I've had my Helix Trident for a couple of months, and I'm finding that early morning hours are turning out to be my favorite time for solo experiences.
I'm new to anal play and the Aneros products. Initially, I tried the Aneros late in the evening after my wife had gone to sleep, 3-4 times a week. It took a few weeks to both get relaxed (as I'm new to anal play) and to get a handle on contractions and what works for me. It took 10-15 minutes or so of focused contractions followed by relaxation to get things happening. The O's only happened for me when using focused contractions and relaxations. On a good night, I found that my prostate would "buzz" (that's the best way I can describe it) intermittently for the rest of the night. I wasn't getting much sleep! Good thing I'm retired.
Anyway, one night I fell asleep with the Helix still inserted. I had a hugely terrific surprise. I woke up and immediately felt pleasure without having to really work at it or think about contractions. Pleasure was more automatic. I had some of the longest and best orgasms during this "partially awake" state. I forced myself to fall back asleep, and the same thing happened again - waking only slightly to find big pleasure with little work. A very dream-like state. Between the early evening activities and the night wakings, I didn't get much sleep (but boy was it worth it).
So now, I've got a routine that I like. I'm curious if other people have tried this and like it. I go to bed at a normal time, get most of a good night's sleep, and, for those nights where I wake up about 3-4 am, I immediately and quietly get out of bed and lube up and insert the Helix and go back to bed and force myself to sleep. I'll wake up numerous times with a buzz, have a very enjoyable O that lasts about a minute or two and feels almost "automatic", and then force myself to go back to sleep again. The process repeats 4 or 5 times before having to get out of bed around 6 or 7 am.
For me, this time of early morning works. I get multiple great wake-up surprises, and I still manage to get most of a night's sleep. I start my day off with some Dopamine hits and feel very relaxed.
Anyone else who follows a morning routine?
@mtnMan , that would not work for me for two reasons; too much leakage (sometimes) and second, my wife would become aware of my weird movements. After four years, she is not aware of my rear door activities; for her, the poop shute is for one purpose and one purpose only and it's not pleasure!
I'm still indulging a few nights a week after she retired to bed. No complaints!
When it comes to a good time of the day or night for an Aneros session, a guy needs to find his way which may be dictated by his life circumstances.
As for myself, I began my Aneros journey with Aneros Syn on early Sunday evening, June 3, 2012. I purchased Aneros Syn in March of that year when it came on the market, but had to summon the courage to use it for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised that evening that anal play could be enjoyable. However a few weeks later, I settled on a morning routine after bathing and shaving first thing in the morning.
Now after eight years later, as a devoted nipple diddler, I diddle my nipples in bed most nights. There is hardly a night that passes that I do not experience a Super-O or even MMO's. My nightly nipple diddling routine is a potent form of foreplay that primes my pump for enjoyable Aneros sessions usually in the seven o'clock hour.
Do you like early morning hours before fully waking?
Yes, I do like early morning sessions as you describe. While I wouldn't say I follow a morning routine for all my Anerosessions, I do frequently practice a morning session. There are several very good reasons for early morning sessions. First, a man's testosterone level is peaking in the morning, this can elevate and accelerate your arousal. Whereas, an evening session may find your testosterone level ebbing, sapping you of arousal energy. Second, your body is physically more energized having had a nights rest/rebuilding your body. Whereas, an evening session may find you physically and mentally fatigued from the work days activities. Thirdly, early mornings may find you in the 'Optimal' mind state, before the intrusion of daily life thoughts clutter your mind with 'noise'.
Good Vibes to You!
Thanks for sharing your experiences, @mtnman!
I too do love morning sessions. But as an owl I like to sleep until late morning and my work schedule only allows this on weekends. Then I get up for a morning wash and go back to bed with one of my favorite Aneros tools inserted or for Aless. A fresh breeze from the open window just lets my nipples get hard and stimulates all my senses. And immediately buzzes and involuntaries are on the go introducing another wonderful session until I will squirm and writhe in lust and bliss, why it‘s very convenient for me that my wife is an early bird an already has left our bed.
Enjoy yourselves like I will do now!
As a natural owl, my body seems to prefer late afternoon sessions. I do occasionally overnight, but the problem with that I find is that the device is often displaced by the natural formation of the stool.
I almost exclusively have my sessions in the early AM. Typically starting around 5 am or so. I'll wake up, feeling groggy still, but horny for the Aneros! Lube up and insert, then relax and enjoy! Sometimes I do fall back asleep, sometimes I don't. On the occasions that fall sleep with the toy inserted, I will feel a surge of pleasure when I re-awake. It's really nice!
Early AM A-less, rhythmic belly breathing, very gentle PC contractions and nipple diddling (Thanks Big..DC) keep me in bed enjoying subtle in-voluntary spasms of bliss...
PM I often fall asleep with same twitching A-less bliss.....
No Super-O yet, but loving the ember of pleasure my 'woke' prostate often shares with me.
[...] and nipple diddling (Thanks Big..DC)
No Super-O yet, [...]
... but SuperO here - this time with special thanks to @BigGlansDC!
Yeehaw, your constant stressing of the nipple diddling topic made me add some nipple play to my last Aless session. Hmm, quite nice I first thought, then the question crossed my mind, why not add some saliva? I wetted my finger and touched my nipple. Oh my gosh! BAM! That became a ride! Thanks a ton, BG!
Cheerio! Mart
You guys make morning sessions sound great! I however have gotten into the rhythm of needing to defecate twice (at least) in the morning, I think because for the last few years I've had about an hour commute and eat a rather large breakfast. I've tried morning sessions on my days off but even if I empty the tank it's full again in an hour or two and that stifles Aneros movement. I hope one day I'll be able to change that rhythm!
@FM ... Similar morning issues here + UC/Crohns. is why first I tried focusing on A-Less.
Also doing the Grandparents nanny thing for 5 grand kids daily (ages 1-7 + another by end of summer) Regular Aneros sessions are difficult to arrange
Any tingle, glow, twitching, or butt buzz, while in first waking deep relaxation is a great way to begin another day.
I too enjoy early morning sessions, Aless! Am frequently awakened around 3-4am by feelings of intense pleasure in my anus and prostate. Start doing Kegels as the feelings build into waves of pleasure which start in my tailbone area and radiate into my anus and prostate and repeat, sometimes going for an hour or more! Sometimes do some nipple diddling which increases the intensity of the pleasure - many times the pleasure stops at the prostate which makes it even better! This has been happening almost every morning now. Have been on semen retention for several months which seems to help!
I mostly do early morning sessions starting anywhere between 4:30a to 5:30a. Wife is sleeping next to me so I can't get too crazy. I learned how to enjoy wonderful quiet orgasms...Sessions typically last for 1.5 - 2 hrs...occasionally fall asleep but not usually...feel really relaxed and aroused at this time of day. However, my most incredible orgasms are in mid morning when I have the house to myself and can really let go. I've tried sessions at bedtime with marginal success.
Anything before noon seems best. Usually up by 0600. Tough to do when I'm working. I can get a morning at home occasionally after my wife has left.