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Cumming while lying face down

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Hi everyone —

I’ve been experimenting with an Aneros since the start of this year. New sensations came very early, and have been increasing ever since, although not too quickly; I just try and “enjoy the journey”, and most if not all sessions feel better than the last. I also got HFOs on the first try.

I think I might have experienced my first super-O, or something approaching, yesterday night; mind-blowing pleasure with a total loss of control, panting, spasming, sweating, moaning, the whole lot. The thing is that I had turned face down moments before, and I ejaculated during it; which, as I understand, is not supposed to happen with a (purely internal) prostate orgasm. Since I could not isolate my dick from the bed, I assume the involuntary humping did it, although I don’t think I was hard until it happened. (Latest cum was two days before.)

If you are face down when getting a super-O, do you cum as well? Any tip (mental or logistical) to prevent that?

Whatever that was, it was freaking awesome anyway. Can’t wait to have time for another go. (And if that wasn’t even a full, proper super-O, I’ll have what she’s having.)

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@armand_fl Welcome to the forum. I am one of the few who prefers to have sessions on my stomach/lying face down. I can have wonderful sensations in any position, but face down is my go-to. I also had the problem of ejaculating due to my cock making contact with the mattress. While it felt wonderful, I wasn't looking to ejaculate and preferred to retain my semen to keep arousal levels higher, so I sought out help on my favorite forum. @goldenboy suggested wearing a jock/cup to place a barrier between my cock and the mattress. For me this has worked perfectly and I wear one during every session. Just make sure you purchase a large enough cup (I like shock doctor brand, but there are others) to accommodate your erections. Let us know if you have any other questions and let us know if it works for you. Good luck!

Bill Bately, win123, Bill Bately and 3 people reacted
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@armand_fl I wholeheartedly endorse wearing a jock/cup during sessions as @jekyll&hyde gave me a nod! One suggestion I would make is to make sure that the legstraps are far-enough apart so as not to interfere with the P- or K-tabs. I like my Mueller cup for sessions; you don't want a jock that's too tight either; that would take-away pleasure from your prostate massage. Best of luck to you!

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Thanks to you both @jekyll&hyde and @goldenboy! I’ll experiment some more, and give that a try if it feels better in that position.

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I too took the suggestion @goldenboy offered, & purchased a ShockJock cup & strap. I'm justa-newbie, but can tell you it works very well. I highly recommend the investment.

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@armand_fl , There have been numerous threads over the years which have discussed the topic of Hands Free Wet Orgasms (ejaculations) both intentional and unintentional. In either case, it is necessary to identify the trigger(s) for initiating the ejaculatory reflex and then find ways of avoiding or invoking it as the user desires. Your problem is rare but not unheard of. There are several things you can try to avoid unwanted ejaculations.

1.) You can try doing nothing about it, this may only be a phase you are going through. As your rewiring progresses you may simply drop this response as you learn to focus on your prostate sensations more and shift focus away from penile stimulation. Give yourself a month or two to see if it is just a phase and increase focus on the sensations being generated by your Aneros.

2.) Relax more fully as your arousal increases. Most men increase muscular tension in the pelvic floor as they approach orgasm which in turn spurs triggering the ejaculatory reflex. By learning to relax those muscles you will avoid/postpone triggering that reflex. There are many techniques for learning to relax available on the internet, take some time to read through some of them, your solution may be as simple as that. When the pleasurable sensations are building up, I suspect you are simultaneously building up tension in your body. This is the normal pattern we men learn from years of masturbatory practice. IMHO, it is this muscular body tension along with penile stimulation which significantly contributes to triggering the ejaculatory response. When you learn to relax your way down from that tension (you can learn to do it!) you will greatly reduce the likelihood of premature or unwanted ejaculations.

3.) Make sure you are not providing any penile stimulation, even incidental touching by bedding may be triggering the ejaculatory response when you are highly aroused. If some slight touching is still occurring you could try applying a numbing creme to your penis to take the edge off. This may provide enough diminution of sensation to prevent ejaculation.

4.) You may try employing a testicle cuff/ball stretcher (see this thread) to inhibit the action of the cremaster muscles from pulling the testes up into the body. This may also avoid/postpone the tendency to trigger the ejaculatory response.

5.) you may try using a cock ring for an effect similar to the testicle cuff, however, this may tend to also keep your penis erect and highly sensitive.
(Disclaimer - I'm not a doctor, the following is just my opinion/speculation based upon my own reading research, anecdotal evidence and personal experience.)
It has to do with restricting the action of the cremaster and Dartos muscles. Cock rings have been used for millennia as a sexual tool for men to aid their ability to maintain an erection and prolong sexual activity and hence pleasure. This is accomplished by restricting blood flow out of the penis (corpus cavernosum) thus maintaining an erection. This action may also lead to a slight numbing sensation as the nerves are no longer receiving a circulating supply of oxygen rich blood, hence, with decreased sensitivity prolonged stimulation before triggering the ejaculatory reflex is accomplished. If the cock ring also includes restriction of the scrotal sack the cremaster muscles are prevented from pulling the testes up to the body as normally happens when arousal approaches ejaculatory inevitability, thus by restricting this movement the ejaculation is delayed beyond the time it would normally occur. Ejaculation is not prevented but it may be significantly delayed. During this delayed time period continued stimulation can occur resulting in increasing arousal and pleasure.
In Aneros use, focus on stimulating the penis and invoking strong ejaculatory orgasms is not the usual desired path while the desire to enhance the ability to enjoy multiple dry orgasms is. Thus cock rings may or may not be advantageous. However, using a testicle cuff alone allows the penis to remain flaccid and unstimulated while simultaneously providing the benefit of retarding the ejaculatory reflex, prolonging arousal and simulation. A testicle cuff/ball stretcher does not need to be tight fitting (in fact should NOT be tight fitting) to be effective thus blood flow to the scrotum and testicles is not restricted. The resulting skin exposure of the scrotal sack may make you more sensitive to stimulation/pleasure.
Safety first - "Circulation blockage is one of the biggest risks in cock and ball torture, which can be seen with loss of color and edemas. Bondage in which the testicles are tied to something else is especially dangerous. Common injuries in cock and ball torture are abrasions, bruises, cuts and ejaculation of semen with blood (hematospermia). The most serious injuries are testicular rupture and testicular torsion, which require urgent medical attention."

6.) As @jekyll&hyde & @goldenboy suggested, isolating your penis and testicles from other physical stimulation with use of an athletic protection cup may suffice.

7.) (Perhaps most extreme) you could try using a chastity device like the CB6000, this will act like a testicle cuff and keep your penis from becoming erect, additionally, it will also minimize penile stimulation through material contact with bedding materials even as you are moving. This could also be helpful in maintaining semen retention regime, discouraging you from engaging in typical masturbatory acts.

8.) You might wish to try prostate milking prior to having an Anerosession, this may release enough fluid pressure to preclude you from experiencing an ejaculation. However, depending upon the degree of fluid released, your arousal level may be sufficiently reduced to also preclude any type of orgasm. Personally, I've found a partial prostate milking very effective in dampening the ejaculation reflex without triggering the refractory period or greatly diminishing my arousal level, provided I don't totally drain myself of fluid. I think getting yourself relaxed enough for some drainage to occur primes your relaxation state for a good long Anerosession with multiple dry-O's.

9.) Your own psychological state. Since heightened arousal is a necessary component leading to Super-O's there may be hidden, subconscious ideas and/or emotions which can also act as ejaculatory triggers. These triggers you may not even be aware of or have any control over. However, if you use exterior erotic materials (e.g. listening to hypnotic scripts) in conjunction with your arousal buildup routine you may unconsciously be invoking those triggers. If you can identify any such triggers and are able to eliminate them you may be able to avert the unwanted ejaculations as well.

Good Vibes to You !

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In my early years I followed the instructions of laying on my side, upper knee bent and by no means letting my penis touch anything. I floundered that way for 6 months with no success. Then I tried leaving it in and sleeping with it in hoping that would open a door. I woke up at 5 am with a hypersensitive erection, laying on my stomach with my rigid penis pressing on a soft soft mattress (it was a hotel). To my amazement I burst into chains of mesmerizing MMO's with no ejaculation. They lasted 15 minutes. I deduced it was the hour and the contact with the mattress that launched my success. That was 14 years ago. I learned that it was like surfing. Once I got it ,it was a subtle skill of learning my "balance" and doing all of the nuanced things I needed to do to "stay up" to sustain intense sessions. I typically go for an hour to as much as 3 hours now. I now start all my sessions (aless and A) on my stomach and I do them between 3 am and 6 am. I also do them this same way with my erection in my wife's bare derriere. The warmth of her crease ignites incendiary orgasms for me.

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Thank you so much for your invaluable advice, @rumel! I’m not inclined to anything extreme, but I’ll try other positions, and more relaxing. (Too much otherwise busy to try anything in the last few days.)

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@gnawdol: interesting. Basically, the continuous stimulation and erection defuse your ejaculatory reflexes?

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Personally I think you should roll over onto your back or side. Although you’ve enjoyed your hfe’’s,I would counsel mastering the deconstruction of orgasm and ejaculation first. It’s only been a few months and the journey can be long. The quicker you separate and learn to control them,the quicker you get to the freedom and confidence to call your own tune.

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Armand ..... It is weird. I usually start a session with a full erection. I can start flaccid but it takes longer. As the pleasure deepens, I lose the erection until I am diminutive. I am a grower. Soft I m 2-3 inches, hard 8+. Thirty to forty minutes into a session I couldn't come if I wanted to. It is funny. Many years ago when I first had success it was in hotels on hotel beds and sheets. I was so worried about ejaculating on their sheets I brought my own sheets to overlay their sheets in the bed in case I came. So the first time I had success and few times after that I succumbed to the orgasms without worrying as I figured if I released it would be on my sheets. .To my surprise from the very first time I never ejaculated. To this day I don't. I do sessions often in my own bed at home in the middle of the night. All I ever do is leak precum profusely and my precum doesn't stain.
