Can Aneros Cause ED...
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Can Aneros Cause ED?

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I was talking with a friend about how a lot of times I find it difficult to get an erection.  I know a good part of that has to do with over-exposure to porn, but it got me thinking about Aneros sessions.

We are taught in sessions to leave our penis alone.  And for the longest period of time, I did nothing but use Aneros accompanied by semi hard super Ts to end it out.

I have pulled back on my Aneros use, and I am starting to see it help in making me get hard, as I am doing an even split between traditional orgasms and Aneros use

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Posted by: @nat

I was talking with a friend about how a lot of times I find it difficult to get an erection.  I know a good part of that has to do with over-exposure to porn, but it got me thinking about Aneros

I seriously doubt there is a causal relationship between your Aneros use and erectile dysfunction. Quite the contrary, many men have reported that their Aneros practiced has enhanced their penile sexual performance/response. However, having said that it is possible that men who have forgone traditional penile stimulation in their quest to pursue Super-O's via exclusive Aneros use could find themselves falling into an atrophy trap. The old cliché "Use it or Lose it!" is apropos here.

Many cases of erectile dysfunction can be traced back to psychological roots with over use of or addiction to pornography being one such identified cause, (please see The Great Porn Experiment). Undiagnosed physical conditions can also be contributors. Please see Mayo Clinic Explains Erectile Dysfunction for approaches to finding a solution to satisfy your concerns.

Good Vibes to You!

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A wise Dr. once told me something that I thought made alot of sense. If you experience morning wood, then in all likelyhood your erection problems are are mental. And you should first seek medical help if it persists That said, I myself had an b vitamin deficiancy, cured the physical problem. Had more problems with the mental, as the fear of not being able to perform when the time came, can be the cause of your ED. I was quite young 28 when this happened, far more devastating then than it would be now. In the end it did work out though as I became very good at pleasing women in other ways. I also found out that I get as much satisfaction pleasing my partner, as I do myself. Thats kinda what turns me on now, when I'm with somebody. Aneros has rejuvinated my erections, and has rolled back years performance wise. Even though I never get erect during a session.

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I would think it's very unlikely that Aneros use would have a negative effect on erections.

The likely culprit here is pornography, but if you combine your Aneros usage with your porn usage, then it's possible you could be building a pattern where it becomes difficult to tell which is doing what. 

Tbob reacted
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Yes, I think if you’re doing nothing else at all but aneros,it’s possible to hit the use or lose it threshold.  Having said that,Lifestyle and porn would be major contributors. Weight and fitness have a huge impact on sexual function via hormone levels and blood flow. Porn hitting sexual sensitivity and arousal ability. If you’re into all three,sure it could mess you up. 

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Posted by: @rumel

However, having said that it is possible that men who have forgone traditional penile stimulation in their quest to pursue Super-O's via exclusive Aneros use could find themselves falling into an atrophy trap. The old cliché "Use it or Lose it!" is apropos here.

This is exactly where I was going with the original post.

I am not saying Aneros use (as in the product) specifically can cause ED.  I am say the rewiring process we are being taught, in order to achieve success with the product, can be causing ED.

It seems a lot of long term users don't have tradition orgasms in between session, to make it so Aneros use gives better results (mini Os, Super Os, etc).  So.. I was thinking maybe I wasn't the only one.

@Tbob was right in saying it is all mental.  It can be mental in many different ways.

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Posted by: @nat

I was talking with a friend about how a lot of times I find it difficult to get an erection.  I know a good part of that has to do with over-exposure to porn, but it got me thinking about Aneros sessions.

We are taught in sessions to leave our penis alone.  And for the longest period of time, I did nothing but use Aneros accompanied by semi hard super Ts to end it out.

I have pulled back on my Aneros use, and I am starting to see it help in making me get hard, as I am doing an even split between traditional orgasms and Aneros use

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I had the exact opposite reaction.  If I used the aneros, and did no penile stimulation, I'd struggle to not get erections.  I'd wake up at like 3 in the morning super horny, and hard.

That being said, if you're using it too much, or applying too much pressure, it may be causing issues.  

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From my experience no, if anything it made me last longer in bed with the ladies. I use to cum in a minute and now it can take 10+. I am diabetic and have used aneros for almost decade and I can still get hard so I have doubts it's related to prostate play .
