Eupho Bladder Damag...
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Eupho Bladder Damage?

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I've used flomax for years to deal with BPH, but as it got worse, one thing led to another, and they found two whopping bladder stones. These often form when the bladder doesn't empty. All those minerals sloshing around makes a "nice" stone.

When they went in with the laser to blast them out, they found a spot on the bladder that is distended - the kind of thing that can happen when the bladder is trying too hard. But from the sounds of it, the spot is right about where the tip of the Eupho lands, just above the prostate. And the little e is my favorite.

I'm meeting the urologist to discuss the next step - the TURP, to remove the extended prostate that is up into the bladder, where drugs can't relax it enough.

I suppose it's time to fess up that I love these toys, and can imagine being told very professionally - "stop it".

Comments most welcome.

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@WallyBanger... I recently, had troubles with frequent urination. Since my Dr. felt this is caused by an enlarged prostate (BPH), he prescribed flomax. After starting with flomax, and being a frequent masturbator, I noticed immediately a strange feeling during ejaculation. I did ejaculate, but it felt very weird and not the pleasure I normally expect. This weirdness expressed itself with a diminished orgasm with no semen flow actually ejected. Then immediately, everything shut down, I went limp and entered into the usual refractory period. It felt as though I was being cheated of the pleasurable ejaculation I had been seeking. This occurred every time I masturbated while taking the flomax.

Needless to say, this caused me lots of concern. I did some online research and found that I was experiencing something called "retrograde ejaculation". I also learned this is a known side effect of flomax. The weird feelings I experienced during ejaculation were caused by my ejaculate taking a path back into my bladder and not taking the usual path out my penis.

After 6 weeks of taking flomax, without improvement, my Dr. found a urinary tract infection. After the course of antibiotics, I found that the frequent urination issues went away. I should also add that I stopped the flomax. When I stopped the flomax, my ejaculations immediately returned to feeling normal.

My point here is that while taking the flomax and experiencing these retrograde ejaculations, I began to wonder if they could be causing long term harm to my bladder in some way since this is definitely not the natural path the semen is supposed to travel.

From all resources in my research, I learned that these retrograde ejaculations do not cause any negative effects to the bladder.

After reading your post, I find myself again wondering if these retrograde ejaculations or possibly the flomax may actually do long term harm to the bladder. Medical science is always learning new things. Unfortunately, this process often requires patients to develop harmful side effects and suffer for years before science "learns". Just wondering FWIW.

Because my Dr. told me that even with taking the flomax for several years that this would, at some point, not be enough and that more aggressive treatments will (he didn't say may but rather will) be required, I began my quest to see if there is a better, more natural way to handle these challenges without more and stronger drugs, each with their own negatives. For now, I am taking Saw Palmetto with good results and no side effects. This search has also brought me to the idea of shrinking my prostate using prostate massage, which offers anecdotal evidence of success at reducing the prostate. This has, in turn brought me into the world of Aneros. The possibility of the longer multiple orgasms is a huge bonus.

Like most others in these forums, I am not a doctor, but do my own independent research after considering their professional advice. Just among us guys, I wanted to share my experiences and thoughts in the hope that you will consider them FWIW.

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I'm sorry to hear about the bladder stones but the fact you had them removed may make urination easier and less stressful on the bladder. This in turn may also allow the bladder to recover and heal the distension, something to discuss with your doctor.

A couple of thoughts came to mind, if this distension is not causing you any discomfort during Aneros use it may be a benign condition and not be anything to worry about. If, after discussing with your doctor, it is problematic you might consider modifying your Eupho to make it a little shorter to avoid contact with the distension or consider switching to using a Peridise or Tempo device, which might avoid the problem altogether.
Good Vibes to You !

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I'm also on Flomax for BPH. I've had BPH for a couple of decades, but only in the past year or so did it become such a nuisance that I asked my GP for help. I started on Flomax only about a week ago so I really can't say how well it works, although I can already tell a little bit of improvement in urine flow. I got interested in prostate massage because I've been on the search for more natural treatments -- tried saw palmetto but it really wasn't all that helpful. My PSA is well within the normal range. The Aneros devices have helped somewhat and the side effects are well worth the time invested. 🙂

Anyway, I think it's doubtful that the Eupho caused bladder damage, but I totally understand where WallyBanger is coming from. I'm going to a urologist in a week or so for a closer look at my prostate problems and have decided to not do any more prostate massage until then. I really don't want a specialist inspecting my insides and then saying "Hmm! What have you done here?". The last thing I want is to have to explain my self-prostate massage efforts to a doctor.

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Ten years ago I was starting to have all the "old guy" issues weak stream,dribbling and so on.I swerved into HIH.Im thankful those problems are gone not to mention the pleasure I experience.I wish the same for you.

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