Anyone getting unco...
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Anyone getting uncontrollable dry o's or super o's

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My question is this, I'm in process of going through rewiring. Has anyone who has rewired had dry o's or super o's when not expecting them such as at work, or during other inappropriate times? My fear from reading some posts on these forums is that once the prostate awakens I may not be able to stop it from happening at inopportune times. From what I'm reading this can happen in the beginning once you are rewired. Is this a valid concern???

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IMHO, your fears are unwarranted. It is true that an awoken prostate and learned behavior patterns (rewiring) can allow a man to experience dry-O's and even Super-O's in Aneroless conditions but this is only with your allowed intent. You may spontaneously feel pleasure waves at nearly anytime after you have become experienced with Aneros use but these are never going to be "uncontrollable", your will (ego consciousness) to change mental focus is enough to short circuit the internal pleasure flow thus keeping you in control.
It should become self apparent the level of relaxation, intent and mental focus needed to allow these orgasmic events to manifest are not likely to exist in the course of your daily routines. It takes an active intent on your part to create the opportune psychological environment for you to have these orgasms.Is this a valid concern???As a wise guy might say "forgetaboutit"
Good Vibes to You !

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