Cowper's Gland vs P...
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Cowper's Gland vs Prostatic Fluid

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It's rare that I find questions that Google is wholly incapable of answering for me but I have found one:

Any sort of anal play or use of an Aneros results in a pretty steady stream of what I have always assumed was pre-cum or Cowper's Gland secretions. I have been reading about people who utilize prostate massaging as treatment for prostatitis or BPH, and they say that the prostate massage results in prostate fluid coming out of the penis. I read in one, single place that it had the appearance of semen.

Is there a difference, and should a healthy person using an Aneros see prostate secretions? I get the impression that the `prostate secretions` are not supposed to happen, so I'm currently assuming that just having lots of precum is a good sign and I should keep enjoying myself.

Regardless, I've had a hard time gathering info on this and was curious if others had any info they could share. Has anyone had a professional prostate massage (for medical purposes)? Can you elaborate on any difference between so called "prostate secretions" and general pre-cum?

(I got started on all of this because of btw, still can't decide what to make of that. I have trouble with "dribbling" sometimes, was told multiple times that I was healthy (no infection, nothing on a basic xray, DRE all cleared okay) so I'm always a bit curious)

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It's rare that I find questions that Google is wholly incapable of answering for me but I have found one:

Any sort of anal play or use of an Aneros results in a pretty steady stream of what I have always assumed was pre-cum or Cowper's Gland secretions.

Yes. And, rather individualized depending on the individual, specific Aneros model and degree of mental arousal

I have been reading about people who utilize prostate massaging as treatment for prostatitis or BPH, and they say that the prostate massage results in prostate fluid coming out of the penis. I read in one, single place that it had the appearance of semen.

Correct. Prostatic fluid makes up about 1/3 of the content of semen. Most of the rest 'cums' from the seminal vesicles and the bulbourethral glandsis. Checkout -- Vas deferens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- and google links to the other components you see in that reference.

Is there a difference, and should a healthy person using an Aneros see prostate secretions? I get the impression that the `prostate secretions` are not supposed to happen, so I'm currently assuming that just having lots of precum is a good sign and I should keep enjoying myself.

There is a difference. The Cowpers secretion is produced as a prelude to ejaculation (at the start of, or before, foreplay for most of us). It lubricates the urethra, helps with sexual penetration and sets the chemistry for the ejaculate. it also helps the urethera act as a small 'mix-master' by putting a spin on our wad. It's produced from mental stim, erection of the crus (the part of the penis that's inside you) or in the case of anal massage, by pressure on the Cowpers Glands.
The prostate fluid we produce during massage therapy, a DRE, anal play has little to do with whether we produce pre-cum. Keep in mind too that some guys leak some semen, including sperm, during heavy, extended foreplay or a lot of thrusting.-- ejaculation isn't necessary. And, there's nothing wrong with those gents-- some leak enough sperm to impregnate.

Regardless, I've had a hard time gathering info on this and was curious if others had any info they could share. Has anyone had a professional prostate massage (for medical purposes)?


Can you elaborate on any difference between so called "prostate secretions" and general pre-cum?

Think that's answered above.

(I got started on all of this because of btw, still can't decide what to make of that. I have trouble with "dribbling" sometimes, was told multiple times that I was healthy (no infection, nothing on a basic xray, DRE all cleared okay) so I'm always a bit curious)

If I'm pain-free, there's no burning and haven't had unprotected sex, I don't see a need to be concerned !

If you visit a Uro for your DRE, spend a moment on asking him/her for info --

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Ah, I was going to post a thread on this subject but felt that my question was too small to make a thread; there's a lot being created with all the new users and I don't want to add to the bloat.

When I feel lots of P-waves in the morning I can push out a tiny drop of the clearest pre-cum (cowper's) after getting out of bed. This morning was bizarre. What came out was whiter and thicker than I've ever seen, it looked like natural latex (white stuff that plants bleed); I guess that would be almost pure sperm. I ejaculated a few days ago, so it's not like I'm leaking from too much "conservation." I've never randomly squeezed out sperm like this. I'm not worried, just confused!

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I concur with 'rook's information, there is indeed a difference between pre-cum and prostate (seminal) fluid. Your Aneros massager may induce emissions of either or both. Many men have reported increased pre-cum production from use of their massagers, see the user's Poll How much Precum do you produce?. Some men have also experienced hands free ejaculatory orgasms as a result of their Aneros use. Your ejaculate is composed of sperm (2-5%), seminal vesicle fluid (65-75%), prostate fluid (25-30%) and less than 1% precum.
Since prostate fluid composes only part of your ejaculate, it will probably have a different consistency from your full ejaculation. Aneros massagers, under the right conditions, can also induce emissions from your prostate alone, this is called Prostate Milking

@Korkelz, I've experienced similar conditions upon waking in the morning, on a few of those occasions I remember having had an erotic dream immediately before becoming fully awake. I suspect this is pretty normal, somewhat akin to experiencing a wet dream

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I always assumed the clear fluid seen during sexual excitation or with Aneros use was from the Cowper's glands and the thin milky fluid like when the urologist firmly palpated your prostate during a digital rectal exam was from the prostate.

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I wanted to bring this old thread back to life with some clarifying questions and discussions:

- when I use aneros or any other prostate stimulation, I get a thick, clear fluid that seems to be in endless supply but comes out slowly over time

- I always thought the thick clear stuff was prostatic fluid and referred to it as pre cum but it sounds like prostatic fluid is thin and milky and the thick clear fluid comes from the Cowper’s gland

- once in a blue moon, I get a tiny amount of thin milky fluid but this is usually only when I stop what I’m doing right before the point of no return

So my question is, do you get the thick clear stuff or the thin milky stuff when you use your aneros? Since the thin milky stuff is actually the prostatic fluid, how do I get more of that to come out? Am I pressing/stimulating the wrong spot? What I’m doing works beautifully from a sensation standpoint, but I’m wondering why I’m getting the thick clear stuff instead of the thin white stuff.

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Is there a particular reason you want to see more prostatic fluid? If what you’re doing feels good, then stick with that. You can forcibly milk the prostate, and some people really like that as a kink/fetish, but if you just want to get the fluid out, ejaculation does a fine job of that without extra fuss.

At the end of my Aneros session this morning, I finished by taking myself to the brink of ejaculation a few times (by stroning my penis), contracting my anus/rectum/pc muscles at the edge, and that caused some prostatic fluid to leak out. That wasn’t a goal, just the outcome. But throughout the session, before I began stroking my penis, it was all clear Cowper’s gland pre-cum.

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@synath Thanks for the feedback. It’s curiosity for me more than anything. If there are different techniques that generate different fluids or different sensations I’d like to try it. One thing I discovered during this is male “squirting” so I want to learn more about that too. When I first started with aneros and prostate stim, I realized male sexuality was like the ocean for me and I’d only scratched the surface. So now I want to learn as much as I can!

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@Maximus1217 I hear you there! There’s a lot more to male (and general human) sexuality than I ever imagined. It’s a shame that puritanical prudishness has held (and still holds) back so many people from freely exploring their own amazing bodies!

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I have always made a large volume of clear precum (cowpers secretion). Since Anerosing the last 13 years my volume has increased significantly, so much so that when I write erotica, which I do for recreation, I have to put a pantiliner in my briefs. However there have been numerous occasions over the years when I am at the shrieking apex of a hard hard prostate orgasm I will feel a buzz in my urethra and I will ooze prostatic fluid. It is ivory colored and more watery than semen but definitely more viscous than precum. .

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Following discussion.

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On xtube I added some video of me using aneros. Its sometimes amazing how much fluid comes out. Maybe its interesting to analyze what kind of fluidit is. Sometimes clear, sometimes more white......there are more video in xtube.
Mostly i wear a cockring. Can anybody advice about a cockring? Which one or better no one?
Thanks a lot and in weekend i will do an aneros session again!

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I wanted to bring this old thread back to life with some clarifying questions and discussions:

- when I use aneros or any other prostate stimulation, I get a thick, clear fluid that seems to be in endless supply but comes out slowly over time

- I always thought the thick clear stuff was prostatic fluid and referred to it as pre cum but it sounds like prostatic fluid is thin and milky and the thick clear fluid comes from the Cowper’s gland

- once in a blue moon, I get a tiny amount of thin milky fluid but this is usually only when I stop what I’m doing right before the point of no return

So my question is, do you get the thick clear stuff or the thin milky stuff when you use your aneros? Since the thin milky stuff is actually the prostatic fluid, how do I get more of that to come out? Am I pressing/stimulating the wrong spot? What I’m doing works beautifully from a sensation standpoint, but I’m wondering why I’m getting the thick clear stuff instead of the thin white stuff.

I have had the "squirting" of milky white thin fluid happen right at the point of no return when I was edging w/my Aneros. I actually thought I was going to ejaculate, but I did not. I tried to relax ALL PC area muscles as much as possible at the PONR and got a squirt or two of thin milky white thin liquid that tasted like cum. The refractory peroid definetly did not kick in and the later ejaculation was awesome.

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@bestofholland just took a look at your videos and Id have to say that's amazing.. I have had my aneros syn and progasm for a couple years now.. still working on my journey.. but the most leakage Ive ever gotten was just a small bit of precum.. what sort of technique do you use? have you always been able to leak like that since you got your aneros?

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I I’ve read that pre-cum doesn’t come out in large amounts but I’m no expert.
