Believe in God?
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Believe in God?

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Bill Bately
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I think it takes more faith to be a non-believer,you have to believe in thousands of miracles every day.As a believer I only have to believe in one that being that God controls the universe.Also I don't have to sit and wring my hands as watch the Book of Revelations being fulfilled in the middle east.As an aside I plan on talking to Him tonight about my oldest son in Iraq and my youngest in Kuwait. Sincerely Evergreen

Yes, well put and well said.
I'll pray for your two sons you mentioned as well.


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I am glad to see this thread. My journey has led me to research my sexuality even more. I began to realize that true pleasure in existing lies beyond the orgasm, but in acceptance of one self and loving one self. I believe in God and his son Jesus. My brief excursions to the edge of bliss without a woman has taught me that I can be truly content being single and yet not deny my sexuality. It was one of the biggest questions I had about Jesus. Could he have really been tempted by everything I was tempted by? How did he take care of all the sexual energy that is generated by our bodies and deal with it in a godly manner? After having one of my best orgasms ever without a woman, a lustful thought or even an erection, just proved to me that God gave every person a way to deal with their sexuality as an individual. Not just dissipate it but store it and use it for creative activities outside of sex. It made me believe in God and Jesus even more. Now what I am also thankful for is that my wife has agreed to research and learn this with me. We haven't started yet due to a wedding and a sick child, but when the time is right, I look forward to us praising God together for our sexuality. Just my personal beliefs. Take it or leave it. I am not hear to argue or force my view on anyone.

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Was atheist when I was young. Turned agnostic as I grew older. Have been more of a panthiest over the last decade. But to answer the question of the thread. No I don't believe there is a single entity god. Especially a being that supposedly is watching and judging us determining whether we're going to heaven or hell after our physical body decides to shut down. Humans have existed for merely a spec of time since the beginning of time. Though I'm not quite sure if there ever was a beginning or if there will be an end. But I think it's purely ego and fear that drives humans to create the idea of a god and heaven and hell. I do believe that there's so crazy shit going down though. Some crazy shit...

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I go between agnosticism and atheism. I cannot stand evangelicals who believe all must believe as they do or everyone goes to hell except them. As far as I am concerned, evangelicals have created hell on earth. Touchy subject? You're damned right this is a touchy subject and one that does not belong on this forum. Religion is personal. True, we are sharing very personal experiences but once we discuss religion and faith, then sin comes in. Well, isn't that special?

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Notsogood...don't want to offend here but it seems you despise evangelicals for intolerance...and yet your post is kind of intolerant. Double-standard? Or do you just hate "their kind" of intolerance? So, everyone else is free to discuss whatever they want here except those of us who wish to acknowledge a conviction that our bodies are not the product of unguided randomness but are fearfully and wonderfully made. There's a number of us despicable evangelicals here and I challenge you to identify ONE post or comment from any that is judgmental or self-righteous or condemns anyone in any sense. Actually, the worst vitrol has come from the most ardent hedonist in the group. Sorry if you've had some bad experiences with others who claim to follow Christ but maybe you could extend us a little of the same tolerance you seem to think we should be showing you? Peace out...

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Religion and politics...can't we discuss something that we know we all believe in? The Aneros! 🙂

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To newguy8762: I apologize for my double standard. You are absolutely right that intolerance of the intolerant is not much of an improvement. In fact, it is no different. Yes, I have had misery with evangelicals and still do. Nonetheless, all here have the right to express their faith. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways.

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As a fellow evangelical, Notsogood, I applaud your response; and, I am sorry you were offended in times past. We evangelicals know that our position on many things in our culture are adverse to others beliefs. It was so with the life of Christ. He met stiff opposition which lead to his death.

Still, in my espousing of what I believe I have arrived at a place where I dont condemn. Each man in on an individual journey. Mans search for meaning in life is inherent in all existence and breath. For me, that search has led me to know assuredly that the scriptures are as relevant today as when they were written years ago and that love is a much more powerful force than rejection.

Blessings to you on your journey.

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Notsogood...all is good. None of us consistently live up to ever our own standards for behavior or expectations, let alone those pronounced from on high. All of us can be guilty of double-standards and hypocrisy from time to time. I KNOW I fall into such far too often. It would all do us humans a lot of good not to take ourselves too seriously. It would help us be more forgiving and accepting of others. I've found in the course of my life that I could end up being friends with people very much different from me in beliefs. You have a lot of character to admit your mistake and I respect you tremendously for that. It's rare on the internet to find someone apologizing for being hasty with their posts. Peace to you and my very best wishes for you.

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I too am a believer in the Lord God Almighty. Even though the Aneros gives me worldly pleasure, I know it's not enough to compare to the infinite pleasure of serving Him everyday.

His word is my lifeline, and His purpose for my life is something I live to find out. I can't wait to experience the eternity of Heaven with Him and His Son. I just pray that others will realize the loving sacrifice Jesus made for them before it's too late.

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Thank you Bill best wishes.

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