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Aneros Springiness and "Mushiness"

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Hi guys,

This past Thursday morning I was having a great sessions with some of my Aneros tools, such as Helix Syn, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Tempo enters just about every session now. But last Thursday morning, I had one of my finest sessions with Helix Syn ever. When I finished with Helix Syn, I got up to head to my bathroom for my next Aneros tool. Something amazing happened. I felt buoyed up after working with Helix Syn. Also I discovered that my step was very springy and rather mushy. It seemed that I was floating on air!

Has anybody else experienced any of this? It seems so uncanny!


P.S. Early this morning, I took my usual four mile spirited walk to church. The muscles in my upper thighs and butt were taut. It seemed that my musculature "down there" were one enormous rubber band. I find having a good, vigorous walk after an Aneros session is very beneficial as a way of processing and integrating what I have experienced in that session.

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Hmm, I’ve never experienced that @BigGlandsDC, however whenever I insert aneros I feel an immediate weakness in my legs, perhaps the aneros is working out an unknown part of our body.

This weakness is not as prominent as it was when I first started aneros sessions. As well i feel sore from extended aneros sessions and remain weak legged the entire time, but I have had weirder things happen.

@};- Trei

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Thom...Yes, that was a common feeling in my early beginnings of using my Helix Syn! At the time, I was wearing it almost daily, including at work! It was a phenomenal sensation! Lately, I've been using my Eupho Classic and having intense calm seas, mini and super o's that I had forgotten about that experience until you mentioned it! It'll be one year for me in March, and this is one journey I'm so glad I started!

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Hi @Trei and @Theme_Gasm,

I didn't feel any weakness when I felt this "springiness" and "mushiness" when I withdrew the Helix Syn from myself and stood up to return to my bathroom. It seemed that I floating on a cushion of sexual energy which was so sweet!


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