Dangers of rewiring
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Dangers of rewiring

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I am both sceptical about the claims and also worried about the potential unknown risks of prostate massage in general.

​​​can rewiring be undone?

​​​​​​can prostate massage damage internal organs or increase risk of prostate cancer or hemorrhoids or ulcerative colitis

​​​​​many say that fingers are too short to reach. Is this true or just a reason to make you buy the product ?

what's wrong with any long object such as a drumstick ?

I have been experimenting with a drumstick and I have achieved nothing but pain and urge to urinate but nothing else. I have tried a few times and see no reason to carry on or buy such an expensive toy.
Especially since many men who use the aneros complain that they cannot achieve any results.
Even if it takes a year that's a pretty long time.
why would it take so long to find the right spot??

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I am both sceptical about the claims and also worried about the potential unknown risks of prostate massage in general.

I believe skepticism is a personal asset if it motivates you to seek and obtain information/knowledge from diverse sources, but if your skepticism is so powerful as to ignore the preponderance of information you encounter you would be better off just leaving this discussion now. With the internet's mass availability of information on the history, reasoning and purposes of prostate massage for both health and pleasure, asking those questions here in this forum seems a bit trollish.
The practice of prostate massage is not without potential hazards (see the Safety paragraphs in the Aneros WIKI), but the risks are minimal for healthy men who follow common sense guidelines. If what you are doing is causing pain, STOP IT !, you are doing something wrong!

can rewiring be undone?

To a certain extent, yes, just as any learned skill that goes unused for a period of time can weaken and atrophy, the rewiring skills established from Aneros use can likewise weaken from disuse over time. To what extent this happens to any particular individual is impossible to predict.

can prostate massage damage internal organs or increase risk of prostate cancer or hemorrhoids or ulcerative colitis

Please read the entire Health Issues section of the Aneros WIKI.

many say that fingers are too short to reach. Is this true or just a reason to make you buy the product ?

Try it yourself to verify the claim, for many men it is simply too awkward for them to effectively massage their own prostate. However, a partner with average length fingers can commonly reach and massage the prostate, there are plenty of references/guides available on the internet to instruct you and a partner on this.

what's wrong with any long object such as a drumstick ?

I addressed this in response to your prior post. While a drumstick may be used to initially help one identify the location of the prostate on the anterior side of the rectum, I strongly recommend you not employ it as a regular massage tool for safety reasons.

I have been experimenting with a drumstick and I have achieved nothing but pain and urge to urinate but nothing else. I have tried a few times and see no reason to carry on or buy such an expensive toy.

As I mention above, if you are experiencing any pain, you should definitely STOP doing what you were doing ! You are doing something wrong with a device that was never designed to be used as a prostate massager. Use the proper tool for the intended job, just as you shouldn't use a screwdriver as a chisel or a chisel as a screwdriver, you shouldn't use a drumstick as a prostate massager, this is just common sense. Good tools cost more than poorly designed or inadequate tools. If you want to obtain the best possible performance from your tools, bite the bullet and purchase the best you can afford that are purpose designed. Complaining about the inadequacies of drumsticks as prostate massage tools carries very little weight on this forum.

Especially since many men who use the aneros complain that they cannot achieve any results. Even if it takes a year that's a pretty long time.

There are a great many factors which influence each man's unique experience with prostate massage, while the choice of the device is one of those factors, it is definitely NOT the most influential as I noted in my previous response to you.

why would it take so long to find the right spot??

That is a mystery for which we don't really have an answer. I think it is influenced by one's attitude, patience, persistence and willingness to explore their own body in an attuned, sensitive and loving manner. Perhaps it's simply being lazy in one's approach, maybe you'll find a definitive answer, but I don't know why it takes as long as it does for some men.
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel , I salute you for your patience. :rolleyes:

Perhaps this explanation I found might be further helpful. 😉

Types of Drum Stick Tips

There are four main types of stick shapes:

  • Round tips: Round tipped drum sticks produce a bright and focused sound that are great when you need a dynamic punch. These sticks are also great for cymbals, as the focus tone maintains a lot of snap and clarity that other sticks tend to lack.
  • Barrel tips: Barrel tips have a broader tone. These sticks also have a lot of volume.
  • Pointed or triangle: These sticks produce a tone that’s in between the tight and dynamic sound of round tipped sticks and the broad tone of barrel tipped drum sticks. They’re a great fit for the drummer looking for a versatile tone.
  • Teardrop: Teardrop tipped sticks are capable of producing the tone of both round and barrel tipped drum sticks depending on how they’re held.

Wood vs. Synthetic Drum Sticks

The main woods used in drum stick construction are oak, hickory, and maple (in order from most dense to least dense). The denser the material the more volume you’ll get, but as your stick gets denser you may find that it becomes harder to play at speed.

The main benefit of using a synthetic stick is that some synthetic sticks have replaceable heads, something that’s not feasible with wooden sticks. Synthetic sticks are also generally much more durable than wooden sticks, which means that you’ll have to replace your drum sticks much less often.

Nowadays most people prefer the quite expensive Synthetic Drum Sticks like this one

to Wooden Drum Sticks like these ...

At first sight nobody would recognize any difference between them, but please take the following warning seriously:

Take care and don't underestimate the sheer length of the wooden ones, especially if you feel a sudden itch at your prostate.
Otherwise you could hurt yourself by missing your prostate to have a scratch and instead puncture your heart or your lung.

However, I hope this helped to make your choice and good luck, everyone!

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I can think of no danger in learning how to affect ecstasy via connecting your mind to more than just the sensations of your genitals. Would anyone want to un-learn the ability to mentally scratch the tough to reach areas of your back?

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[HTML]Use the proper tool for the intended job, just as you shouldn't use a screwdriver as a chisel or a chisel as a screwdriver, you shouldn't use a drumstick as a prostate massager, this is just common sense. Good tools cost more than poorly designed or inadequate tools. [/HTML]

​​​​​​there is no single proper tool. There are dozens of different tools of different shapes and sizes on the market. Why can't a drumstick or something similar to it be regarded as a proper tool if all the others on the market can? It's nothing more than a piece of smooth metal or plastic.

theres no evidence to suggest that some tools are better than others it's all subjective.

If prostate massage is healthy why is it so difficult to reach?
We don't drill holes in our skull to access our brains so we can massage it, so similarly perhaps the prostate is meant to be left alone ? It's not exactly easy to reach, just like our brains.

the people who report success with these devices could have larger prostates, which are easier to press although having a large prostate is usually a bad sign.

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there is no single proper tool. There are dozens of different tools of different shapes and sizes on the market.

You are correct there are numerous different designs for prostate massagers in the market place and none of those manufacturers recommend their toys to be used as drumsticks.

Why can't a drumstick or something similar to it be regarded as a proper tool if all the others on the market can? It's nothing more than a piece of smooth metal or plastic.

If you wish to regard a drumstick as a proper prostate massage device, you are free to do so. If you wish to continue using a drumstick and inflicting pain upon yourself you are free to do that too. If you wish to think of prostate massagers as "...nothing more than a piece of smooth metal or plastic." you are free to do that as well.

theres no evidence to suggest that some tools are better than others it's all subjective.

This is true, so what ? The market place pretty much determines which tools are better than others, it is based upon sales volumes and repeat customers. What specific evidence can you propose to make a determination ?

If prostate massage is healthy why is it so difficult to reach?

It isn't difficult at all, I've been doing it several times a week for nearly 11 years, prostate massage with my Aneros devices is much easier than trying to do it with my own fingers.

We don't drill holes in our skull to access our brains so we can massage it, so similarly perhaps the prostate is meant to be left alone ? It's not exactly easy to reach, just like our brains.

It wouldn't do much good to massage your own brain even if you could because the brain does not have receptor nerve cells for heat/cold, pressure or pain, the brain has its own specialized nerve cells. Since the prostate does have nerve cells which are responsive to pressure and that certain pressures are interpreted by the brain as pleasurable, it makes perfect sense to me that nature did intend for us to appropriately stimulate this area of our body. A woman's G-spot is not exactly easy to reach either so should she leave it alone as well?

the people who report success with these devices could have larger prostates, which are easier to press although having a large prostate is usually a bad sign.

Perhaps success is related to prostate size but I seriously doubt it, besides, such speculation is not really useful as you really don't have any control over your genetically determined prostate size.

@Superorgasm, it's time to stop being trollish, I've tried to answer all your questions despite your obvious lack of reading in the available literature. If you don't believe in the relevance, functionality or purpose of intelligently designed, prostate massagers why are you participating on this Forum ?
Good Vibes to You !

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, it's time to stop being trollish, I've tried to answer all your questions despite your obvious lack of reading in the available literature. If you don't believe in the relevance, functionality or purpose of intelligently designed, prostate massagers why are you participating on this Forum ?

I've already stated that I'm sceptical about this whole topic. We are simply sharing our thoughts and opinions which could lead to a better understanding of the truth. Are you opposed to this? Is your mind made up? If you think there's nothing worthwhile discussing here, then the onus is on you to provide evidence for the various issues we've discussed. You've not known the answers to all my questions here so clearly there are unanswered questions even for self proclaimed experts as yourself.

none of those manufacturers recommend their toys to be used as drumsticks.

that wasn't the question. The question was whether a drumstick or something similar could be used for prostate massage.

The market place pretty much determines which tools are better than others, it is based upon sales volumes and repeat customers. What specific evidence can you propose to make a determination ?

Why should I have to provide evidence? That needs to come from the manufacturers and the scientists.
What do you mean by repeat customers?
These devices last long enough that you'd probably never need to buy another.
The reviews I've read have been a mixed bag. I have read many reports from people using the aneros that do not describe experiencing super o's. Proponents claim that it takes time but no explanation for why. You could not answer this either.
Why should we assume it's even possible for all men?

Berit Brogaard, professor and director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami, told Gizmodo. There are cases of spontaneous orgasms or other symptoms confused for orgasms, even epilepsy, she explained. She’d like to see more scientific research.

so as you can see some so called super o's may not even be an orgasm at all.

nature did intend for us to appropriately stimulate this area of our body.

For what purpose ? Nature intends for us to have sex for the purposes of reproduction. If nature intended for prostate stimulation it would disincentivise normal sex which would be counterproductive to nature.


A woman's G-spot is not exactly easy to reach either so should she leave it alone as well?

first of all a g spot is nothing like the prostate. The vagina is designed for intercourse it even lubricates itself to facilitate the insertion of a penis. The rectum is the exit point for waste matter. There is no lubrication provided to facilitate the insertion of anything. The prostate lies hidden behind the rectal wall.
You don't hide things which are designed to be found.
The g spot is just a name for a thing which some people dispute the existence of. The prostate is a real thing. It's existence is incontrovertible.
The g spot itself is a topic of controversy and so is female squirting which is often associated with the g spot. Reference to it does not provide much credibility to the discussion.

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why are you participating on this Forum ?

Because that is what trolls are doing ...

In Internet slang, a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.

Only don't get the clue, what's the amusement of it.

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@SOwithoutAneros, Yeah, it's a shame we all have to suffer through these episodes of trollish behavior. I'm done with this one and I encourage all other members to stop feeding trolls as well, it's pointless.

Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel @SOwithoutAneros I agree with the wisdom of not feeding this type of thread but I need to put in my two cents worth here.

First, the use of a drumstick to explore a prostate is not unlike my very first attempt to access my prostate with a screwdrivers covered in a condom. The results were null as the shape of my screwdriver did not include certain curves that make a quality massager work so well and the same goes for a drumstick regardless of the material it’s made of.

I never researched the proof of a quality massager (such as Aneros) working wonders for my failing prostate health in scientific studies. Rather, after carefully reading thousands of forum member’s testimonies, I took a chance on acquiring and trying one. It’s like using a glue in my wood shop; I don’t need to research studies about the molecular structure of its composition, I read reviews, I take a chance, I try it and if it works GREAT! Aneros worked GREAT wonders for me (as for thousands) so that is good enough for me. It’s good enough for me to vouch for it on the Forum which does not mean it will work for everyone. Some prefer a drumstick or screwdriver…

I don't work for Aneros, nor get paid by them to vouch that their product has helped my prostate health tenfold. Weather readers of this forum believe me or not is irrelevant to me. Take it for what it's worth.

Finally, I truly believe in freedom of speech but IMHO it has to be done so with respect to others and the topic discussed. Some like to express their strong opinion based on facts and some on nothing but confrontational affronts. It is very fortunate that this Forum has very few of the latter and this is why I am always happy to share my experiences on it.

Keep up the good work both of you.

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Trolls get off to the beat of silly drummers.

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Lol, I was foolish enough (by my own standards - not judging others) and tried drumsticks 15 or so years ago (sizes 7A and 2B, promark brand, wood) - I had no knowledge that there are specifically designed tools for prostate stimulation at that time.

Drumsticks have no “limit stop” and are wayyyy longer than needed (increased risk of injury) and too easy to miss the mark.

Drumsticks do not have a specially designed shape to remain in place - in fact mine were frequently pushed out. Also they will not stay “on target”

I purchased a EuphoSyn first... had no idea how to use it and foolishly (again by my own standards) did not read any directions... used it manually in and out and injured myself.

I recovered, read the wiki, forums and other related material and went from “this thing doesn’t do much” to super fantastic feelings (akin to the video) in about 3-4 months... loved it so much I later got the Helix Syn.

Morale of the story, in my personal experience Drumsticks did not work and they made me very nervous and I found them frustrating. Aneros (after following directions) worked wonderful!

These adages are true based on my experience with Aneros (and Drumsticks):
1) Knowledge is power.
2) To do a good job you need the right tools for the job.

@Superorgasm , if you join us on the journey, are open minded and diplomatic, do your own reading, and ask for help - you will find help and plenty of it (based on my experience here).

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"A woman's G-spot is not exactly easy to reach either so should she leave it alone as well? first of all a g spot is nothing like the prostate. The vagina is designed for intercourse it even lubricates itself to facilitate the insertion of a penis. The rectum is the exit point for waste matter. There is no lubrication provided to facilitate the insertion of anything. The prostate lies hidden behind the rectal wall."

Not to up on anatomy either, I would have to say! The prostate is a direct counterpart to the G-spot, as a large percentage of us here already know. Funny as both the P & G-spots have to be accessed through the walls of it's parent passage. Both, release fluids through the urethra NOT, through it's parent passage. Both, are also responsible for a mind blowing orgasm as well. Enough said.


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I think some here are being very harsh on others, I have made great progress over the years but it has taken many years to do so and I still dont totally agree that it is all as people say it is.

Flopping about on the bed for example, i dont agree that this is normal (though defining normal isnt easy in this process of course) but i cannot imagine it being comfrotable with the device smacking the bed, writhing and taking that concentration off the pleasure. Its like bad overacting! I just dont beleive it, if it happens to me then im happy for my opinion to be changed but for now and everything i have experienced and learned it is tottally contradicatory from my POV.

Anyway, i do think there are dangers, i myself have badly damaged myself using the aneros, granted improperly by my own hand but i was back in the early days of the device and there wasnt a wealth of information on how to use such a thing back then. Good that we can help each other here now.

I do agree that if we were meant to stimulate the prostate that it would be easier to reach. Not just that but it would be easier for us to make progress in achieving states of pleasure, it's not like we had to learn to 're-wire' our brains to feel pleasure in our penis, it is designed to feel pleasureable off the bat. I had my first orgasms at 4 or 5 (i called them squeezers!) and took little effort to make happen, it required no mental concentration whatsoever.

As for other dangers... i'm not sure. I think those can be more psychological than physical, for example, i found myself seriously put off sex for a long time as a direct result of the aneros usage. I havent had the easiest of journeys as some here, its been a long and not totally enjoyable one im sad to say, though the results i get now are very good and seem to be getting better.

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If I squat down on the floor, and stick a finger inside me, I can reach my prostate so easily, I don't even have to use my whole finger. It's much lower and easier to reach. I can massage it really well like that, too. But, I prefer Aneros and other g-spot oriented toys simply because they were designed to stimulate a human's P and G spots!!!

A drumstick?? Why not a toothbrush handle, or the handle for a kitchen utensil??

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If I squat down on the floor, and stick a finger inside me, I can reach my prostate so easily, I don't even have to use my whole finger. It's much lower and easier to reach. I can massage it really well like that, too. But, I prefer Aneros and other g-spot oriented toys simply because they were designed to stimulate a human's P and G spots!!!

then you must have some VERY long fingers

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@The_Fury I hope things continue to improve for you! Respectfully, I disagree with what you said about not being supposed to stimulate the prostate because of the effort and re-wiring required. Sure the penis works easily when you’re young, does that mean you’re not supposed to touch it when you’re old and it becomes difficult? I sure hope not! I can’t just walk into a gym and dead lift 300 lbs, I have to work up to it both physically and mentally. Then endorphins are released and it feels great. As a general rule, I think anything you can do with the power of your own mind and body that doesn’t hurt yourself or others but feels good without chemical enhancement is A-ok! Especially if there are health benefits!
