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Don't want involuntary sessions

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It's become apparent to me that I disagree with the majority on the subject of A-less arousal/sessions. The last thing I'd want to happen is for my prostate area to get so sensitive, that I find these sensations occurring when I'm doing something in the office, or going out on the town, or driving, or anywhere basically where it's *not* time to get frisky. I understand one aspect of using any Aneros device is to increase prostate sensitivity which then may lead to greater sexual response and other benefits... but for me I want to have control of when the arousal happens. Like, when I actually choose to have a session.

It is actually for this very reason that I limit Aneros use to not more than 1x per week. Maybe it's not often enough to get rewired. But then I don't care, if rewiring means having involuntary sessions in cars or when socializing, then I don't want it. This is just my personality, I'm an extremely distractable person and can only focus on one task at a time, that's just my way of operating.

Let me say I'm not just talking nonsense here, either. There's been a couple times--on the day after an Aneros session--where I could feel some good sensations down there occurring for no reason. While I've nothing against pleasant sensations, I don't want this to start happening removed too far from my control.

just my two cents, anyway

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I have them all the time, usually when I'm sitting, there is no way to stop them. At first i found them a real distraction, they were so strong! after a while they sort of settle, or perhaps i get used to their intensity and now its a normal part of my day. Its great to feel it pretty much all the time, its better than not feeling it, it no longer distracts me either.

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@Bartolo99 STOP NOW, throw your aneroses away now! Before its too late or you will be sorry.As for the rest of us we will keep going as we dont mind loosing a little or a lot of control.
Aneros is not for everyone, you really need to consider if its the right thing for you.
Just my 10 cents worth 🙂

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I can see how it could be a problem for some folks, especially during important conversations. You don't want to have your o-face beaming while your girlfriend is accusing you of indiscretions.

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@Bartolo99, good point.
It may explain why planes crash, workers fall from scaffolding, surgeons muff up simple operations, ships sail onto reefs, cars drive into each other.
Seriously, on the forum we don't hear very much about being in control so that others around us may be safe. If there is no control then sooner or later it will appear in court .........!
Perhaps we need some words of assurance.

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I tend to agree with others, the goals you want aren't really compatible. If you don't 'awaken' then you won't get much of the benefits or reach a super-o. If you're doing it for prostate health (just massage) than once a week is fine but don't expect to get super-o's and not have any after effects over the next day just because you only did it once a week.

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I tend to agree with others, the goals you want aren't really compatible. If you don't 'awaken' then you won't get much of the benefits or reach a super-o. If you're doing it for prostate health (just massage) than once a week is fine but don't expect to get super-o's and not have any after effects over the next day just because you only did it once a week.

I have had very few issues doing this once a week. In fact maybe I only had one or two "next days" where for about 15 minutes I felt slight sensation down there. Since then, no problems.

As others in the thread have said, it's almost impossible to get rewired from just one session per week.

In the unlikely case a 1x per week session begins causing "next day" sensation again and they intensify, I'll just stop, and I'm certain things will go back to normal. That's just how these things work. You can unlearn what you have learned, not sure who said that, but it's true.

Not to judge anyone for this, but for me this idea of having involuntary flows of pleasure whenever and wherever, to me it speaks of pointless overstimulation and excess. Not to blow my own horn, I'm about as far from a disciplined human being you'll ever find, but I do think with things like this, "enough is enough" and what some describe here is simply way, way above necessity.

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@Bartolo99 STOP NOW, throw your aneroses away now! Before its too late or you will be sorry.As for the rest of us we will keep going as we dont mind loosing a little or a lot of control.
Aneros is not for everyone, you really need to consider if its the right thing for you.
Just my 10 cents worth 🙂

It's really just THAT black and white? Few things are. As I said in the post above, I don't think I'll pave the way for involuntaries with one 45-minute session per week. Based on my own anecdotal evidence, it seems unlikely, just going by the very low frequency of "next day" happenings. And also, I wouldn't mind a slight awakening.. a slight increase in sensitivity is probably okay. I just dont want it to get out of control, that's the main point.

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Having said what said earlier I have noticed and it has been documented that the brain control nervous tics and delays them if necessary. In earlier years I was in contact with folk who had lots kundalini kryres (radical shaking of the body). These never occurred at random, e.g. driving a car. I would guess that the contractions you are concerned about would be under some sort of control. Most of the folk who report an A-less experiences encourage them in the context of their life. Because we don't constantly lose forum membership I think that any experiences they have are in situations where they are in reasonable safety! If membership was dwindling rapidly I would worry.
But you must chose your own path, and this community will support that.

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I do believe that, through excessive and aggressive use of certain techniques aimed at rapidly opening paths to Kundalini awakening, a few very rare cases have occurred resulting in people losing control and receiving involuntary and, (dare I say), unwelcome intrusions of orgasmic experiences at inappropriate times.

I still feel sure that such experiences are very rare and that most of us would be aware that awakening is beginning to occur, to the point that any sensible person would tend to back off further training in order to pace oneself.

From my own perspective, at the first sign that I was unable to control the timing of pleasurable sensations, alarm bells would ring and all further training (exercising) would cease immediately until I was sure that things were under control.

I really don't see this as a serious problem. @Bartolo99, relax buddy! Two or three sessions week are not likely to send you bonkers lol!

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The few times these have happened to me, they were driving the car (hence, a "car-gasm") and I never "lost control" of anything, just suddenly had this warm preorgasmic feeling building up in my pelvis, a slight if any erection but that was itself however not central to the sensations I was enjoying, then this warm like I was gonna wet myself with a semen discharge feeling coming through my penis but it was completely dry. I just smiled and rejoiced in the fact God could make me in such a way that I could experience the great feeling and the way it's changed the old sex life for a middle aged married guy.

I never had any sensation that I was going to lose control of the normal activities I was doing at the time. Wish I had them come a little more often actually.

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Wise man!
Follow your pace, follow your path.

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I just wanted to thank those who have commented so far, I was beginning to suspect I might have kicked the hornet's nest a little with my opinion.. thankfully I was mistaken.

I'll continue to just go very slowly with the Helix and see what happens, at the current pace I suspect the most that will happen is a very slight increase in sensitivity over the long haul (which will likely diminish once I cease Aneros use.) That sounds like it could be a good thing; it helps to diversify things when one is unfortunate enough to be solitary indefinitely (although, hopefully not forever.) If it were up to me I would have several partners; this is not the case.. oh well! In the meantime, I'll do what I can to keep things fresh!

I have thought of Craigslist personals lately, I'm sure there's lots of women there looking for the same exact thing I am! You know, I think one of the best things in the world, is quite simply the fact that both genders want the same thing... strings or not, we both agree! (suppresses laughter)

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@Bartolo99 Your post is well expressed and, at least for me, is something I needed to hear. I have been using more frequently over the months and, while not experiencing unwanted "gasms" I can conceive that they could occur. And I have been cultivating the ability to A-less (as anyone who has read some of my threads and contributions can see). Personally, I know that my current use is not moderate and I am at least ideally pursuing what that moderate use might be. On the other hand, I am thankful that I have gotten to the point where my body has awakened and I have to deal with it and also with some other powerful feelings that have come along with the experience. I not only admire your conviction and self-discipline (and don't deny it, you do have it), but as Canacan writes: follow your path with confidence that you are doing what's right for you. And who knows? You may be serving as a good role model for guys you don't know who need to think about incorporating self-discipline in their Aneros experrience and also, you may very well achieve the goals of 're-wiring' in your own way and have the best of both worlds. Wishing you (and us) continued success.And, on a sidebar: I am happy to see the moderation in the responses. Yes, there are certainly hornets' nests around. But all in all, this is a good group, a remarkable cross section of men, and many who are as good as they come (IMO)

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@Bartolo99, good for you for following your own path. I've tried several dating sites (for men in my case) and the most comprehensive matches were from it's for both men and women looking for any kind of connection. It asks you to answer many questions to match you with your desired partner. It's not just a hookup site but also has hookups. As with all these sites ncluding Craigslist, watch out for scammers. I found out they exist on all of them. With okcupid you can report scammers to the moderators and they will handle them. I've learned to always insist on meeting in person beforehand in some public place like Starbucks to get an sense of who they are and if attracted to them. I've learned to never give any contact information to anyone before meeting them in person. Always communicate through the dating site. That way there's a record of the interaction. Of course there's been exceptions to these rules. I've learned this the hard way. I'm sure you'll do alright. You sound more sensible than me 🙂

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@Bartolo99, I, like you, also have one session per week although I, unlike you, do have involuntary orgasms all week long as a result. I can resist them and they will go away eventually, but it is difficult to do. I have A-less orgasms of varying magnitudes almost every day. I think it just speaks to how different we all are. You mention that it is excessive. Is that guilt talking? I don't feel that having orgasms every day as excessive. If it got to a point where I couldn't be productive and/or it was affecting my relationships, I suppose it would be, but as long as I can function effectively, I call it wonderful. When, at the end of the day, I can lie back in my recliner and let the P-waves flow over me, I feel lucky.

Best of Luck!

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With respect, I still disagree. I believe things should be orderly and done in the right context. That's just how I function.

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See I have a less feelings every day but never would I say a less orgasm, perhaps what I am having is an orgasm, which if true, for me is dissapointing. Why? Because allthough it's nice to have it pales in comparison to a regular orgasm, even my Aneros sessions follow that same mantra sadly. It's all become so hard two work out what I'm feeling lately, I know it's nice but I know there is more, but I struggle to understand how to unlock it.

Aless feelings are nice to have, they're. It a distraction like they used to be. Truth be told they were more powerful in the past and I actually miss it, it was exciting and held such promise :-/

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@Bartolo99, you don't realize what you are missing.

Just got to the aless pleasures, from p-waves to O's in the last 4 or 5 days. Have a low level pleasure buzz all the time now and it is great. Having that slight pleasure tends to give me a happy positive attitude. Not really a distraction unless I concentrate on the buzz, then and only then, will it escallate to more pleasurable feelings. The only times it has escalated significantly without me wanting it to was when I have had them right after waking up from a nap or sleeping. Frequently have great feelings when I first awake, don't know if I could stop them, have so far not tried.

I found so far that I control how pleasurable they get by the level of concentration I give to that feeling. Can make the buzz slightly stronger, a lot stronger, stronger to p-waves, stronger to O's. To do this just vary the amount of concentration I give to the pleasure feeling in my prostate.

Aless feelings also are great when having regular sex. Had sex twice since getting to the aless O stage and both were wonderful.

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@Bartolo99, you don't realize what you are missing.

Obviously it's not very bright for me to think like this--about anything--given the fact that I'm still a virgin at 33. That kind of "I'm missing out, what to do?" is highly destructive for one like me.

I'm afraid I might even become a perma-virgin. As I understand it, online the "fairer" (!?) sex have become attention junkies, so that makes their standards sky-high. Indeed, if just any guy is interested in getting together with 'em, why not go for only the best? Of course, I am screened out, and for no reason other than a sickening entitlement on their part. Let's just cut the fluff: all of us know that is *exactly* what's happening.

In real life, my social skills are poor, I'm terribly shy and introverted. I lose again. I thought life was supposed to be fair once a day, every year, at least. And yet I'm a virgin at 33: no justice there! It's not even my looks. I'm half-decent looking. I just can't initiate, can't approach, because I fear I'll be shamed and embarrassed.

(Advice requested, apart from becoming a bright and ambitious guy making enough dough.)

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