Astronomy lesson
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Astronomy lesson

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When I was a kid, I loved astronomy. I used to freeze my b***s off observing the stars and planets at night in the winter with my puny telescope. One thing I learned was that, to see very dim objects, you must not look at them directly, but slightly to the side. This is because the retina is more sensitive to light slightly off centre.

Strangely, I have found the same to be true with sensations in the prostate: I feel them more acutely if I focus my attention slightly away form it, rather than directly. For example, the tailbone area,  the pubis (my current favourite), the perineum etc. I was wondering if any other members have noticed the same phenomenon?

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That sounds relatable. It's like letting the prostate do its own thing, means completely, even in ways we aren't normally conscious of. I suspect it's a hold-over from penis masturbation, where zeroing-in, and intensifying your focus can pay off. Grabbing onto a sensation and wrapping it in a furious intent, maybe isn't the way forward. Interesting food for thought.

When passions are high, it seems like a force that begs to be directed at something. Directing that impulse correctly could be key. 🤔

PS. you can say "balls" here, it's fine 😄

lanoix reacted
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I can relate to the astronomy analogy but my focus there is on seeing into the solar system and feeling suitably insignificant. At the moment Venus is doing its "morning star" thing , Jupiter is high in the early morning sky and the moon has been playing tag with Jupiter as it wanes.

Often I will stand outside naked in the morning and play with my nipples while observing the sky. My orgasmic waves play with my legs and my anus and muscular spasms wave up through my body adding to the awe of the planetary display.

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Posted by: @rickdboy2022
Often I will stand outside naked in the morning and play with my nipples while observing the sky.

Maybe I've been living in the city for too long. 🤔


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@clenchy alas most of the modern world tends toward if not actually embracing this error 😜 Even in my small town the street light worshipers try their best to block out the night sky with over-copious amounts of largely ineffective light

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