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Do you generally have an erection during a super O?

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I was curious of the people whom have had super O's if usually they involve an erection, or not. Thanks in advance 🙂

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Sorry if you wanted a elaborated respones but I see this as a yes or no question so.


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Not something to get caught up on, hard or not when orgasming. Just let go and relish the ecstasy!

However, it is interesting differences between models and how body reacts. With Progasm I'm rock solid while orgasming. With Eupho usually nice chub that flops around. Helix all over, soft, hard, semi... never know.

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To be completely honest, I don't know myself. Usually being caught-up in the intense pleasure of the moment, I don't take the time to analyze the response of my sexual "tools"!

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Mostly, coming and going, but at least a semi hard on. To me it doesn't matter, cause my whole body feels like one holistic erection.

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s-o with Eupho or Helix, a brief hardon but it isn't purple. As I sink into the ecstacy of the orgasm the hardon fades out

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Screw you guys! i NEED an erection to feel ANYTHING in my sessions. Why the sweet f*ck dont you?

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Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

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I tend to get erections at the beginning of my maybe the first and second super O will be accompanied with an erection but the rest i will be flaccid

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With me, it depends on which model I use. Sometimes it is back and forth during orgasms.

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previously i thought mine is 'soft' all the way during my session until i recorded myself and found out that i am actually having erection during orgasm lol

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previously i thought mine is 'soft' all the way during my session until i recorded myself and found out that i am actually having erection during orgasm lol

i dont get this at all, when i 'orgasm' or what i percieved to be such i feel in my prostate AND in my penis, sometimes moreso in the latter.

In feeling this you notice and i mean you reaaaaally notice that the penis is hard.


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i dont get this at all, when i 'orgasm' or what i percieved to be such i feel in my prostate AND in my penis, sometimes moreso in the latter.

In feeling this you notice and i mean you reaaaaally notice that the penis is hard.


i only noticed my penis went hard after i watched my replay.

maybe you need to tell urself to ignore what your penis tells u and focus more on the prostate instead. a lot of mental work here to be honest

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i only noticed my penis went hard after i watched my replay.

maybe you need to tell urself to ignore what your penis tells u and focus more on the prostate instead. a lot of mental work here to be honest

that doesnt make any sense, so youre saying to ignore the extreme pleasure in my penis?

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that doesnt make any sense, so youre saying to ignore the extreme pleasure in my penis?

Are you ejaculating in what you perceive to be a Super O? It may really be a Super T.

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that doesnt make any sense, so youre saying to ignore the extreme pleasure in my penis?

i not sure what is not making sense here.. if you are focusing on your pleasure in penis and resulted an ejaculating.....that like what awired50 mentioned, is just another aneros assisted super T..

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i not sure what is not making sense here.. if you are focusing on your pleasure in penis and resulted an ejaculating.....that like what awired50 mentioned, is just another aneros assisted super T..

no, I'm referring to super o here.

When i get a prostate orgasm i feel it in my prostate AND in my penis, its a dulity (though i feel they are not mutially exlcusive anyway) do you understand now?

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I used to think that I had to get hard in order to have a super O, that my cock would get hard on its own without me touching it and that it would shoot out cum when my super O happened. Once I realized that my super O had neither of these qualities (although I kind of wish both happened!!) I could realize my super O for what it really is: the biggest orgasm I can have internally, the biggest O I can have that affects my whole body deep inside of it.

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So far no. Very flaccid. Shy penis.

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In my short time with prostatemassage, I hate always been flaccid.

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I believe I had my first super O during a recent session. If it wasn't it was very close. My dick goes from flaccid to erect off and on through the session. It it normally chubbed up most of the time even my erections I do get arent rock hard during sessions

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Hi all
im pretty new to all this but i watched a bunch of guys ass orgasm last week at a party, and my god these guys were cuming big time over and over, and not one of them had an erection.
When it was my time i instinctively reached for my cock and was told not to as stimulating it as it would detract from the internal sensation, these girls knew what they were doing and how to induce ass orgasms repeatedly. It didnt happen for me but i got close, i found the experience very intense and thsts something i have to get used to before i can focus through that intensity to the big O which i know is wsiting for me at tbe otber side

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Hi all
im pretty new to all this but i watched a bunch of guys ass orgasm last week at a party, and my god these guys were cuming big time over and over, and not one of them had an erection.
When it was my time i instinctively reached for my cock and was told not to as stimulating it as it would detract from the internal sensation, these girls knew what they were doing and how to induce ass orgasms repeatedly. It didnt happen for me but i got close, i found the experience very intense and thsts something i have to get used to before i can focus through that intensity to the big O which i know is wsiting for me at tbe otber side

hang on, you were where?

how many guys?

they all must have been very experienced to not have an erection IMO

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hang on, you were where?

how many guys?

they all must have been very experienced to not have an erection IMO

It was a strap on party i attended in London last week, there were about 10 guys and 7 stunning women, some of the guys were newbies like me, others more experienced taking bigger dongs, i had the chance to play with 5 different ladies at the party and each had a different technique, if i'd not seen it i would have thought orgasming like this bull shit, but i've seen it happen with my own eyes and i now want it myself, i had a 1-1 with one of these women last night and she got me close, clear fluid was running out of my penis which was soft through the whole thing, and i found myself rushing from the intensity, though i didn't make the big O, it was her that recommended the aneros helix that i've bought for some training before my next session, i'm also doing there next party in Jan

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It was a strap on party i attended in London last week, there were about 10 guys and 7 stunning women, some of the guys were newbies like me, others more experienced taking bigger dongs, i had the chance to play with 5 different ladies at the party and each had a different technique, if i'd not seen it i would have thought orgasming like this bull shit, but i've seen it happen with my own eyes and i now want it myself, i had a 1-1 with one of these women last night and she got me close, clear fluid was running out of my penis which was soft through the whole thing, and i found myself rushing from the intensity, though i didn't make the big O, it was her that recommended the aneros helix that i've bought for some training before my next session, i'm also doing there next party in Jan

ah, well that's answered that. So nobody was using an aneros? Again sounds like the others have aneros experience which means when they get dildo'd they are more responsive there. I have tried this with suction dildos and can get close too.

However er I must stress that I feel that with a dildo is more a milking/forced prosate and anal stimulation which in some ways go against the ethos of the aneros usage, especially the whole 'do nothing' ethos.

like I say though, being rewired means that they can get orgasm through dildo penetration.

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being rewired means that they can get orgasm through dildo penetration.

That is exactly what i'm trying to learn and why i've bought the aneros 🙂 if i can overcome the strange feeling of having something pressed on and rubbing my prostate then i'm halfway there, my brain was screaming at me that its all wrong, and to be honest the dildo inside feels loads better when its being moved just slightly not thrust, i got more from my session yesterday when she moved it real gently (again that might be because i've no idea what it should feel like) than going deep or thrusting.

The party was fun though, the camaraderie between the guys was amazing, no one interested in dick size or body shape etc, just blokes with a common interest, and watching these beautiful women fucking guys was stimulation enough for me on its own
