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So in goldenboy's recent lube post, I navigated around through that to get to other posts where I noticed someone mention Crisco in their list of oil lubricants. So I was wondering, is Crisco a valid option for a aneros lubricant. And if so, is it safe and easy to clean? Does it work well? I have always only used a simple water based lube that I pre-lube with on top of lubing the aneros. Though recently I've considered a thicker lube to put on the toy itself, because the water based always gets "squeegeed" off and then dries externaly (very fast) and internaly (not too fast but fast enough.)

Well thanks and I look forward to reading your responses


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... I was wondering, is Crisco a valid option for a aneros lubricant. And if so, is it safe and easy to clean? Does it work well?

I would NOT recommend using 'Crisco' as an anal lubricant. Please read Meghan Telpner's article If vegetables don’t make oil, what’s Crisco?. It contains hydrogenated palm oil, hydrogenated oils are "trans fats", not good for your heart health. Additionally, Crisco contains soybean oil, soy contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that may mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body. Please read the Men's Health article Is This the Most Dangerous Food For Men? Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you rumel, this is why I asked, for I was very sceptical and I might of done it still. So thank you.

The only reason it triggered my curiosity was because it was mentioned by what seemed a experianced forum member, but the thing was from 2008 or something like that.

I never knew these things about soy though, is it just plainly bad for you or just in large ammounts? I always saw soy as a healthy but odd thing. Learn something new every day I suppose.

And back to the regards of lube, whats something thats thicker and will stay on the aneeos through insertion? I really need to find something.


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Thank you rumel, this is why I asked, for I was very sceptical and I might of done it still. So thank you.

You are most welcome, one of the great qualities of this Aneros Forum is the open sharing of information and the willingness of members help their fellow Anerosians progress in a safe and pleasurable manner. The world's knowledge base is ever increasing and there are many things we know now that we didn't know 8 yrs. ago.

I never knew these things about soy though, is it just plainly bad for you or just in large ammounts?

I suspect it is only men who consume larger amounts of soy products on a regular basis who should probably be most concerned, but I'm fairly confident there is also a small percentage of men who may be particularly sensitive to some of the side effects of soy product consumption. I've consumed soy products (in small amounts, at irregular intervals) for my entire adult life with no apparent deleterious effects. However, for regular Aneros users, having 2-3 Anerosessions a week, such exposure to soy products may cause gradual hormonal changes as noted in the Men's Health article. I think rare use of 'Crisco' as an emergency lube probably poses very little risk of side effects.

And back to the regards of lube, whats something thats thicker and will stay on the aneeos through insertion? I really need to find something.

I like a thicker lube myself, that's why I am now using the coconut oil-shea butter blend which seems to adhere pretty well to my Aneros devices. However, if you want an even more tenacious lube, try mixing up a batch of Natural Jelly. Good Vibes to You !

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