Chaining A-less O’s...
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Chaining A-less O’s together made simple.

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Hey gents.

A long term goal of mine was to streamline the super-o from hrs to mins,from very complicated techniques to simple.  I’ll share a method from my play book on how to easily A-Less mmo.

Lie on bed,legs FLAT,but spread. You can have your head and /or shoulders on pillows  or flat if that’s what’s comfortable for you. A reach under and cheek spread is ok too,never hurts to get tight! 😉

Start your engines. Start getting aroused with whatever you do for arousal.

Anchor tension at the sphincter. Now,focus underneath your Pubic pad,anchor tension here too. Focus on contracting in this area visualising pulling the area down to your perineum and anus. It may feel like a push,that’s fine,push is what I think of. This is what I call a long push exercise,just focus on pushing down to the anus pretty much constantly. 

Keep tension in sphincter and contract it,it should be contracting rhythmically while the other remains more constant.

If your aroused,orgasm will follow in a few minutes. Keep the rhythm going,no need to change up and the orgasm will peak and valley almost endlessly until you can’t work anymore.

When i do this,I’m left stoked afterward,like I’ve just had the best sex of my life. Good luck gentlemen. 


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Posted by: @helghast

If your aroused,orgasm will follow in a few minutes. Keep the rhythm going,no need to change up and the orgasm will peak and valley almost endlessly until you can’t work anymore.

.. and then the whole line of your ancestors right to the beginning will welcome you to Valhalla   I mean, then you can have a good night's sleep. 

Key is "no need to change anything", why would you ? But of course we think we can make things better instead of just getting more of the same already good thing.


Silly Ego

Does not like the plateau

No matter how high it is...



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Posted by: @zentai

why would you ?

When ppl have it good,a natural instinct is to go harder,faster etc and it’ll get better. Rhythm tops all. 

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Posted by: @helghast

Anchor tension at the sphincter. Now,focus underneath your Pubic pad,anchor tension here too. Focus on contracting in this area visualising pulling the area down to your perineum and anus. It may feel like a push,that’s fine,push is what I think of. This is what I call a long push exercise,just focus on pushing down to the anus pretty much constantly. 

Keep tension in sphincter and contract it,it should be contracting rhythmically while the other remains more constant.

  I can hold and pulse either or, problem is I lose feeling in the one I'm holding. In mindgasm and simple anchored tension. I lose feeling of the flex, and I have to contract harder or release jus to be sure where I'm at.Which tends to kill things 95% of the time I'm still holding it. Does anybody find they lose track, or did at one time. and what did you do about it. I am a do nothinger by trade.

Try to wrap your head around this. In mind gasm even there do nothing is do something. I just came to the realization that my do nothing is the same except I'm not doing it my body is doing it on its own. Pretty awesome. I think the muscle training is giving my do nothing more to draw on, making the really good feelings come faster

Really looking forward to trying this , Thanks man.  

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Posted by: @tbob

I lose feeling of the flex, and I have to contract harder or release jus to be sure where I'm at.

Normal,along with letting the power setting decline. Just refocus back to where you where. This is my path to invols via endurance failure,not power failure,like holding a light weight straight out in front of you vs a heavy weight you could pick up with your arms tucked in tight to the body. Really,it’s just a balancing act lol.

Posted by: @tbob

In mind gasm even there do nothing is do something. I just came to the realization that my do nothing is the same except I'm not doing it my body is doing it on its own. Pretty awesome. I think the muscle training is giving my do nothing more to draw on, making the really good feelings come faster

It’s great you’re discovering new things,and that you’re open to them. I think some peeps get set in their ways and techniques reluctant to explore other paths because their current technique yielded some results in the past. Sometimes,it helps to try something else and when we go back to what we did before,it’s moved forwards too. I prefer to think it’s beneficial to never commit oneself to one style,rather,glean bits from all styles to build something that looks something like the finished article.

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Posted by: @helghast

focus underneath your Pubic pad

@Helghast Is this at the base of the penis on the top side?

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Yes,I would say so,think where your public meets your penis shaft,but underneath your pad,you can also push from further back.

There is a balance point where the flex meets the sphincter tension and the muscles with involuntarily contract via opposing force. The pelvic muscles dont always need to be tired or exhausted to invol. This can also be done by balance and opposing force.

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Thank you for sharing friend! If I ever get A-less I'll know what to do!

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