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continuous a / less orgasm

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i recently started changing my a/less sessions.

being an elderly senior[77] i have fragmented sleep due to toilet needs....... usually 3 times a night.

around 3 am.... toilet then a short session; 3 or 4 orgasms... back to sleep.

around 5 am...... same as above.

around 7 am... toilet and fully awake and aroused  to start slow prolonged session.

nice totally relaxed build up to delicious orgasmic zone with very light intermittent nipple play and levator prostatae clenching.

on or around my 5th i start orgasming continuously.

the pleasure is sensational until i reach a stage where i am becoming overwhelmed with a  feeling of slight disorientation and light headedness and unable to continue.

i soon settle down and finish the session.

during this there is no rapid heartbeat, tension or anxiety....... totally relaxed.

 is it safe to  carry on like this. i have no health issues.

any input appreciated.... thanks.





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To the best of my knowledge, this is safe, as long as you don't start cutting into your sleep hours etc. I don't think the calm, relaxing orgasms can turn bad. On the other hand, if you are 

Posted by: @smaster

[...] becoming overwhelmed with a  feeling of slight disorientation and light headedness and unable to continue.

and you decide to continue and push forward with the session, whatever happens could mean you will have to re-evaluate things and maybe take a step back. But I don't think there's much to worry about, this is a good path to be on. 



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Posted by: @smaster

 is it safe to  carry on like this. i have no health issues.

any input appreciated.... thank

Safe, it probably is but I believe everything in moderation is better than in excess.   Everyone's different; that many sessions in short bursts would be too much for me.  My old body needs to recuperate even from great sessions.

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Sounds like you’re experiencing some good sessions! Am also a senior at 76 and frequently wake up to some awesome Aless pleasure! Don’t have to get up in the night as I am a sound sleeper with no bladder or prostate issues! As my wife sleeps later, I usually have an hour or more for Aneros or Aless pleasure to start the day!

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Press on and see. You’re just at the transitional stage between places,and the next place is a great place. If the body thinks you’re gonna die,instinct will kick in and it’ll pass you out.

Ive read the forum extensively and no one has ever posted that they died from having a super-o. You’ll be fine.

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Posted by: @helghast

If the body thinks you’re gonna die,instinct will kick in and it’ll pass you out.

I can't see this happening during calm seas Os, but other weird stuff is quite possible.

Posted by: @helghast

[...] no one has ever posted that they died from having a super-o

Well if you want to nitpick, there's ego death, but it's temporary. 

Edit : Hopefully, it will be temporary. Read I am that, which covers the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, if you want to know what it feels like when it is not. It is quite eerie... 

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Posted by: @zentai

I can't see this happening during calm seas Os,

Not the way I read it,I read it that the calm seas is about to transcend into rough seas. Hence the overwhelming and lightheaded stuff.

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Haha, I'm reading the opposite, to me this is heading in deeper calms seas, but you could be right, who knows how things will progress for different men...  

@smaster, is it okay to ask you for more details about what is going inside your mind when you reach the stage where things become somewhat overwhelming ? 

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Posted by: @zentai

Haha, I'm reading the opposite

Fortunately I’m here to check you 😉


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Posted by: @zentai

Haha, I'm reading the opposite, to me this is heading in deeper calms seas, but you could be right, who knows how things will progress for different men...  

@smaster, is it okay to ask you for more details about what is going inside your mind when you reach the stage where things become somewhat overwhelming ? 

i am starting to feel uncomfortable and unsettled at that stage which distracts me from the enjoyment of the moment....... i cannot explain why this happens.

i do not have any 'spacy' hallucinigenic thoughts.

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To me there is no doubt that there is something different awaiting you on the other side of this unsettling place, but it's up to you to decide if you want to explore this or not. You're likely experiencing some vague, even unconscious fear of the unknown and your body is pulling you back. 

There is no right answer, if you're fine with the level you are at, nothing forces you to go further. If you do want to carry on, it will take some conscious decision on your part, or giving yourself permission to experience the unknown. At least that's the way it is for me. 



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Posted by: @zentai


To me there is no doubt that there is something different awaiting you on the other side of this unsettling place, but it's up to you to decide if you want to explore this or not. You're likely experiencing some vague, even unconscious fear of the unknown and your body is pulling you back. 

There is no right answer, if you're fine with the level you are at, nothing forces you to go further. If you do want to carry on, it will take some conscious decision on your part, or giving yourself permission to experience the unknown. At least that's the way it is for me. 



I think every single person has this in their journey and it can be very scary to let go and move to the next level...

The thing that helped me was just reminding myself I am in my own bed laying down... there is nothing crazy going on... it's in my mind and my body... I am not on any hard drugs that are going to kill me. Just enjoy and let go. 

If you you continue in these... just remember to breathe... anytime you tense up... a big relaxing breathe and feel like your body is sinking on the way down. This is how I get further and further into it. It is very easy to forget to breathe and end up gasping for air and lose the progress... no need to force anything just relax.

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This is good advice! 

I feel that what is going on here is less obvious than an actual Terror at the Gate episode, where you may wonder if your body can physically handle it. Like @Helghast hinted at, thinking you're having a heart attack or that you can potentially hurt yourself is a pretty heavy thing to go trough, and there is an element of convincing yourself that everything will be fine and that you will still be whole when things calm down. 

In a deeper calm seas situation, there's a little bit of this, but I feel like you have more time to think, and you may ask yourself if it's all right or "normal" to experience that much pleasure, or wonder what it means in the grand scheme of things, if you have "earned" it, where it's really coming from, how natural it is, etc. All of this could well be unconscious, and uncanny enough that the mind is reluctant to proceed further. As you get more and more familiar with these feelings, they'll feel less alien and then it becomes possible to move on. 


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Posted by: @jiji2000
Posted by: @zentai


To me there is no doubt that there is something different awaiting you on the other side of this unsettling place, but it's up to you to decide if you want to explore this or not. You're likely experiencing some vague, even unconscious fear of the unknown and your body is pulling you back. 

There is no right answer, if you're fine with the level you are at, nothing forces you to go further. If you do want to carry on, it will take some conscious decision on your part, or giving yourself permission to experience the unknown. At least that's the way it is for me. 



I think every single person has this in their journey and it can be very scary to let go and move to the next level...

The thing that helped me was just reminding myself I am in my own bed laying down... there is nothing crazy going on... it's in my mind and my body... I am not on any hard drugs that are going to kill me. Just enjoy and let go. 

If you you continue in these... just remember to breathe... anytime you tense up... a big relaxing breathe and feel like your body is sinking on the way down. This is how I get further and further into it. It is very easy to forget to breathe and end up gasping for air and lose the progress... no need to force anything just relax.

thanks jiji for the advice.

having learned a lot since i first started; relaxation and breathing has now become second nature to me during a-less sessions.

what i encountered was a  blissful,sensationaliy pleasurable continuous orgasm [ a first time for me ] in a perfectly relaxed state that caused a physical reaction of feeling uncomfortable and unsettled with what was happening.



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yes i agree ....... the fear of the unknown was not allowing myself to accept the continuous sensational new level of pleasure that washed over me ...... it did not abate...... where was this  endless source of  pleasure coming from i ok to carry on..... then the physical feeling of being uncomfortable and unsettled interrupted the session... i had stop.

having read and digested the wery helpful  comments to my post [ thanks all ] i am going to learn how to accept and enjoy  this blissful, extremely pleasurable experience because i have very frequent a-less sessions and very fortunate to be quick to arousal and effortllessly  able to reach orgasm within minutes.

if i may ask ....... do you have continuous orgasms...... if so ; what was it like the first time it happened?




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I do have continuous Os, but the calm seas ones are few and far between. Mine are more arousal-based most of the time.

The first time I had calm-seas continuous orgasms was a very long time ago, and I couldn't tell you exactly how it happened, but I do remember that my first emotion was disbelief at how the pleasure was just going on and on and on, and how I did not have to consciously do anything. I felt I had reached my destination. Then I knew I could just experience it effortlessly and that I did not need to think at all, and all remaining mental tension melted away as I reached a state of true happiness.  That's the best way I can explain it. 




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Posted by: @smaster

yes i agree ....... the fear of the unknown was not allowing myself to accept the continuous sensational new level of pleasure that washed over me ...... it did not abate...... where was this  endless source of  pleasure coming from i ok to carry on..... then the physical feeling of being uncomfortable and unsettled interrupted the session... i had stop.

Where does the continuous sensational new level of pleasure come from?  It comes from God who at His right hand dispenses pleasures forever more in His creation and pleasures He put in the male body forming it from the dust of the earth and breathing life and happiness and joy into that body.   

My response to pleasure in this meditative state to begin with is to worship His deity and goodness to man  and especially to me  for contriving such pleasure in our male bodies.  His peace and goodness prevents me from fear of new unexplained pleasure as He is control and I have no fear in HIs perfect love which casts out all fear.  All praise, honor, dominion and glory to the price of peace.

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All my super Os are calm seas ones (a deep gentle floating thru space with the entire body tingling, with off and on penile pleasure where it feels like it is being sucked). They will often last for 30 minutes straight and during this time I really have no idea what is going on but pleasure. So I assume that counts as continuous. 

Usually they fizzle out and I'll have some water... catch my breathe for 5 minutes and lay back and go into it again.

Using stuff like this helped me take my sessions to the next level (I was only using my aneros about 1/15 sessions as now I can Aless). This stuff with erotic hypnosis (shibbysays) greatly helped my journey.

Also very imporant never try and cum or think about cumming.... its a prostate orgasim not a penile... I have never had a wet orgasim and at the start I tried to alot and it greatly hinded my progress as I was getting frustrated. 


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Posted by: @helghast

........Ive read the forum extensively and no one has ever posted that they died from having a super-o.......

Something about the above statement seems hinky....

hmmm... if i died , I would be sure to posthumously  post my demise.


This post is entered with my tongue firmly planted against my cheek. LOL

Happy St. Patrick's Day


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