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Does a Super T end your session? Poll is created on Jun 26, 2024

Poll results: Does a Super T end your session?
Voter(s): 10
Poll is created on Jun 26, 2024
Do you perform a Super T at the end of your session?  -  votes: 7 / 70%
Do you just finish your session without a Super T?  -  votes: 2 / 20%
Does your session end with a hands-free wet orgasm?  -  votes: 1 / 10%

Do you finish with a Super T or not?

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A Super T, if you haven't learned about it yet, is when you leave the Aneros inside you and you get an erection (if you don't already have one going on) and you work your erect penis until you ejaculate and have a traditional ejaculation-orgasm, but you have a "Super" traditional (or, T) orgasmic ejaculation. The toy drives the pumping and spasms of your traditional orgasm and enhances it in very intense ways. It drains your prostate and seminal vesicles completely until there is literally nothing left in you. When I finish with a Super T, I cannot do anything to myself at all anymore I'm completely, utterly, finished. 

I created this poll to find out how members here finish a session, and if they do a Super T to finish. I think 49/50 of my sessions end with a Super T. 

Thanks for participating!

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I answered end with T but it’s been a recent thing - as I’d avoided penis contact of any kind to have a clear re wiring path.  These days however I may end my session as a means of wrapping things up when I need to move on to other things and stopping can sometimes be a challenge!

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Posted by: @hesnot
I may end my session as a means of wrapping things up when I need to move on to other things and stopping can sometimes be a challenge!

Same here. I don't exactly have a "Super-T". In some cases it can even be a pretty unremarkable orgasm, but it's a definitive end to the session. I tend to "chase" for more, and in those cases a session can go on far longer than it deserves to. I find ejaculating to be a happy middle ground.

It may or may not be a good idea for re-wiring in the long run, but my commitment to that endeavor varies a lot. I have a pet-theory that maybe if I only ever did aneros sessions and nothing else, I'd have better success, but I also have to sleep at night. Sleep wins more often than not. I have done long streaks of not ejaculating, while doing aneros sessions, but I don't have the patience for that all the time.

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Posted by: @clenchy

Posted by: @hesnot
I may end my session as a means of wrapping things up when I need to move on to other things and stopping can sometimes be a challenge!

Same here. I don't exactly have a "Super-T". In some cases it can even be a pretty unremarkable orgasm, but it's a definitive end to the session. I tend to "chase" for more, and in those cases a session can go on far longer than it deserves to. I find ejaculating to be a happy middle ground.

It may or may not be a good idea for re-wiring in the long run, but my commitment to that endeavor varies a lot. I have a pet-theory that maybe if I only ever did aneros sessions and nothing else, I'd have better success, but I also have to sleep at night. Sleep wins more often than not. I have done long streaks of not ejaculating, while doing aneros sessions, but I don't have the patience for that all the time.

I hear ya! Its just an uncontrollable feeling that overtakes me, like nothing in the world matters except that "going for it" at a point in my session when instinct takes over. It literally takes control of me. I never really plan like "ok, I'll do these toys and then I'll get hard and finish all over myself" its more of I'm doing toys, and then a switch flips and I move like an automaton and go for broke. Happened today during a session this afternoon. I hadn't cum in 4 days before a few hours ago, and I got a massage from a very hands-on masseuse and she worked me up to an erection and made me leak precum for minutes on end, but never touched my cock, so I decided when I got home I'd get ready for a session to fully drain myself. I had a dildo I intended to ride ready to go, but at a point in my session it was an "enough's enough" moment and blue Maximus went in me and lots of cum came out! It was a yelling and announcing to an empty room, all alone, that I was cumming. The thing is that I had like 30 orgasms before my Super T.

So I've been wondering if men hold off from full Super T release because they believe they are still trying to rewire. Like, they have prostate orgasms and several, but at what they consider the end of their session, they hold off from full release. I used to think Super T'ing would make me have less Os the next session, or diminish them in several ways. But that's not the case.


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Yeah I get sessions sometimes that bring me so tantalizingly close to ejaculating, that I can't resist going hands-on. But 99% of the time, I'm just trying to cash in my chips and go to sleep.

Posted by: @techpump
So I've been wondering if men hold off from full Super T release because they believe they are still trying to rewire. Like, they have prostate orgasms and several, but at what they consider the end of their session, they hold off from full release. I used to think Super T'ing would make me have less Os the next session, or diminish them in several ways. But that's not the case.

This is a deep and mysterious topic I think. I suspect for some people, they don't even want to crank one out after, because that traditional orgasm part of them is spent. I've only experienced this once before, and it was weird. I was doing the free No Nut November series from Mindgasm, and at some point around day 20, I had an orgasm that was every bit a traditional ejaculatory orgasm, but with no ejaculation. Every muscle spasm, the sensations, the pleasure, everything was so exactly the same that I couldn't believe semen wasn't squirting out. I was also very relaxed afterwards. I've read people reporting their Super Orgasms are like this. My Aneros sessions don't go in that direction, but I believe they could, and for some people they probably do.

I think abstaining from ejaculation can be a useful tool for some people. I'm very sensitive to the bloated feeling of not having ejaculated for a while, so for me, it's free arousal. But then it can also make me a little too fixated on ejaculation. But then again, when I get used to not ejaculating, that can go away.


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Theses days my sessions are not intense enough for me to feel like I'm "done" if I don't finish with a Super-T.

I agree with @clenchy that if the pleasure feelings from the session are strong enough, then you can end up so far beyond traditional orgasm that ejaculating makes little sense, or the focus can be really removed from the penis, and in that case I can feel done or satisfied without an ejaculation. This will mainly happen after longer and stronger sessions that are well above average in intensity. For me a true dry-O, where I have 100% of the ejaculation feeling without any ejaculation, can also trigger a weak refractory period, which will signal the end of a session. 

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