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Can you confuse Dry Orgasms with P-Waves? Help me understand

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Ive always wondered this because since the early times of my sessions i always thought of p-waves as something weak and something that moves like a 'wave', so its sort of a buzzing or a heat/warmth and cannot be confused with an orgasm even though it most certinatly is 'orgasmic' in nature.

I just had a session, i experienced all the usual things such as; device moving of its own accord, involuntaries, warmth etc but then as the device autoF**ks me i find that the feelings build, my penis becomes super rock hard erect and at that point i feel lovely warmth in my penis and prostate/anus. This lasts a few moments, perhaps 20 seconds or so and then subsides. For this to work i usually have to be very aroused and doing something like stimulating my nipples. The orgasm, whatever it may be, feels very nice but not as strong as say an ejaculatory orgasm.

I would get confused because i would assume its just my penis becoming hard which in my mind i would imagine is then putting more pressue on my prostate and causing this sort of forced orgasmic feeling, but anyway....

So what do you think, can you differentiate this?

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I may stand corrected by the experts and masters on this site, but I think you had a dry orgasm in all that you describe. I have seen Rumel say that prostate orgasms and the rewiring orgasms are more subtle than regular orgasms and that has comforted me.

Also I have read that as we accept what we have experienced and let the orgasm build, then dry orgasms can be as intense or even more intense that regular ejaculatory orgasms, especially as they build to super Os. I have been on the threshold of a super O, but dont think I have experienced ones such as are described by the masters on this site. Each good experience for us helps us to open those neurological pathways of the rewiring and the experts say that these good experiences establish memory pathways for us in our neurological wiring. I would say that I have had some dry orgasms occassionally that are somewhere in the family of an ejaculatory orgasm. I may not get there everytime, depending on the time, stress, degree of relaxation, brain noise, etc., but the good dry ones are a joy to experience; and lesser orgasms should not be regarded as insignificant. There is nothing worse to kill pleasure than comparing experiences and being sullied in our spirits by lesser orgasms. For me, I try to rejoice in each orgasm, no matter the intensity, and not negatively compare or be sullied by lesser orgasmic experiences.

Good post. Hope others chime in and explain more to us who are still plodding along, albeit in the pleasure that our bodies have produced so far.

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I was pleased to see @shockedwave grade his orgasms from a one to a five in his recent thread. I think that we men need to relish any degree of orgasm our bodies produce, whether they be a one or a five. One thing for sure, we must clear our minds and focus only on pleasure and let go. These seem to be necessary for anything to happen in the rewiring.

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Hey @The_Fury ,

...and cannot be confused with an orgasm even though it most certinatly is 'orgasmic' in nature.

The transition can be quite seamless. IMHO, pleasure-waves are orgasms below the orgasmic-threshold (if that makes any sense to you). Or to be a bit more speculative: your nervous system is already doing the (low level) firework, but your brain isn't yet releasing the drugs...

The orgasm, whatever it may be, feels very nice but not as strong as say an ejaculatory orgasm.

Yeah, that happens. Do you know the cliché with female orgasms? That no orgasm is alike and they cover a very wide range? From "pretty underwhelming" to "omg I'm drifting so hard, I don't even know which direction the floor is anymore". My personal experience is, that orgasms tend to get stronger during the session. So don't let that meh-orgasm discourage you but keep going.

I would get confused because i would assume its just my penis becoming hard which in my mind i would imagine is then putting more pressue on my prostate and causing this sort of forced orgasmic feeling, but anyway....

I think I kind of understand what you are describing - some kind of ruined orgasm that doesn't fully unfold? For me that happens, when I'm too much on the adrenaline side. So too much (conscious) muscle activity, too fast breathing, too fast and too hard stimulation in general. Remember: adrenaline ≠ ecstasy! Too much adrenaline triggers the fight or flight response, that's why super aroused guys who find themselves in the one-in-a-million-fantasy-situation (like a threesome), often can't get hard anymore. Also: adrenaline builds muscular tension, while surpressing nerval tension (which you are seeking). For building nerval tension, you must be relaxed... very relaxed. Orgasms generally pay-out the tension that you build up beforehand, so if you don't build up enough nerval tension (which won't happen with too much adrenaline and too little relaxation) it will pay-out an underwhelming energy-orgasm (if at all).

I hope, I could help a bit.

Cheers, Unfug

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Can you confuse Dry Orgasms with P-Waves? ...can you differentiate this?

I agree with @Unfug here and his insight bears repeating.

The transition can be quite seamless. IMHO, pleasure-waves are orgasms below the orgasmic-threshold (if that makes any sense to you). Or to be a bit more speculative: your nervous system is already doing the (low level) firework, but your brain isn't yet releasing the drugs...

I believe orgasms exist on a continuum and P-waves are part of that continuum. They begin on a subconscious level, the body starts to respond in a subtle, almost imperceptible manner but then keeps building as arousal fuels the build. This buildup, when it reaches the level of conscious awareness, can be perceived in multiple ways just as you have described ("...sort of a buzzing or a heat/warmth..."). These sensations often occur in a cyclic manner, rising and falling in intensity over varying time periods hence the common reference as waves.

I think @Turnrow also offered good words of wisdom in his statement :

... as we accept what we have experienced and let the orgasm build, then dry orgasms can be as intense or even more intense that regular ejaculatory orgasms, especially as they build to super Os. ... Each good experience for us helps us to open those neurological pathways of the rewiring and the experts say that these good experiences establish memory pathways for us in our neurological wiring. I would say that I have had some dry orgasms occasionally that are somewhere in the family of an ejaculatory orgasm. I may not get there every time, depending on the time, stress, degree of relaxation, brain noise, etc., but the good dry ones are a joy to experience; and lesser orgasms should not be regarded as insignificant. There is nothing worse to kill pleasure than comparing experiences and being sullied in our spirits by lesser orgasms. For me, I try to rejoice in each orgasm, no matter the intensity, and not negatively compare or be sullied by lesser orgasmic experiences.

P-waves are fractal components of the orgasmic continuum.

I've read most of your past posts and have inferred a couple of trends, first is an undercurrent of frustration and second is an undercurrent of expectation for something more from your body. While all the questions may inspire you to try new techniques, which is definitely a good practice, may I suggest you accept the high levels of pleasure you have already achieved as your norm. Expecting your body to produce something more is illusory at best and blocks your ability to actually experience something more. You've already achieved some remarkable experiences in your long journey, there is more to experience but your own expectations may be hindering your progress. If I'm wrong, then please disregard what I've just said, I mean no disrespect to you or your journey.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Turnrow Yes - in the thread I posted 4 videos in a few months ago (and another new video a few days ago in the same thread), I gave a bit of a rating system to my orgasms....

1 * = 2-3 contractions, few seconds (I don't always even bother to mark these off, they happen lots)
2 ** = few contractions, probably 5-15 seconds
3 = strong contractions, probably lasts about 30 seconds
* = very strong, very pleasurable contractions, can last up to 1 minute
5 ***** = strongest orgasm, considered a super-o. contractions moving whole body, can lead to shaking. usually longer than a minute, often more than 2-3 minutes. doesn't happen with every session. Only had maybe 10 of these in the last 2 years. Never caught on video (yet)

Right before level 1, you could say there is a level 0.5 haha. I'd consider that P-waves, or whatever pleasure I feel before an involuntary contraction happens. Is that an orgasm? I dunno. It's all part of the same process and physical feelings that build up leading to something. For example, when those p-waves are happening, and i feel a nice dull ache or pleasurable feelings, eventually that leads to some contractions. But if I mentally tried to control it a bit and not contract, and instead just tried to let the P-waves build up as long as I could, they would start feeling REALLY good. So I could probably delay the contractions a bit and have a more pleasurable P-wave, which is sort of like a more constant pleasurable feeling. Not better or worse, just not contractions. More like a constant gripping / tightening sensation.

@The_Fury - It's so hard to give someone advice, or saying they are doing something wrong. I don't know you - or anything about you. But just from what I can tell here, I think you're a bit discouraged and frustrated. When you go to a session, you bring that with you. I'm sure you try to relax, and let go, and just accept things - but you still have all that frustration/discouragement etc. in the back of your head (or maybe its even more prominent). It's challenging to let go of that because you are frustrated. You want something more. You probably have started thinking it won't happen. These orgasms are so mental, you really need to completely clear your head of all that stuff to make room for the orgasm. But that's a bit hard, because it's saying you have to learn to be happy content and accepting of the current situation, but at the same time you really aren't. I think you should be - you're already achieving more than most guys, and learned more than most guys. The next step on your journey is maybe to really change how you judge where you are at. It might be that mindful meditation helps - even if no sexual stimulus involved during that. I started doing yoga 6 months ago regularly, and I've noticed changes in my orgasms just because I'm able to relax a little bit better, and focus on my breath and energy way better.

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@rumel yes i agree fully in what you have said (and others have said similarly) i am happy in many ways with the progress i have made, from nothing at all to orgasmic bliss (on very rare almost unrepeatable occasions!) some days are filled with chairgasms (less now thesedays for whatever reason) and on even rarer occasions i seem able to induce multiple ejaculatory orgasms and other things that feel really nice too.

I also had the ability just by tensing my kegel muscles without a device able to have orgasmic response, but not any longer? its like my body is fluid and is a state of constant change and i cannot get a firm grip to enable any degree of consistency. This may also refer to a mental aspect as well as physical.

With my most recent post @rumel "A strange Technique..." after a few years it works just like it did, i abandoned this method because it felt like iw as forcing things and it wasnt terribly pleasant after 15 minutes or so on my beg or legs. I moved to a more calm approach because i felt this would lead to a more conducive mentod to acheive orgasm. But its been two years and its still the most effective method of getting instant and relatively intense response, but it is so *forced*

I feel at times i have somehow wired the need for an erection to feel anything from years of this repetition, i had a session the other day and i had no erection and i felt lots! it was amazing, but i dont know the conditions of this in order to repeat it. One thing that was different however was that my prostate was sort of already orgasming prior to the session commencing....

@shockedwaves Now this ties in to what you refer to as your contractions as i too beleive that orgasms relate (more often than not) to this phenomenon. In every session for years i get contractions (involunataries?) however its only on rare occasions do i experience any kind of feeling from them. Its like i am missing a piece of the puzzle, perhaps i am orgasming away but im not feeling it? Its also why i feel i get initially great feelings upon device insertion; its the inital prostate contact being made, which gets me excited. I am willing to accept that the missing piece is a mental aspect, i just need to find the way here.

I need to know some coping strategies for the despair i feel at times.

I would also like to know what woudl be best to do regarding which device to stick with, or indeed is it a good idea to just pick one device and practice with it? which one would the best choice that people could advise? this mind noise when in session is by far the worst for me "perhaps i woudl be orgasming better if i were using xxxx device instead of this". i would rather not have that as a distraction. Your thoughts are all welcome here on this.

I like to have focus on what to do next to move forward, so i stop asking questions as well as i know its annoying for everyone, me most of all! so how about this?

- Every day or every other day i will practice my a-less kegel excercises, squeezing and releasing and not expecting anything
- Choose a device and stick with that device for X amount of time (input on what device is appreciated)
_ On my back position works ok sometimes, but as ive said countless times it mostly just fades after some initial amazing feelings, this may be mental as ive stated but when i then change to lying on my front i find that i can get more prolongued orgasmic response, this usually means my penis is hard as im lying on it
- Try to not have a many sessions close together, i seem to average about 3-4 a week and i realise this may not allow enough time for sexual energy or mental arousal to peak
- Not get angry or frustrated when i either get close or feel nothing at all and try to froce things into orgasm, perhaps this is where my "A Strange Technique" comes in with the Eupho as when i do this method it usualyl drains me of tension and i at least get an orgasmic response.

Thoughts, as always, are most welcome 🙂

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