Arousal building me...
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Arousal building methods

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Have you ever...


Touched every square inch of your body with the tip of a feather?


Sucked your fingers languorously imagining that your hands or your mouth were another’s?


Said out loud everything you would like to do to an imaginary someone, in dirty detail?


Caressed yourself all over with your fingernails, so gently that they hardly graze your skin?


Pinched yourself and analyzed the sensations and how they varied according to where and how long and how hard you pinch?


Caressed your lips for 10 minutes with the back of your hand?


Draped yourself in silk scarves, running them over your naked body?


Read erotica?


Written erotica?


Made out with a peach, telling it you love it and letting the juice drip down your chin and chest?


Suckled a strawberry like a nipple, pressing its bud against your nose before engulfing in your lips?


Pretended you were having sex, going through all the physical motions, the caresses, the sweet words, the sighs, the moans, until you were thoroughly convinced of it?


Pretended you were the person you were pretending to have sex with?


Caressed your chest all over, deliberately avoiding the nipples, because you have convinced yourself that if you were to touch your nipples even slightly, you would orgasm immediately, and after 20 minutes, finally dared to touch the forbidden?


Counted down from 20 to zero, saying how much you love a particular part of your body between each number, and describing why, touching that body part at the same time, circling in towards your prostate, which you praised at zero with the insertion of a toy?


Fallen in love with your pillow, bought it a lovely perfume, snuggled with it when you were alone, and done naughty things to it when the lights are low?


Sucked on your arm, pretending it was your first time making out with someone?


Made out with someone, pretending it was your first time sucking your arm?


Bought linen sheets and reveled in the sensation of your naked body against them?


Run your fingers through your hair in a loving way?


Given yourself a naughty alter ego, who was everything you’re not in bed, given that alter ego a name, and let the alter ego come out and play?

Faith-Manages, SOwithoutAneros, 7sDoor and 15 people reacted
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Yeah sure, this morning before breakfast, why do you ask?

Seriously that's an awesome list man, thank you for this. You have some kind of dirty/sensual train of thought that's very unique, I tried maybe 6 of the things on the list, but most of it would never have crossed my mind. Great stuff!

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Thank you for the amazing tips.

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@zentai Glad you liked it. I have plenty more where that came from. I have written a fair amount of short format erotica, and have a pretty out there imagination for that stuff.  This is all stuff I have done more or less, though there are a couple tongue in cheek (in arm?) ones.  I do love pillows, sort of a innocent childhood and quasi-fornophilic obsession.  But I haven't fallen in love with them, nor have I bought them perfume...

I will write other lists of ideas. It's fun.


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Posted by: @zentai

Seriously that's an awesome list man,
thank you for this.

Affirmative! I tried maybe a dozen of the things on your list, @divine_o, but most of it would never have crossed my mind as well, what's great,

  • leaving nearly another dozen for my to do list.


Really great stuff! Btw:

  • Ever made out with a peeled banana, biting an edge all around and below the tip until it looks more like something hmm else, ;-), then ever gave that banana a decent blow job feeling like receiving one at the same time?
  • Already sucked your thumb and let it touch and caress your palate way back until it felt you would touch your gland as if you just found its remote control?
  • Never sucked, licked or rubbed your fingers one after the other and envisioned them to be your member?
  • At least once envisioned a group of men or women or of both genders to gather around your naked body while lying on a massage table, thus fueling your imagination to get touched and caressed at all the hot spots you can think of at the same time until you can't focus anymore and slip away and hover in a sea of bliss?


Good vibes, Brothers and Sisters,

and a Happy Multiorgasmic Year to you all!


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Guy walks in the furniture store, looking for some fornographic material. Badumm-tiss.

Had to look that one up! I got that some elements on the list were tongue in cheek, but I do have some very faint echoes of very early "erotic" dreams from well before I knew what sex even was, and while pillows are not present, porcelain was there. I'm sure we all carry some of this stuff deep in our subconscious. I guess porcelain was so smooth and curved and cool that it made a major impression on me when I encountered it the first time. 


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@zentai yeah sexuality is vast. What arouses us is often far from the dictates of society. We arrive on the planet with a clean slate, and our ideas of arousal are quickly streamlined into the realm of “normal.” Paraphilia is a bullshit word, in my opinion, because there is no normal in sexuality.

For example, I don’t understand why there are certain things that are considered sexy by certain marketing peeps. Go into a sex shop, especially the bdsm section, and you are surrounded by the colors red and black (which I imagine are feeble attempts at conjuring ideas of blood and night). Those are the least sexy colors to me. The products are often cheaply assembled and have hideous design (unless they are artisanal), which are two things that I am very turned off by. Some of my favorite sextoys are not sextoys (silk scarves, ostrich feathers, beautifully crafted brushes), in part because I prefer their esthetics.

Also this stretches to body types as well. I don’t know who decides on ideals, but look from place to place and epoch to epoch and you’ll see that ideal body types change like fashion. Thus it is very possible that a good portion of a given population doesn’t agree with those ideals. I remember seeing maxim magazines lying around my brothers room as a kid and not understanding why almost anorexic women with huge breasts were idolized (I still don’t understand). I concurred that these women were “hot” so as not to seem different. I also remember being on the beach and looking at middle aged womens’ soft flabby arms and being super turned on (they still turn me on).

Pornhub and similar sites are wonderful because one can see the diversity of sexual taste, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of others are into the same stuff you are, and it isn’t so wierd after all. 

My first memories of sexual experiences were when I had sex with my sleeping bag while having sleepovers at 5 years old. I have many memories of having sex with pillows in my childhood. When I recreate these scenes now, alone with a pillow or using my partners soft stomach as a “pillow,” I fall into a trance, I’m so aroused.

It took me a a while to break from what society expected of me in terms of ideals and embrace what truly aroused me. I think everyone should reconsider what arouses them, and not what others expect should arouse them. Looking to what aroused us as children is a good start because as a child one isn’t influenced by the norms of society, seeing as one is unaware of those norms. One should also explore as much as possible, because without doing so, one can’t find what one likes or doesn’t like.

And every day is a new day. What turned us on yesterday might not today, or vice versa. I am explicit with my partner that if I don’t like something she does in bed, and want her to stop, it only applies to right now, and she can try it again another time because I just might like it then.

So... maybe you should buy yourself a nice porcelaine vase, and run your fingers along it’s sleek cold curves, @zentai !!!


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  • Have you ever tried to get aroused only mentally?

As my Aneros journey has taught me, it's all finally a mind thing and quite only a matter of awareness. If you focus on that area above your perineum - somewhere behind your cock's root - you can feel a dumb buzz there when your prostate get's "aroused"/"engorged" and works towards your orgasm. Otherwise you can learn to focus on that area making your blood stream to that area, warm it up and thus cause arousal, giving you that buzz and starting a cycle that can make you hornier than you would ever have believed you could become.

I love to do this anywhere and any time.

  • Edging a lot all through the day can help but isn't a must.
  • Sometimes I focus on some other hot spots of mine only envisioning to tease them or I tease them for a few seconds to get things started but then again do nothing but my mind game leading to anything from light arousal to dry orgasms to full body orgasm to superOs to squirming and writhing from minutes to hours in wonderful realms of bliss.

Enjoy yourself and what your mind can do for you!


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