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Closed minds with ass play.

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Hey Gents.

I came across a post on social media. It was a joke which basically said ‘Pegging isn’t gay,change my mind’.

As I read through some of the comments,I saw a few jokes and quips from people taking the post in the correct spirit. However,the amount of guys spitting venom on the post was pretty astounding. Guys saying you have gay tendencies if you’re into ass play. One guy even said that pegging will ‘turn’ a man gay,because after a time,he will inevitably wonder what a real one would feel like lol. I must admit,I chuckled some at the stupidity of this. Although prostate massagers weren’t mentioned from what i saw,even a finger was frowned upon.

It made me think of the questions asked in here about us being unique,or how many men worldwide are into prostate play. No wonder most guys here never talk to anyone about it,god knows the response we’d get. I don’t know,it’s got to be pretty low.

Damn,the male ego is fragile as fuck!

charlie5, 7sDoor, Trigger and 33 people reacted
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Nothing gay about it.  It just feels so damn good. They shouldn't knock it until they've tried it. Once you're rewired, orgasms originating from ass play can go on and on and on. Once you blow your load from either fucking or stroking it, it's over for a while. 

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If you could demonstrate the results first, or if people could feel it, then after they've seen it, you would explain you have to use a prostate toy to achieve this, most men would feel it's worth getting over the initial weirdness. Because it is ! 

I remember when I was younger thinking : "if this means I'm gay (or bi), then I'm the gayest gay who has ever gayed, bring it on !" Turns out I just enjoy prostate play and sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.

I feel some men are OK with other guys being into anal play, not-that-there-is-anything-wrong-with-it, as long as they don't have to question themselves or consider that they, themselves, could enjoy it, and "what it could mean" if they did. It's really an Ego thing.    

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@zentai some are germafobic and the butt hole has only one purpose!  It's a shame they'll never experience the pleasures very few informed males do.

As mentioned by @studmouse47, the uninformed blow their load and the party's over; pitty!

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I have been into Anal play since puberty thats at least 30 years and i am straight and i have no interest in men. Those who don't do it because of the stigma are losing out on something amazing. Even woman do it. The Anus is not exclusive to gay men so why should the pleasure. There are many straight couples on here i have noticed.

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I recall a quote (from Shakespeare, I believe) to the effect, "methinks thou protestest too much". Possibly the vitriol is coming from guys who have indeed discovered the insane pleasure but are desperate to keep anyone from suspecting them. 

The fact that nearly every time I log on to the Forum (sometimes multiple times daily) the "newest member" is a new name tells me the word is out, the curiosity is there and though we "hide" in this niche, there are plenty of guys out there who know.

Perhaps we just have to label it a "best kept secret"...

If the average guy understood that when you can separate orgasm from ejaculation, it gives you the ability to make love and orgasm +++++++++++ before ultimate ejaculation, doubtless he'd be asking, "where do I sign up"?

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 I personally could give a f--- what others think. I found my ass and its pleasures, and a group of people on this forum, who just love to talk about it. Lucky me.  I feel know need to crusade. The ignorant will always be with us. 

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Posted by: @helghast

However,the amount of guys spitting venom on the post was pretty astounding.

This is why I have told nobody about it so far. Not my family, not my best friend, not even my wife. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people have exceedingly narrow minds. If you don't fit in the mould (which changes with time), society will rip you to pieces.

Posted by: @helghast

Damn,the male ego is fragile as fuck!

I have a feeling that, rather than their ego, it is their sexuality which is fragile. They are secretly afraid of being gay themselves. "Methinks they doth protest too much", to paraphrase @pablito1963 and Shakespeare. It is always a give-away, to over-react to things.

However, I don't think I would try pegging myself, not because I see anything intrinsically or morally wrong in it, but because I would be worried it would cause a change in the dynamics of the relationship. I don't think women like to "take charge" in general, and when they do, they tend to make you pay for it in one way or the other.

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Posted by: @lanoix

I would be worried it would cause a change in the dynamics of the relationship. I don't think women like to "take charge" in general, and when they do, they tend to make you pay for it in one way or the other.

No offense man, but I strongly disagree with every statement here.  There is no way of generalizing. Every woman is an individual, some like taking charge in situations, some don’t, and often women are “taking charge” more than you seem to give them credit for: more often than not in our culture women take charge in child rearing, in household chores, in supporting the emotional aspects of a couple, and in many other subtle ways that aren’t glorified by high pay or celebrity.  Also bedroom dynamics don’t necessarily have anything to do with dynamics in other aspects of a relationship.  You can get fucked in the ass by a woman and still be “in charge” in other situations.  And women making you pay?  No idea what’s being implied by that sentence. 

I have been fucked and dominated by many women, and no one has made me pay. It is just another way to have fun in the bedroom, and it brings us closer every time. 

As for the original topic, sure, the internet is filled with anally unenlightened idiots. Sucks for them! I usually respond with a relatively short message, including how pleasure anal brings me and attaching a few links such as the wiki gspot and this forum.  Someone claiming instant access to orgasms plus throwing in some free reading? Some people surely click. 

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Posted by: @studmouse47

Nothing gay about it.  It just feels so damn good.

Couldn’t agree more! 🙂

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Posted by: @zentai

If you could demonstrate the results first, or if people could feel it, then after they've seen it, you would explain you have to use a prostate toy to achieve this, most men would feel it's worth getting over the initial weirdness. Because it is ! 

Thing is,a few women chimed in,explained that the ass is how you get to the guys g-spot and that they’d helped their guys have a better orgasm via a finger and they loved it. It didn’t seem to register at all lol

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@ggringo It’s a damn shame!

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Funny enough,I bet the same guys beg woman to give up that ass! 

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Posted by: @pablito1963

If the average guy understood that when you can separate orgasm from ejaculation, it gives you the ability to make love and orgasm +++++++++++ before ultimate ejaculation, doubtless he'd be asking, "where do I sign up"?

It’s getting them past their fears is the problem.

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Posted by: @tbob

I found my ass and its pleasures, and a group of people on this forum,

I wonder would I ever have continued the journey of the forum wasn’t her.

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Posted by: @lanoix

If you don't fit in the mould (which changes with time), society will rip you to pieces.

This is it! I wouldn’t necessarily think their sexuality is fragile,more their mental strength. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of this at one time.

Posted by: @lanoix

However, I don't think I would try pegging myself, not because I see anything intrinsically or morally wrong in it, but because I would be worried it would cause a change in the dynamics of the relationship. I don't think women like to "take charge" in general, and when they do, they tend to make you pay for it in one way or the other.

This is fair,it’s been mostly this way for thousands of years,but some women can break out and enjoy the other side of things.

I myself worried that my wife would think these things too,but I was being silly. If they’re up for it,they’re up for it.


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Posted by: @divine_o

There is no way of generalizing. Every woman is an individual, some like taking charge in situations, some don’t, and often women are “taking charge” more than you seem to give them credit for: more often than not in our culture women take charge in child rearing, in household chores, in supporting the emotional aspects of a couple, and in many other subtle ways that aren’t glorified by high pay or celebrity.

Think he was referring to the bedroom mostly and I don’t think he far off. The majority women do like the male to lead in the bedroom,or take charge some would say. They didn’t coin the phrase “I want to have my wicked way with him”. The phrase they coined was I want HIM to have his wicked way with me. Of course there are many exceptions to the rule.

Posted by: @divine_o

I have been fucked and dominated by many women, and no one has made me pay. It is just another way to have fun in the bedroom, and it brings us closer every time. 

Agree. Although in my case,it’s one woman,not many lol.

Posted by: @divine_o

As for the original topic, sure, the internet is filled with anally unenlightened idiots. Sucks for them! I usually respond with a relatively short message, including how pleasure anal brings me and attaching a few links such as the wiki gspot and this forum.  Someone claiming instant access to orgasms plus throwing in some free reading? Some people surely click. 

So it seems. And they aren’t afraid to voice it either. Don’t know who’ll click and who won’t. The guys I seen didn’t give off that vibe lol

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Posted by: @ggringo

some are germafobic and the butt hole has only one purpose!  It's a shame they'll never experience the pleasures very few informed males do.

I think all guys here know this practice is actually pretty clean, and not much of a bigger deal than normal bathroom activities. Soap and water fixes everything. But it's true that the prostate is just not located in a very culturally convenient spot, which is just too bad... 

Pablito1963, Morexp, Ggringo and 15 people reacted
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Posted by: @helghast

Thing is,a few women chimed in,explained that the ass is how you get to the guys g-spot and that they’d helped their guys have a better orgasm via a finger and they loved it. It didn’t seem to register at all lol

People don't have any sense of the scale involved. I'm sure these guys are thinking that they won't be sticking anything up their butt for a 25% or 75% increase in pleasure. It's not worth the risk to their ego, or sexuality, or any other perceived menace they can imagine. But if they could grasp that it can be 1000% or 10,000% or even high enough that it cannot be put in numbers, maybe they would get it. 

The same guys will spend hundreds to go from a 14V drill to a 18V one, though...   

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Posted by: @zentai

But if they could grasp that it can be 1000% or 10,000% or even high enough that it cannot be put in numbers, maybe they would get it. 

I dunno. I’m sure sure it matters when it’s their sexuality they believe being questioned. Again,i woman said she fingers her bf’s ass during a blowjob,and he loved it,and loved it when she snowballed him. The guys were off again about having one’s own cum in one’s own mouth lol It’s almost like they were prudish hahaha.

I think most guys have no idea what their prostate actually does,or can do,or how it’s connected to sex. I’ll be honest,before I read about it,I didn’t know much about it nor the wife. I for one am glad I found out,wish I’d have learned this shit as a youngen..

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Posted by: @divine_o

No offense man, but I strongly disagree with every statement here.  There is no way of generalizing. Every woman is an individual, some like taking charge in situations, some don’t, and often women are “taking charge” more than you seem to give them credit for: more often than not in our culture women take charge in child rearing, in household chores, in supporting the emotional aspects of a couple, and in many other subtle ways that aren’t glorified by high pay or celebrity.  Also bedroom dynamics don’t necessarily have anything to do with dynamics in other aspects of a relationship.  You can get fucked in the ass by a woman and still be “in charge” in other situations.  And women making you pay?  No idea what’s being implied by that sentence. 

Absolutely no offense taken. I always welcome contradiction. The first point I would make is that I was talking about my own life, it was in no way a recommendation or prescription. And I make no judgement on men who get pegged.

"There is no way of generalizing". Well that means you can never deduce anything from your experiences. From my experience (I have the impression I am older than you) women and men act in general quite differently in any given situation. They are different biologically, by their hormones, by their organs, their reproductive cycle, the fact that they carry the baby for 9 months, the fact that the child is not autonomous for many years, that they depend for their survival on the group etc. etc. They have evolved differently from men for this reason. They have different objectives, different needs, different strengths and different weaknesses and therefore different strategies. This is not a judgement, I don't see women as being better or worse than men. But, for example, far less women are in prison than men. This is general all over the world, for as long as records have been kept. How do you explain that, without generalizing? Of course some women are in prison, and most men are not in prison. However, I would tend to conclude that men are more likely to commit criminal acts than women.

Maybe "taking charge" was not the appropriate term. Yes, women take charge of many things, mostly domestic as you say yourself. What I really meant to say is that women in general do not like making decisions. If your wife/girlfriend says "should I wear the red dress or the blue dress", then you don't say "I don't know" or "whatever" or "I like them both". You say, "wear the red dress, it drives me crazy". That also applies to much more important things. You make the decisions, because you are the man. Of course, you can discuss beforehand, but at the end of the day, the decisions are yours, and if they are bad, you take the rap. That is the way women like things, in my experience. But this is only my opinion.

I am very glad for you and Helghast that things are working out OK. All that I am saying is that I would hesitate to try it myself. Happy Fête de l'Ascension to you, I hope you have "le pont".

[Edit: deduce, not deduct doh] 

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Posted by: @helghast

It made me think of the questions asked in here about us being unique, or how many men worldwide are into prostate play.

I think the key to opening men's minds is providing good education and straight forward talk about anal play. In that respect I invite you all to read a copy of a blog I found a number of years ago having to do with issues of anal play -> Rumel’s Ruminations – Part VI. If we can circulate this type of information in a non-judgemental way perhaps some minds can be opened just a little.

Good Vibes to You!

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Ok gotcha.  Sure there are plenty of generalizations one can make about women vs men based on data.  I don't think decision making is one of them.  Aside from data we are both basing this on our subjective viewpoint.  I have never noticed women not knowing what color dress to wear, quite the opposite (and not just for dresses, but for all matters in life).  I have never been in relationships where the decisions were mainly mine to make.  They have always been joint decisions with discussion.  Maybe we have just been with different women, and surely age does have something to do with it (I'm in my 30s).  Culture also has a lot to do with it, with cultures that skew patriarchal giving more clout to the men. 

Things are working out wonderfully!  I am a freelance worker so I have no "pont" but my partner is taking advantage of her 4 day vacation to come to the town I am currently working in and stay with me.  Amongst other things she will try out our new 4 cm diameter dildo on me!  I've already used it 3 times in 5 days on myself while impatiently awaiting the big moment with her. It makes me ponder about the stars.

I hope you have a good vacation if you are in France, and I hope you decide to try a dildo one day, it's the cat's meow!

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@rumel is right: good education & information, honest talks, and time. I do not have the data, but I think more and MORE gentlemen and their ladies or men are open to these topics, which were taboo not long ago.

Thanks to modern technology and cyber communities like this forum, the curious males and their partners could learn more efficiently while keeping their privacy in today's cultural environment. It would make people more comfortable and lead people to discover & explore MORE. Thank you! Aneros Forum!

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You are indeed correct,the problem is spreading and getting them here.It’s no mean feat lol

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I don't understand why so many men are so scandalized and/or angry every time the anus is mentioned. Probably a shrink could find some explanation.
Until 3 years ago, I was not interested in my ass at all. Or anyone else's. But I wasn't uncomfortable or scandalized at the mention of anal sex. I just wouldn't be interested.
Since I discovered the insane pleasure that prostate massage gives me I'm very interested... But I'm no more homosexual than I was before. I don't see myself fondling or kissing a man, although the idea of playing with another penis is not as taboo as it used to be.

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@morexp It’s got to be some sort of insecurity. They get proper wound up by it. Even though it’s a woman using a sex toy on you,they are adamant it’s a gay thing. It’s funny and weird at the same time.

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Posted by: @helghast


You are indeed correct,the problem is spreading (cheeks)* and getting them (Aneroses inside)* here.It’s no mean feat lol

*additions by me

Oh, and @rumel, great article.  It’s scandalous that valuable info. regularly drops off of the net, yet you rescued this.  I encountered it before rewiring and it reads almost entirely different now that I had rewired.  In fact, there are other truths in these hallowed halls with that same before & after nature. Thanks for re-introducing it to my attention.

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I find that (diluted) bleach water. after soap washing, is effective for normal external use.
If internal (mouth) cleaning should ever be needed, then strong peppermint oil is effective. McMillan makes concentrated pint size bottles that are available and reasonably priced. It's also a good breath freshener, and has strong and internally safe (temporary) germicidal properties.

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