had to hold our legs out to the sides.  I did it and those feelings came back, and my jock strap was slightly wet after I slid back down. My crotch only occasionally touched the rope, and that wasn't what seemed to cause the sensations. It was all from muscle contractions. Once I started masturbating, I never experienced this again, although I had some wonderful thumping dry orgasms in my early masturbation years. Using an aneros is the closest I have come to it.

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So... has anyone tried pole-climbing as an adult? It might be just what I need to get me back in shape. 😂

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For sure! Experienced it quite young, I think second grade maybe even first grade, I was 6-8 years old I guess. Definitely penis-centered pleasure. Absolutely an orgasm, it was like waves. Kind of felt like peeing but as the most pleasurable experience of my life. Happened on accident at first, then I could repeat it. But I only made it happen like 8 times maybe a few less. It was like once I figured out I could make it happen on purpose it dwindled and then I couldn't repeat at a certain point.

I actually had hundreds of dry orgasms from masturbation before I ejaculated for the first time. Age 12 until a little past 13, so I think it was a solid 8-10 month period. I would jerk off 3 times a night, just back to back orgasms, it was so wonderful. I fucked rolled up blankets so I could keep doing it since it was dry. When I first did it I just "did it" I was fully erect bouncing around on my bed, mattress on the floor we had just moved, and I looked at a blanket and said "I can roll that up and stick my dick into it" and I did and I just moved the blanket back and forth on my erection until it built up and I had an O. It was so glorious! Talk about repeat ad nauseam!! It was like all I did. If I was sick home from school I'd have 5 orgasms throughout the day. 3 in an hour at night sometimes, or in quicker amount of time. I was hard nonstop for hours it seemed, I'd just get naked and it was instant boner. And it never went down. I used to see if it would go down on its own and time it, it would take sometimes an hour to an hour and a half before it subsided, and I wouldn't even be touching it, just out there in the wind. As soon as I ejaculated it was cool, but ended my multiple O pleasure sessions to just once a night or a few times a day. 

These were full on penile orgasms though, they weren't like prostate Os that I've had in adulthood. It was like my dick was cumming, just nothing came out of me. Never had precum either. That all started when I could finally ejaculate. 

I've never tried to hang from anything since I was little and had Os from hanging against a pole. I think I tried again when I was like 14 or something, but it wasn't working at all.

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Posted by: @techpump

These were full on penile orgasms though, they weren't like prostate Os that I've had in adulthood. It was like my dick was cumming, just nothing came out of me.

Yeah, mine were similar. They always came with a refractory period though, where it instantly became uncomfortable to keep going. Granted that period was something crazy-short like 2 minutes, but it was definitely not effortless rolling multiples.

My pole climbing experiences felt different though. Very much more like prostate sensations with how they were spread out.

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