Benign prostatic Hy...
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Benign prostatic Hypertrophy success?!?!

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Hello Anerosians,
I am looking to help a patient suffering with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.
Have any of you successfully used prostatic massage and milking to positively effect this condition? Either manually or with your aneros?
Please share any success stories or resources so I can pass them on.
Thanks so much!!
Dr. S

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Hi @DrS,

You may find a lot of more info on, specifically the research done by Columbia University:

I'm sure some of the other users will be able to give you more personalized advice, however!

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Welcome to the Aneros Forums,Have any of you successfully used prostatic massage and milking to positively effect this condition? Either manually or with your aneros? Please share any success stories or resources so I can pass them on.Like many men I started to notice a reduction in the flow of my urine stream in my mid-fifties, while this was not problematic, I just passed this off as the inevitable affects of aging. My urologist said my prostate was about normal in size for a man my age but he didn't expand on that, I suspect now I may have been in the early stages of BPH. Years later results from a routine blood test showed an elevated PSA reading, since my father and his brother both had contracted prostate cancer, I was naturally concerned and began my information quest which led me to the High Island Health website. That quest also led me to the Aneros website where I learned I could combine pleasure with a health giving activity (prostate massage). I subsequently discovered I did have prostate cancer and opted for radiation therapy for a couple of reasons, one, I wanted to preserve to the greatest extent possible my sexual abilities and two, I figured my Aneros use would help mitigate some of the possible consequences of treatment. I have now been cancer free for 6 years though the radiation treatments have diminished my prostate nerve sensitivity.

I am 66 years old and have been using Aneros massagers for nearly seven years now. I have found regular use of my Aneros massagers (2-3 times per week for a couple of hours each time) has restored my flow to a much fuller stream. If I discontinue use for a week to 10 days I do start to notice a reduction in the stream flow again, so you can bet I'll continue on this successful regime as I have no desire to start taking pharmaceuticals. There's no way 'Flomax' (or similar drugs) can give me the same amount of pleasure as my Aneros devices do.

In regards to prostate "milking" (induced emission of prostatic fluids), it is possible with Aneros massagers but it may require manual manipulation to do so, a practice not recommended by the manufacturer. I've found the gentle, hands free, massage provided by one's own muscular contractions is generally not going to be sufficient to force a "milking" though it can be done with much exertion, something not really pleasurable. You can read a short paragraph about Prostate Milking in the “Your Body” chapter of the Aneros WIKI. You can read a longer treatise on prostate milking technique and issues from Lady Lubyanka. There is also a well written blog by Andr. titled HOW TO MILK A BULL which gives step by step descriptions of the process.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you so much rumel for responding!! Much appreciation for sharing your experience. May you be blessed with continued good health and pleasure!

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@DrS - Being in my early 50's, I started using Aneros mostly for the pleasure.

However, as I began my journey in earnest, I noticed many pleasant changes in my health including a nice increase in my daily energy levels and an amazing renewed interest in personal health, both of which were unexpected!

I also have experienced winter blues for many years and, for the first time, the symptoms were not as pronounced this year.

Incidents of cancer in my family history were not prostate related, but I figured it is potentially preventive "medicine" for me.

So, in general, the psychological value to me, due to the VERY significant amount of pleasure I've derived through using my Aneros, has motivated me in ways I could never have imagined to be more health conscious, to eat better, exercise more, and to be a better father and husband.

Just knowing that I can experience the pleasurable aspects of Aneros gives me a renewed view of life and of living!

Good luck with your research for the benefit of your patients!

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@DrS,I think I still have BHP! I came to use an Aneros from various angles one of which was ED, another was BHP and another was painful weeing. I have been using Aneros for 2 years. I also take Saw Palmetto. Generally all the problems have lessened.
Recently I had a herniated disk and for one month was in too much pain to continue my almost daily Aneros use. At the end of the month my phantom need to wee had returned and I was getting up during the night for no purpose! I am now back on my Aneros journey and at last have no compelling need to urinate during the night, and when I do so I have a good satisfying painless stream.
I do not know if I am milking the P but I do know it is more elastic, that is, it swells and contracts as it wishes during Aneros sessions.
Edit: I am 75!

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@DrS Now 80, I was probably born a decade too early to have availed myself of Aneros and Pro-State tools in a timely manner. Saw Palmetto only worked well from age 60 to 70 then I went on a variety of alfa blockers. My current Aneros program of both "pleasure sessions" and more deliberate "therapy sessions"(see: )does let me get by with half the amount of alfa-blocker that I was taking in my sixties. Indirectly, it's enabled me to continue driving my car and take Viagra without quitting my prostate med. All that has granted me the improvements in lifestyle that @Theme-gasm has described.

Halving the alfa-blocker restored a dangerously low blood pressure up into a normal range. (now typically 112/65 rather than the 90/45 I was experiencing from the prescribed alfa-blocker) That's important to avoid the sort of falls that I was having in my early 70s. And, getting the BP back up solved a fight between Viagra and Hytrin.

I get an annual estimate of prostate size from my Urologist and it's been stable at 50-55 grams since I started an Aneros practice. My PSA has been level and has not exceeded 2.0.

The day following an intense massage session I'm a bit tight then loosen up for another ten days of quick stream starts, good stream volume and no incidents of 'urgency'

I've discussed my Aneros, Pro-State (PS-New) and Peridise use with my Uro each year, he notes it in my chart and closes out the appointment with, "...continue what you are doing."

Prostate Cancer (usually migrating into the spine) was the leeading cause of death among my male ancestors ranging back to 1850 and I appear to be dodging that bullet. So far, so good ! I think it important though that guys our age keep their Uros aware of Aneros usage and gear themselves to pausing in the event that there's a suspicion of Prostate Ca.

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As I mentioned in a post last November, I'm in my 70s, have BPH + ED + High BP (meds abt 10+ years). No sex life: my wife was always reluctant - none this Century. Last Summer I acquired a Helix classic and noticed improvement in BPH - less visits at night, a stopping of surprise dribble. The Helix amazed me as I've moved along the 're-wiring' path, so I've added Helix Syn, Eupho Syn, and Beginner Peridise to my kit. The Peridise was a break-thru for me - learning VERY tiny subtle controllable movements, incident to 'internal relaxation' that brought me to Dry Os. I've tried some over-nighters - the best lube I've discovered is Burt's Bee's Shea cream, unscented - comes out of a tube like thick toothpaste, and is good for a couple of hours. So: YES. BPH is definitely improved, but NOT cured. ED remains. As more experienced users attest, there is a wide range of body responses from time to time - but overall, I would recommend this to other BPH patients who are patient, VERY gentle with the process, although some very light featherweight massaging of my clothed Bum starts things up in less than a minute for me. Rewiring is real - and very powerful. I tend to feel some pleasure waves close whenever I'm awake - and that's motivation to keep the mini-Kegels happening both with the Aneros and without. (ps: my 'stream' at the Loo often sounds LOUD now!).

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@DrS: I'm 63 yrs old (a physician) and turned to the Aneros device after noticing reduced stream and reduced ejaculate during sexual intercourse. My prostate was not enlarged (actually

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