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Do most people feel pleasure First few times?

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I've used my progasm jnr about 5 Saturdays in a row a couple years back and felt nothing except the feeling that I've got something stuck in my butt.... Stumbled back on the Super o again and remembered it's in a drawer so pulled it out and used again.

No pleasure at all.

Does it take awhile to "activate the prostate?" If this happened to you. How long?
If so should I be doing it more often?

I can put it in at bedtime and leave it in right? That's about the only time I have on weeknights.

I will give up again once I give it a truly serious go if I feel no pleasure after a couple months. I've never felt any pleasure from my prostate and I've tried various things over 15 yrs but always give up due to lack of anything remotely pleasurable but keep trying every few yrs because it's supposed to be the male g spot.

Advise appreciated cause I just feel like I'm missing out.

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@random_man the answer to the subject of your post depends entirely on your own expectations of a session. Yes, for some individuals, it takes time for the prostate to react to massages and the time required to achieve what we all are seeking is part of 'rewiring' process. Doing it more frequently will certainly help wake up your organ to new sensation. For you to have full benefits, you need to pay attention to every single sensation produced while the massager is inserted.

I'm not sure sleeping with it will help as you are not appreciating the feelings of the moment. Patience, No Expectations and being relaxed are three elements absolutely crucial to the success of your journey. Giving it a deadline to work might deter any progress you make however small.

Take the time to enjoy your sessions and, as many would say, stick with it! It will pay off one day. Good luck and good journey.

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