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Electrifying your Aneros?

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Has anyone modded theirs with something like conductive rubber/silicone sheeting to use with e-stim boxes? I'd like to do mine up so I can have it in there and use a power box to work the puborectalis muscle (the one that you'd be moving on your own if using a vanilla Aneros). I figure the more things I have automated, the more I can concentrate on not concentrating.

Here's an example of some of that sheeting:


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I did this once upon a time using some sort of copper tape, and clear nail polish to smooth the edges. It worked pretty well but not as well as a purpose built device would.

I ended up buying one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Electrastim-Accessory-Silicone-Prostate-Massager/dp/B00KQQP3ZK/ref=sr_1_2_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1506535935&sr=1-2&keywords=noir+sirius

The shape is incredible. Also bought an njoy pfun and used plastidip to turn it into an electro toy - highly recommend!

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Has anyone modded theirs with something like conductive rubber/silicone sheeting to use with e-stim boxes?

There is a large group of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic_electrostimulation%E2%80%9 D"> E-Stim aficionados at SmartStim.com, with a wealth of information surrounding E-Stim usage, however, you do have to join the membership (it's free) in order to access the website information. There have been numerous discussions there about electrifying Aneros massagers. Most of those discussions revolve around homemade devices. I think it will be difficult to modify any of the Aneros models to accept the conductive silicone sheeting you are referencing but you might try contacting them for suggestions. E-Stim equipment is mentioned in the Aneros WIKI and in several threads in the Forum such as Electrosex and Aneros, electrostimulation...., https://community.aneros.com/community/general-discussion/hesitating-to-post-this-but%2 2"> Hesitating to post this but… & https://community.aneros.com/community/general-discussion/660-electro-stim-aneros-stereostimming%2 2">electro-stim + aneros / ‘sterostimming’. In an older thread this commercially available item - The Electrify It Kit shows the use of the Aneros Maximus in an electrified condition. However, I don't know if that kit is still available. There is also some instructions for creating your own E-stim device here.

Please take proper safety precautions when utilizing E-Stim equipment! & Please read this short http://www.zity.biz/index.php?mx=docs;ox=showitem;id=8802%2 2">Guide to Erotic Electrostimulation

Good Vibes to You !

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The sheeting can be cut to size. You shouldn't need to do a thing to your aneros except apply adhesive.

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I've had surprisingly good lock applying strips of aluminum duct tape to both sides of a Maximus. I rounded the upper end, and burnished the edges smooth with my fingernail. Attach clip leads to a 1/2 end of the strips hanging out the bottom end. My favorite connection is one mp3 with "tension" connected to the Maximus. Anohter mp3 player with "Claude Stimphony" connected to one Mximus lead, with the stereo outputs to cock glans and cock shaft.

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