Does anyone here have any experience with achieving dry orgasm during penetrative sex? I'd imagine that it would be very hard to learn, if not impossible. The reason I'm asking is because I really want to avoid ejaculation as much as possible. After ejaculating I feel like shit. All thoughts that enter my head are negative and I have no energy to do anything. Do you think it's possible to learn how to turn wet orgasms into dry ones consistently?
Hey @throwawayacc ,
Does anyone here have any experience with achieving dry orgasm during penetrative sex?
I'd imagine that it would be very hard to learn, if not impossible.
Not harder than re-wiring in general.
Do you think it's possible to learn how to turn wet orgasms into dry ones consistently?
It is possible, there are threads about this. But you are not turning traditional O's dry - you rather learn to re-wire your penis and build arousal in a different way with it (like with your prostate). The tricky part is, that your penis is somewhat hardwired and builds arousal quite fast. So your goal is to slow down the traditional arousal while building the tantric deep arousal. In my book that's only possible with very slow sex: the cliché tantric sex so to say. Slow movements, lots of relaxation no fancy "action-sex".
Cheers, Unfug
I have dry O's during oral and penetrative sex. I think massaging the perineum during oral helped me rewire. One word of caution though, I now have trouble having a wet O during penetrative sex. This is very disturbing to me as I still enjoy them. I am actually concerned that the rewiring might have screwed my wet O's up. If anyone has insight on this I would be grateful for advice.
Yes, it is certainly possible to have dry orgasms with intercourse. When my wife and I were sexually active this was pretty common for me.