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Aneros Pre-cum Production Emission

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So, I'm about 2 months in using Aneros. And I have experienced a pronounced increase in pre-cum emission and I'd like to explore why this is happening.

At first, I thought it was the Aneros itself pressing against the Cowper gland. But that explanation didn't last very long because I have pre-cum emissions now EVEN WITHOUT the aneros in me. During aneros-less sessions and during sexual activity generally.

So, I am theorizing that its due to two reasons:

1. that my libido is way up so I am producing more to begin with.

And, 2. second, that whatever subtle muscle activity encourages pre-cum emissions - these are now more toned, more active and stronger.

Does that make sense to you? Anyone else thought about this?



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...I have experienced a pronounced increase in pre-cum emission...
Anyone else thought about this?

Yes I have thought about this phenomenon. This is a common, though not universal, phenomena with Aneros users. Years ago I authored the poll question How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce? which relates to this topic. For most men their precum production is of little concern but for a few men it may be problematic (please see Copious Pre‐Ejaculation: Small Glands—Major Headaches).

I am theorizing that its due to two reasons:
1. that my libido is way up so I am producing more to begin with.

I agree with this, pre-ejaculate (precum) is naturally produced and emitted when any form of sexual arousal takes place, both consciously and subconsciously. Physical stimulation of the Cowper's glands (through perineal massage, anal sex, prostate massage, pegging, etc.) can all add to this emissive state as well.

2. that whatever subtle muscle activity encourages pre-cum emissions - these are now more toned, more active and stronger. Does that make sense to you?

Yes, it makes sense. Your regular Aneros practice can induce a type of classical conditioning but perhaps more importantly, your practice is also a type of operant conditioning. This operant conditioning is what we often refer to as the 'rewiring' effect. These two types of conditioning, associated with either sexual thoughts or actions, could explain your perceived increase in precum output.
Good Vibes to You !

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Yes, it makes sense. Your regular Aneros practice can induce a type of classical conditioning but perhaps more importantly, your practice is also a type of operant conditioning. This operant conditioning is what we often refer to as the 'rewiring' effect. These two types of conditioning, associated with either sexual thoughts or actions, could explain your perceived increase in precum output.

Thanks for the very thoughtful response. Well, consonant with your thoughts above, it does seem that when I am aroused there is a kind of pulsing of deep muscles - it's very complex and goes beyond the PC muscle etc. - that sort of squeeze it out. I absolutely love it - it's truly rapturous.

But as you say, it definitely seems related to the entire rewiring, including the tone, strength and activation of those muscles that seem to work in concert to squeeze it out. The pre-cum was always there (and, occasionally leaked) but now it flows and it seems the more that flows out the more is produced. It's a very subtle process.

Another unexpected benefit. 🙂

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The way my body worked pre aneros is that I produced precum exclusively during drawn out sex, where I rode close to the edge for too long, and even then it was so subtle and in such small amounts that i never saw it, just felt a drop seep out.

Since my journey began I have discovered how to “milk” precum out of my Cowper’s gland through traditional masturbation combine with a certain combination of squeezing and bearing down on my PC muscles, as well as riding the edge.

I don’t think it has to do solely with arousal, as I can produce it after a 1-5 minutes of masturbation (the time it takes to get hard, get to the edge and push on the right pc muscles). Nor do I think I have a higher libido than my pre aneros time. So I attribute it to my newfound ability to flex (and relax) certain pc muscles.

It is possible that more comes out for me if I am in a higher aroused state (after an hour of aneros, let’s say), but it is still so little in general that it is hard to measure by eye. It is a very thin liquid for me, with very little surface tension, so it spreads out very quickly into my hand and elsewhere. And it feels so good when I am on the edge and flexing my PCs just right that I am hardly in a state to observe closely what is going on. I am an eye roller, and this gets my eyes flying back in my head.

But that is just my case. And I am clearly not in the same category as the leakers out there...

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So I attribute it to my newfound ability to flex (and relax) certain pc muscles.

Yes, I think that's the defining change; and to me it feels like a complex of muscles acting in concert, it's hard to describe but once you get the feeling of that you don't forget it. I think arousal contributes to volume, but really the definitive change was that strange and sweet squeezing that causes it to weep out.

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@Katzy totally. Well said, “strange and sweet squeezing”. I tried it this morning again after reading your post, and I confirm that that pulsating of muscles is what makes it feel good for me as well. The pulsating can culminate in a “dry” or semen-free orgasm (often very short compared to a super o, just a few seconds tops) for me. Nowadays most traditional masturabation I have includes one such “dry” orgasm or two, and often ends altogether in one if I am practicing semen retention. I feel as if this pulsating is creating incredible sensations not only thanks to the PC muscles being stronger, but also thanks to the rewiring process causing me just to be more aware of everything that is rubbed by these contractions.

more research is needed 🙂

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The pleasure you feel from your prostate play is the movement of fluids. It appears to vary from man to man,some say they produce nothing in a session,others such as myself produce a puddle. When I get aroused in the traditional fashion I leak pre cum too. But Aneros or A-less sessions bring the leakage to a whole new level,and I noticed little spits of it whilst I prostate orgasm,almost like I’m ejaculating it.Its very fine and you’d need to directly liking at my urethra opening or you’d miss it.

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The pleasure you feel from your prostate play is the movement of fluids. It appears to vary from man to man,some say they produce nothing in a session,others such as myself produce a puddle. When I get aroused in the traditional fashion I leak pre cum too. But Aneros or A-less sessions bring the leakage to a whole new level,and I noticed little spits of it whilst I prostate orgasm,almost like I’m ejaculating it.Its very fine and you’d need to directly liking at my urethra opening or you’d miss it.

Yes, very true for me as well.

One thing I'm curious about: pre-cum comes from the cowper gland as far as I know; so, does that gland have the ability to contract; or, do the muscles around it contract in order to get it flowing?

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Well before my Aneros journey began in 2005 I had a tendency to produce a significant volume of precum in foreplay and arousal. Since rewiring two things happened to me; first as everyone in this thread has said my volume did increase significantly. When I say significantly I mean doubled. As an example a few years ago I put on a condom before embarking on a 6 hour transcontinental air trip from NY to Seattle. During the flight I listened to a very - very erotic audio book using my ear buds. Upon arriving at my destination airport I went into a stall in the men’s room to see how much I made. The condom was virtually full.

The second thing that changed after rewiring was the range and nature of things that aroused me and caused precum to flow. Watching videos of men ejaculating, facial expressions of women orgasming as in “Hysterical Literature” or daydreaming about a woman I might see in the course of a day or an event opens my flood gate. In particular when I write erotica (something I do as a hobby), I have to put a woman’s panty-liner in my briefs or I will soak thru my pants.

As to the reason for all this …. I don’t really care. All I care about is that at 68 years old I have the libido of a 5 year old he goat LOL. Carpe Diem or more appropriately Carpe Precum

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@gnawdol 5 year old goat? Then you mean Capri-precum!

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Great post gnawdol!

The second thing that changed after rewiring was the range and nature of things that aroused me and caused precum to flow. Watching videos of men ejaculating, facial expressions of women orgasming as in “Hysterical Literature” or daydreaming about a woman I might see in the course of a day or an event opens my flood gate.

I totally agree; even in a short period of time I've seen this happen.

Btw, thanks for the "Hysterical Literature" reference - had never heard of it, watching one of those just now had my cock weeping the exquisite nectar.

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I never get tired of watching the women in those videos losing their composure, their faces grimacing in the sweet agony of orgasm.

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Thanks for the very thoughtful response. Well, consonant with your thoughts above, it does seem that when I am aroused there is a kind of pulsing of deep muscles - it's very complex and goes beyond the PC muscle etc. - that sort of squeeze it out. I absolutely love it - it's truly rapturous.

But as you say, it definitely seems related to the entire rewiring, including the tone, strength and activation of those muscles that seem to work in concert to squeeze it out. The pre-cum was always there (and, occasionally leaked) but now it flows and it seems the more that flows out the more is produced. It's a very subtle process.

Another unexpected benefit. 🙂

@divine_oblivion I would really like to know more about how you learned how to milk precum out.. I have always produced very little.. the last few years I started to produce a bit more but nothing very much at all.. maybe a drop or two. Ive done things such as supplements.. water intake, and edging. Any tips and instructions on your routine would be immensely appreciated

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@frenchme236 I would love to give you advice but what I wrote above is really the best way I can explain it. It has to do with the way I bear down and squeeze my pc muscles at the same time combined with edging during masturbation. I really can’t seem to produce it any other way. Oh I didn’t mention that this is during masturbation focusing on my corona and head. I will try and be more scientific about it in my observations over my next few sessions to give you more advice, but the fact that there are people that leak it and others that don’t know of it’s existence until their late twenties (me) just goes to show how different we all are!

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Hi @divine_oblivion , is it just the pc muscles you squeeze, or the anal muscles as well? I have had similar experiences (squeezing out precum through muscle contractions), but would like to maximize my results 🙂

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Someone suggested to me that it was the anticipation of sex or the anticipation of orgasm that triggers the precum to begin flowing.

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@frenchme236 @cko23

Upon further research, I withdraw what I said before. Here is what I am actually doing when I get precum to seep out:

After having emptied my bladder, I masturbate traditionally (hand to penis, like in the good ol days). These days that includes a much more consciously active clench and releasing of pelvic floor muscles (no pattern in particular, but lots of awareness of how good it all feels with various strengths of clenching). When I get to the edge of having to come-- i.e. I could come in 3 seconds, but choose not to-- I get a sensation of needing to pee. At this point, I am clenching a lot of muscles down there. I relax my PC muscles just the right amount to allow that "pee" to come out, while still masturbating. This is the tricky part for me, because being at the edge of having to cum and relaxing the PC muscles is sort of contradictory, but this relaxation feels really really good. Then as a feel it is being released I squeeze my PC muscles and inevitably my anal muscles to push it out. And then precum comes out (not pee). I do this 3-4 times before I dry up. And if I do it too many times in a row (within 2-3 minutes) I will have an completely orgasm-less normal ejaculation (which is not what I want), that just sort of seeps out.

I literally just tried it again to confirm my description before posting, with no prior arousal. Within 3 minutes of masturbating, it worked like a charm, then I went to far and ejaculated a little bit 🙂

I hope this helps. We are all so different, but I would love to know if this technique helps you two! It is a very specific trigger that doesn't produce more precum in my body, but allows the seemingly little that is there to come out. The one partner of mine that has witnessed it thinks it is really hot, and like I said, this for me is pleasure enough to have a masturbation session without normal ejaculation in order to continue my SR.

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@frenchme236 @cko23

Upon further research, I withdraw what I said before. Here is what I am actually doing when I get precum to seep out:

After having emptied my bladder, I masturbate traditionally (hand to penis, like in the good ol days). These days that includes a much more consciously active clench and releasing of pelvic floor muscles (no pattern in particular, but lots of awareness of how good it all feels with various strengths of clenching). When I get to the edge of having to come-- i.e. I could come in 3 seconds, but choose not to-- I get a sensation of needing to pee. At this point, I am clenching a lot of muscles down there. I relax my PC muscles just the right amount to allow that "pee" to come out, while still masturbating. This is the tricky part for me, because being at the edge of having to cum and relaxing the PC muscles is sort of contradictory, but this relaxation feels really really good. Then as a feel it is being released I squeeze my PC muscles and inevitably my anal muscles to push it out. And then precum comes out (not pee). I do this 3-4 times before I dry up. And if I do it too many times in a row (within 2-3 minutes) I will have an completely orgasm-less normal ejaculation (which is not what I want), that just sort of seeps out.

I literally just tried it again to confirm my description before posting, with no prior arousal. Within 3 minutes of masturbating, it worked like a charm, then I went to far and ejaculated a little bit 🙂

I hope this helps. We are all so different, but I would love to know if this technique helps you two! It is a very specific trigger that doesn't produce more precum in my body, but allows the seemingly little that is there to come out. The one partner of mine that has witnessed it thinks it is really hot, and like I said, this for me is pleasure enough to have a masturbation session without normal ejaculation in order to continue my SR.

I'll try it out!! Is this the same fluid as what you'd get from prostate milking? or one of the orgasm "ruining" techniques ("bleeding", etc.)?

I already produce a lot of precum during my sessions, with aneros, aless, and even with just mental visualization and arousal. But I want to have WAY more control over my fluids... precum and cum, WITHOUT the wet orgasm. Seems fun and very pleasurable.

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@med-sir I never have done prostate milking, or orgasm ruining, but from what I have seen in videos, those two produce semen.

I posted this in response to two people who, like me, drip little to no precum during arousal, as a guide to get a few drops out. or at least to explain how I do so. I would love to know if this works for someone who produces a lot "naturally" like yourself!

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@divine_oblivion some questions about your technique... do you stop masturbating when you feel the need to cum? or do you keep going very very slowly?

When you relax your PC muscles, is it more of a slight relaxation or more of a "hard" relaxation? When I feel the need to cum, I sometimes try to relax or more accurately expand my PC muscles by taking in some air, tightening my abs and pressing the air downwards to my lower pelvic area, relaxing my PC and anal muscles too... this works very well to suppress the ejaculation reflex. But this sounds not very much like what you describe, it seems like a much more subtle and slow approach. I'm guessing the window is very small. When I'm at the edge, even the slightest extra stimulation will cause the dreaded first penis involuntary clench. At that point I ejaculate 3/4 of the times.

About the precum, I son't have a technique per se, but I've noticed patterns. I create much more when:
-I haven't cum in many days
-I'm very horny
-If I'm well-hydrated
-If you masturbate touching your penis, try not to squeeze your PC and ass often as you'd naturally do unconsciously, just try to stay relaxed and make some subtle and controlled PC and anus squeezes occasionally, it'll help with pushing it out.
-If i've been edging for a long time or watching erotic material or thinking erotic thoughts
-When I work out. If I take breaks of about two months, the quantity goes down. I guess it's related to testosterone?
-When I press or stimulate my prostate after some foreplay, it feels like I'm literally squeezing it out. When I put my aneros in, I regularly get a nice big drop ooze out the instant it enters and settles into place.
-When Im in my sessions, if it's a very penis-centric session, i'll ooze out more. It helps to really focus thoughts on your penis, your balls, the subtle sensations and pressures of the liquids and glands in you, and focus on visualizing the fluids moving outward, the pleasure moving outward from your penis root.

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Mine flows when i see a sexy woman, write erotica,look at porn,think sexy fantasies or when i answer these threads. Just reading these comments and typing this is making me get wet. I flow any time any where very easily..

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Thanks for your reply @divine_oblivion . I'll definitely try your technique.. I never had that pee-feelign when on the edge of orgasm, but may be I didn't pay attention enough :). Will let you guys know if I can do this!

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i don’t stop my masturbating rhythm while on the edge because that is what keeps there but I do go slower. My relaxing of pc muscles is very active, taking so much effort and concentration that it is hardly “relaxing”. I tried breathing in like you said but that forced semen out!! The techniques that help you produce precum unfortunately don’t work at all for me, as my body produces very little naturally. Horniness and SR make it come out faster but I still have to apply my technique of edging/relaxing for even a drop to come out.
