I'm going to keep this fairly short but I have been beginning to wonder if the helix syn v is the right massager for me in regards to lack of pleasure.
Do I need more length, less, more girth?
Is it just my mind?
Could it be possible that if I was to get another massager, I may experience better feelings purely from placebo and the belief that I would?
This journey is a complex one.
From my experience the position also matters greatly, as well as arousal and the state of mind.
I had several aneros massagers before I achieved any kind of super O and I did it with helix trident, which prior to my orgasm was my least favorite. But at that time it just hit the spot right.
For now I wouldn't worry so much about it. If you're not extremely tall or short, then I bet it's all in your head.
Don’t give up on any of them! As time progresses you will experience many different experiences through different positions and techniques. As mentioned it is as much a mind game as it is physical. The natural urge is to rush into what you imagine might work such as size, length, etc. Learning to relax and focus on what feels good will guide you to greater pleasure!
Could it be possible that if I was to get another massager, I may experience better feelings purely from placebo and the belief that I would?
That's an interesting point. I think I have experienced that, but I can't be sure. Maybe on the flip-side, a new model makes us more open and forces us to drop our preconceptions about what kind of stimulation we're likely to receive. Which isn't necessarily the placebo effect, but in a lot of ways might as well be. Anticipation, excitement, and novelty are definite helpers if you can manifest them somehow.
I'm still not entirely settled on the "does it really fit?" question though.
I guess the idea of something new like many things can grow anticipation and excitement.
It definitely does for me. I love getting a new device. Taking it out of the box, and having to wait until later to use it, all the time wondering what it'll be like.
Having said that, there are differences between the models, and I do think it's worth trying a few different ones. I think once you have two models, you'll get a sense for how different models can be from each other (or not). Maybe a new model will stimulate things in a slightly different way, and unlock a new sensory awareness, or way of thinking about how you ride in general. But it's really hard to test that theory.
Couldn't agree more with all the comments here. Some of my best Os come from the build up of having to wait for a new toy. If you can tolerate something large in your anus the Vice 2 would be great. I think that the filling sensation of larger toys may block out sensations you're looking for. Until you're more experienced and can block them out. I just got an avg size dildo as wanted to explore something different(grinding and riding) and it was hard after first having the constant anal stimulation and for me I have to try really hard to relax and not worry about having to poo.