So...I'm inviting my friend Mary Jane over for a session tonight, which will be the first time we've done this together. I cannot freaking wait. I have a bunch of things to do and I just can't wait for it to be over so I can get started. Anyway...I am thinking of adding in some binaural beats. I've seen a little here about this, so I'm sorry if this is rehashing something, but the thread I found was old and most of the links dead. Two questions:
1) Have guys who used binaural beats found it helps at all?
2) Any suggestions for links to beats you like? I find on YouTube that most things I find have pictures of women orgasming as the static photo, and hey that's cool but I happen to be gay as the day is long and I'm wondering too if there are any beats specifically for a gay man, although they may just be the same thing and I'm asking a stupid question. I mean, while shoving something up your butt is not gay, imagining that the thing up your butt is a big old dick is definitely super gay, and I am often imagining that during an aneros session. Ha. 🙂
Thanks to anyone who feels like answering. You can PM me too if for some reason you prefer it. Thanks!
This is my favorite one I've found over the last few months:
I'm super gay too, so just get stoned, close your eyes, and focus on yourself. It does help - it isn't like some sort of magic trance for me though, it's just a tool to help internalize my focus and have good orgasms.
Cool. Thanks @shockedwaves . I'll get stoneed, close my eyes and think of your videos while focusing on myself. 🙂 Will give this one a shot. Thanks!
@shockedwaves So I'm totally stalking Shockedwaves tonight on account of how freaking hot his videos are... I came across this tonight and the video is missing, have either of you got a great suggestion for a good beat? What even are these, what are they good for, are they just for helping you focus. on what you're doing?