So I cannot recall exactly when I began my aneros journey, it's maybe been around 9 months now.
I have experimented with semen retention roughly going for around 19 days maximum.
In regards to learning to have prostate orgasms, this did not see to make a difference.
I went back to more regular ejeculation as contrary to recent belief about semen retention making you more creative, I actually get more work done not having to think about jerking off all the time.
Getting to the point, what I want to know is will frequent ejeculation prevent me from being able to experience prostate orgasms?
My journey so far has been fairly disappointing in regards to achieving pleasure without penile stimulation.
I do however remain consistent and want to persevere with this journey as I know it will be worth it.
Can anyone enlighten me on this topic?
They are two separate orgasms IMO. So your body doesn't build up a tolerance to both when over doing it on one. And I find my body will crave one or the other if I have gone with out its respective orgasm for a few days.(These are usually are really good sessions)
When I was first learning I rewarded myself with a traditional orgasm by switching to penile stimulation after 20 mins no mater what happened. You just have to get comfortable and want to enjoy the time no matter what your body/mind does.
I would suggest trying a different prostate stimulation so you body/mind have something different to sense. IMO non vibrating prostate stimulation doesn't really enhance your penile orgasm much unless it is proceed by a prostate orgasm. So I switched between a larger prostate massager and a helix. It was with the larger prostate massager that I felt the gateway to an orgasm by manipulating it as an experiment for different sensations. Then I switched to a helix next day and once I started squeezing in a certain way I got those same feelings again and just kept going with the same contraction and had one mini O.
I do believe it is not only just a mind thing but for the untrained figuring out how to contract your PC to stimulate your prostate correctly. When I started I remember the toy would more or less pull up. For me I have to contract my PC so it moves forwards. This is part of the training of your mind sensing what the toy is doing, learning to control your PC, figuring out the timing and being in the right mind set(This is the most important)
@poptrek thank you for your response. I am currently using the helix. It's not been an easy journey so far but u guess anything of reward is never easy to attain. I have considered if something a little larger would help me get more of an understanding in what sensations to look for.
... what I want to know is will frequent ejeculation prevent me from being able to experience prostate orgasms?
Technically, NO, IMHO frequent ejaculations do not preclude you from experiencing prostate based orgasms. However, you do need to consider how aroused you are for prostate based orgasms to occur. Arousal is a key component, hence the general advice to practice a little semen retention to increase arousal levels, unfortunately this avenue doesn't seem to be working for you so you may need to explore other arousal generating activities. I suggest you read through the threads Identifying Facilitators to Progress, Aneros and an Optimal Mind State > & @divine_o 's thread Arousal building methods. for some direction.
Good Vibes to You!
I went back to more regular ejeculation as contrary to recent belief about semen retention making you more creative, I actually get more work done not having to think about jerking off all the time.
lol yeah, I can only get about a week into SR before a nagging fullness sets in, and my mind keeps wandering back to matters of plumbing. I've gritted my teeth through it a few times and went over a month, but when I break that streak, the most satisfying part is no longer having to think about it.
I think the people who are serious about retention are also into "transmutation", where they take that energy and focus it elsewhere. Which I could maybe relate to happening a little bit, accidentally, but it doesn't seem easy or automatic.
Getting to the point, what I want to know is will frequent ejeculation prevent me from being able to experience prostate orgasms?
I don't think it constitutes any physical barrier, but the extra arousal can help (to whatever extent you do get extra arousal from abstaining; everyone is different).
@clenchy yes, I did experience transmutation actually. I was practicing qi gong, regularly going to the gym, doing meditation etc and I had. A few revelations out of it. I even began leanring a new language . That being said, even with those practices I had to do them because of that constant urge.
When I was doing study or laptop work, I almost felt as if I would have to keep stopping to do meditation or something which I found a bit distracting. Weighing up the odds, I kinda thought is this beneficial or not?
I seen the argument for both sides but for me, I kinda feel around 3 to 5 days is my limit on retention.
@rumel thank you.. This is a very helpful response. I'll be sure to check those links.
I even began leanring a new language.
And did you stop when you started ejaculating again? If so, I know some people on the internet that would like to have a word with you