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Aneros sessions on Rapaflo

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For those who do not know, Rapaflo is a medication prescribed sometimes for guys with BPH [enlarge prostate, non cancerous].  It is an alternative to the more frequently prescribed Flomax.  Unlike say Avodart, Rapaflo does not shrink the prostate - rather it relaxes certain muscles making it easier to pee and drain your bladder.

Rapaflo has a very, very common but hushed up to an extent side effect - while on it most men will not be able to ejaculate.  If you stop taking it for a while, the ability to ejaculate comes back after about 2 to 4 days at the 8 mg dose - less at the 4 mg dose.  Various from man to man.

It has been considered for a male birth control pill.

At first it was thought to cause retrograde ejaculation, and even some doctors still believe that.  But it actually prevents ejaculation - studies showed no semen in the urine after.  Your semen builds up.

Many men hate that side effect because they associate orgasm with ejaculate and orgasm without ejaculation is perceived by them as inferior.  Dry orgasm on Rapaflo is weird or different, depending on your perspective.  Unfortunately most doctors and pharmacists don't tell guys about this, and then when the guy does not ejaculate he fears the worst.  

It is an acquired taste.  The orgasm is different.  At first it seems like a very weak unsatisfying orgasm.  But if you push it harder, then the orgasm is actually pretty awesome with pretty much no refractory period.

When I was first put on Rapaflo a few years ago, I had to get used to those orgasms but came to love them.  Then I tried them with aneros sessions. Oh wow.  But, keep in mind you may need to try a different aneros device.  Example: if say the progasm is your favourite, you might find it too much once you have a big supply built up - a smaller aneros might be better.

My doctor has me take a Rapaflo holiday a couple times a month so I can ejaculate twice a month - either wet dreams or masturbation.  She suggests an 11 days on, 4 days off pattern for me.  For those wanting to ejaculate once a week, a 4 days on, 3 days off, or 3 days on, 4 days off pattern might be the ticket.

For guys say 50+ who have symptoms of BPH such as waking up at night to pee, you might want to have a chat with your doc about whether Rapaflo might be a good idea.  As I recall, it is expensive - my recollection is fuzzy though as my insurance covers most of it.

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Thanks for the info, very, very interesting.  Would flomax act in the same way?


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I have been on Flomax in the past - it did alter my orgasms somewhat but did not shut down ejaculation - but it reduced the amount given and gave me a ruined orgasm effect.  It also gave me awful back and leg pain issues and so my doc put me on Rapaflo.

I had been on Avodart and rather liked it, but my doc after a few years switched me to Finasteride 5 mg.  I had quite a bit of penis length reduction on Avodart but that is a non-issue as I am not sexually active - happy sexless marriage.  Both the Avodart and the Finasteride turned the volume down so to speak on my libido - not drastically and in a welcome sort of way.  When a man is 58 and celibate going from 10 down to 6 or 7 is a good thing.

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Posted by: @rockwellcollinshf2050

It is an acquired taste.  The orgasm is different.  At first it seems like a very weak unsatisfying orgasm.  But if you push it harder, then the orgasm is actually pretty awesome with pretty much no refractory period.

This is very interesting ! Can you elaborate a bit on this ? I always thought that without the refractory period, it would be possible to just masturbate to a Super-O, or more simply put, that having Os without triggering the refractory period was what made the Super-O possible in the first place. 

But it would seem that since Rapaflo (Silodosin) relaxes the smooth muscles in the prostate, you don't get to experience a "full" orgasm ?  So a dry orgasm under Rapaflo does not feel as good as a dry orgasm without the medication ? What about Aless in that case ? 

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With Rapaflo the prostate smooth muscles become so relaxed that ejaculation is impossible, but a less optimal orgasm is likely. Some questions come to mind. During a prostate dry orgasm, are those muscles relaxed or not? Is the refractory period only caused by the flow of semen out of the vas deferents, seminal vessels and prostate or is it the fatigue of those prostate smooth muscles that causes the refractory period?

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@zaqpol the refractory period is caused by oxytocin and prolactin that is released at ejaculation, but apparently this isn't triggered with prostate orgasms because the only down time is to catch my breath, or rehydrate and pee.

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Posted by: @zaqpol

With Rapaflo the prostate smooth muscles become so relaxed that ejaculation is impossible, but a less optimal orgasm is likely. Some questions come to mind. During a prostate dry orgasm, are those muscles relaxed or not? Is the refractory period only caused by the flow of semen out of the vas deferents, seminal vessels and prostate or is it the fatigue of those prostate smooth muscles that causes the refractory period?

At first the orgasm does seem very muted.  I usually then try for a second orgasm rigiht after - that feels more lovely.

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I had the worst sinus headache ever! Stopped after two days

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