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@lonewolf8 and other members

  I'm out of time but I'll answer some things soon. Many reflections here.Thanks


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It took me 12 years to hit the jackpot! 

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Posted by: @zentai

Before you panic, I'd say that if you can achieve a solid erection, you're probably fine. Even then, we know that an erection is not mandatory to achieve S-Os, but to me it's a good indicator of arousal

Once I put something in my ass, I never get an erection, know matter how aroused I am. Or if I have one I lose it. Although I do get that heavy cock feeling during my sessions, like I have an erection. Its like a mental erection. If i do touch my cock I get the hardest hard-on, but then its all about the cock then.

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@regal13 And that’s the proof in the pudding! 12 years fumbling around,was never gonna happen,then it did!! Nothings impossible. 🙂

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@helghast As I am yet to have a super-o as it were, I beleive it could happen. 

Do I have faith it will happen,  I don't know if the word fits. Borders on expectation for me. I can say I am enjoying the process, every aspect of my sex life has improved since I fell into aneros. It keeps getting better and better. I have come to the realization , there is know hump to get over. 



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Its very hard to have zero expectations. Just beginning the journey is expectation to a degree,i personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with a “I’ll get there some day” attitude.

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Posted by: @helghast
Posted by: @soul-pleasure

Kegels are not necessary (for aneros practice) as I thought. I noticed that as soon as I stopped doing contractions (A week or so later) the pleasures were mildly intense.

The main reason noobs should do them is to start to create a mind muscle connection. These muscles usually just work autonomously all our lives. It’s aids in learning individual control of them,helping to achieve the milestone of separating orgasm and ejaculation,which is very beneficial for the journey imo. We don’t need to do 500 a day,just some sets and reps to achieve anal fitness.

Posted by: @soul-pleasure

My theory is that doing kegels somehow tones the muscles in the area but seems to increase the muscular response (disproportionate response) and also a slight desensitization (due to the muscles being strong with super hard erections).

Training a muscle will indeed increase response. This isn’t necessarily a bad when you want to massage a gland with muscle manipulation.

Posted by: @soul-pleasure

An initial light (very light) pressure involving the anal canal and prostate this pressure will be almost unconscious and within minutes it will turn into a pleasurable pressure. That feeling was there from the start. Why didn't I identify?

Are we talking about do nothing technique? What if we aren’t using a toy? Are we A-Less? 

Posted by: @soul-pleasure

Why couldn't I do it before? The rewiring theory that other users have proposed here must be right. You can / should explore the techniques that can lead you to reconnection, but in my case it was all to realize that what was needed was just time and basic relaxation for the prostate, anus and brain to learn about this pleasure, nothing more.

This is debatable. Is there really rewiring? Or do we just need to get into the right state of mind? The brain is quick,but it’s not that quick,some guys had a super o on the very first try,which blows rewiring out of the water. That says to me,they already had the right psyche. Some have to create it over time. Many many factors come into play,life issues,health,weight,fitness,life stress,relationships and sex lives to name a few. It’s a deep dive! You could argue there was nothing to learn about as this equipment was always there 🙂

Posted by: @soul-pleasure

After 4 or 5 uninterrupted months with few sessions that could be called weak, I can say I'm reconnected. I use the white Elpho Trident.

Maybe you just gave up the ghost with trying hard,and that dropped the expectation and any siege mentality and shit fell into place. One things for sure,there’s more than one was to skin this cat.

I had my first super o from pure mechanics,i learned how to activate different muscles individually and that tension+contractions = pleasure + rhythm = orgasm. But I come back to psyche. I believed in that shit down to my very bones,that’s probably why it worked. I’d be happy after an orgasm-less session because I’d found something new,more pleasure than before,or it lasted longer,a different contraction sequence made something feel different etc.I was always quite positive. Many posts were from despondent men caught in a cycle of session and disappointment,which is a killer of a mind set.



  Yes exactly, . I wonder if I hadn't gone through all the tests I did. Would I have been turned back on? My thinking before it was turned on (when I couldn't get pleasure) was exactly the same as people who are trying.

Some thoughts of mine:

"I'm not lucky, several guys have already gotten there"


"It must be just me , it must be me . The problem is me . This pleasure is only for a lucky few."

"What do I need to do to get there"



Just worries. One of the things that may not happen to everyone but I always thought it was a rule.

Thought: "The involuntary ones should be stronger and make the aneros go in and out of my anus"

Today I see that this was not necessary. In the sessions my Elpho is relatively "still" generating waves and more waves of pure pleasure.The movement happens as a fluctuation over the prostate (with Elpho). These are internal movements. In other words, I was wrong in relation to my experience and attempts.


Users who haven't made it yet, keep in mind that you should explore.

Exploring is part of learning about musculature, intensity, etc. But also consider that everything can be a matter of time. A question about the body learning about pleasure, about the anus and prostate learning to respond to the new stimulus.

 At all times the aneros pressed lightly, the sensation I have today was there at that time but I don't remember why I didn't identify it. Yes  I make delicious a-less sometimes.


The question about rebinding is a conundrum. I clearly remember the date of the first Super O. He devastated my being. I didn't sleep that day, I was in psychological shock. It's a long story but my first Super O was with my thumb on the first try after a long time (I didn't have aneros yet), obviously I didn't get anything for a long time afterwards.

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Posted by: @lonewolf8
Posted by: @soul-pleasure

If you just put your index finger resting on your arm (fleshy area) for a few seconds, you will feel the touch and a slight pressure on the skin. When we insert the aneros and it lies down (involves / touches) our prostate, the sensation is similar. An initial light (very light) pressure involving the anal canal and prostate this pressure will be almost unconscious and within minutes it will turn into a pleasurable pressure. That feeling was there from the start. Why didn't I identify?

Interesting. Could you please elaborate the first sentence above? I.e. just how to insert finger inside?


I've attempted to insert my finger inside me before, but always could not get my wrist and arm to spin to the correct place. The nail of my index or middle finger was always facing towards my prostate, but I really need to have the soft part of the finger facing the prostate. I don't know if my torso is too long or my arms too short or no flexibility there in my arms, but can never insert in the way that I want it. Hence why I hope the Aneros will eventually do something.


Is the other takeway then that light pressure is better than harder?

 About the technique I mentioned in the previous text…

Re-editing: If you place your index finger on your arm without pressing, just resting it on your arm (any fleshy part of your arm or any fleshy region of your body); you will notice that your finger "lays" on the skin and generates a little pressure. If you kept your finger on your arm and started talking or paying attention to other things the pressure would still be there, your brain would be focused on something else.

This is just a preview/simulation of what happens when we insert aneros. It gently enters the anal canal, slips and settles around the prostate.

At first you will feel something similar to the simulation I said above. The aneros will touch the prostate gently, it's really light contact (you don't need to know or have to know where the prostate is) just feel that after the aneros penetrates your anus it will generate a little pressure. He may even be unconscious until the pleasure begins.

After inserting the aneros, don't think about anything, observe how the anal canal and everything around the aneros wants to react. It is there inside of you, wait for your body to respond. The walls of the rectum and prostate will act on their own wanting to rub on it (aneros). Remembering that this is just your body responding, these are movements from within the anal canal. Not exactly contractions although they happen too.

Again just input and watch, don't interfere. Let the body learn to respond to aneros and new stimulus.

With my experience today, real muscle contractions and movements (when they exist) are 99.9% light and of the body itself. Regardless of the movement, the pleasure will be there.

At some point all this will turn into pleasure.


Note 1: My preferred position is on my side with knees at 90 degrees or on my side with legs straight.


Note 2: It works for me not to spend the excitement during the day. Before each session (1 or 2 times a week) I watch porn (approximately thirty minutes before the session). As I didn't spend arousal during the day, the first erection is always vigorous and delicious, which makes for an apparently intense session (I'm still observing this effect)

Note 3: I have been quietly inserting aneros into myself. Insert it into you so slowly without letting your hole/anus realize it has been penetrated and see what happens. He will only know that he has been penetrated when he starts to come.

Note 4: Not all sessions are super O. Most of the time just the waves of pleasure in the body are enough. If the Super O comes it will be wonderful but if it doesn't, the session is just as amazing. One thing is for sure the waves grow until they reach the Super O .


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@regal13   My rewiring time was relatively short 1 ½ years or 2 . 12 years is a medium / big time. What were you missing before? What had you not learned or were you doing wrong?


  @tbob keep it up and let us know when you hit Super O. I'm curious to know how others feel, especially those who haven't hit it yet.


I have relative success with aneros and would like others too (those in search of it) to have and see what this pleasure is. 


Good luck, have intense orgasms of happiness ! 

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Where to start? Impatience, unrealistic expectations, general expectations, hard headed, not following advice, thinking this was all exaggerated bunch of hocus pocus, no breathing practice, no kegels, lack of awareness, inability feel or recognize sensations in my body, failure to get out of the "something has to be done with the penis to have an orgasm" mentality, you name it, brother. I checked all the boxes in the barriers to progress department. 

It would have been fun to be one of the "lucky ones," but as it happened, it had a serious, life changing effect on me. I overcame a lot of barriers; some out of desperation, others out of curiosity. When I actually started opening my mind and seriously practicing, it only took a month or two to experience the most out of this world orgasm(s) that were far beyond anything I ever thought possible. That day and a week or two after felt like a great accomplishment .

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