Aneros and weed
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Aneros and weed

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Hey everyone. New to this forum. Excited to start this journey. Can you have success with Super O. And aneros in general without weed or is weed necessary to maximize your success and pleasure?

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Can you have success with Super O. And aneros in general without weed or is weed necessary to maximize your success and pleasure?

The simple answer is NO, marijuana is NOT "necessary" for success. However, because developing skill at inducing prostate based orgasms requires a paradigm shift in thinking, some members have found the psychotropic effects of cannabis helpful in aiding this alternate thought process.
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So it's a shortcut but the results and quality of super o will be similar with and without weed? Weed won't enhance the effect of super o and make it a better super o than a non weed induced super o?

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So it's a shortcut but the results and quality of super o will be similar with and without weed?

I don't think I'd call it a "shortcut" but rather a different method of getting to the relaxed mental state conducive to producing prostate based orgasms. These mental states can also be induced through meditation techniques, self hypnosis techniques, listening to music, etc. The use of cannabis is another variable that can influence your Anerosession either positively or negatively. It is important to realize that Super-O's are highly variable regardless of the use of cannabis.

Weed won't enhance the effect of super o and make it a better super o than a non weed induced super o?

People react differently to the intoxicating effects of psychotropic compounds, whether those compounds enhance or suppress orgasmic responses is unpredictable. You'll only know by individual experimentation, there are no assurances it will do anything for your experience.
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I have way more orgasms more easily, am extremely more horny and amped up for any and all things sex-related, and prostate stimulation feels way more "other worldly" when I'm medicating with cannabis than when I'm straight. I can orgasm from prostate stimulation when I'm sober, but I get way more into my sessions when high on THC. But THC is different for everyone. Hybrid strains or concoctions of concentrates can relax your body but heighten your consciousness at the same time, which has a beneficial effect for your body and mind during an Aneros session. My take on it!

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I agree with Techpump. My responses, physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually, are greatly enhanced under the influence of cannibis during my Aneros sessions. I've tried it both ways, and although it's still wonderful without weed, I much prefer to use it. I'm still fairly new to Aneros (about 5 months), and have yet to achieve the Super-O, but weed always helps me relax and focus on the beautiful sensations I'm experiencing with every session. Remember, it's the journey!

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Appreciate the replies guys. I decided i'm gonna wait until I travel to a state where it is legal cause I don't want to risk it.

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I have way more orgasms more easily, am extremely more horny and amped up for any and all things sex-related, and prostate stimulation feels way more "other worldly" when I'm medicating with cannabis than when I'm straight. I can orgasm from prostate stimulation when I'm sober, but I get way more into my sessions when high on THC. But THC is different for everyone. Hybrid strains or concoctions of concentrates can relax your body but heighten your consciousness at the same time, which has a beneficial effect for your body and mind during an Aneros session. My take on it!

Could not agree more.

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I usually have a weed enhanced session when I travel out of town for work and have the option to stay for the weekend. Maybe twice a year. Weed isn't legal where I live but it is legal in one nearby city and I do not wish the break the law by bringing anything back home. My first weed enhanced session was unbelievable. It made my prostate super sensitive right from the start. Every little contraction or twitch produced an exquisite feeling in the prostate. It was not intense, it was very mellow, exquisite, delicious, I don't even know what word to use. The feeling was so satisfying that I didn't feel the need to force anything. If I hold a base contraction and then slowly increase it, I always reach a point where my prostate starts twitching. That feeling is so incredible. I also discovered that if I hit that magic contraction % and then just barely back off to where the twitching stops, I get these big p-waves every 20 seconds. They are accompanied with heat and pleasure. While this was happening I was thinking to myself, this pleasure is greater than the pleasure from a traditional orgasm with ejaculation. It was then that I realized these were orgasms. This went on for two and a half hours and was the most amazing sexual experience of my life. I have had several other weed enhanced sessions since but none have been as fruitful as this first one. I might add that I only take two puffs and flush what's left over.

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Being someone who likes weed in general, I find it compliments an suitable arousal state. I've found myself a bit stressed after work and not even contemplating an Aneros session, a few beers, weed and the right audio / visual stimulation and I'm on autopilot :D. Had some Lucy on hand the other week, was meditating, got up to take a leak and felt the "Tug of War" for the first time, I knew then I was on the right path. 😀

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if you enjoy weed already & enjoy your aneros what are you waiting for? go do a sesson and tell us story life is short

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Disclaimer: I have never used marijuana or any cannabis-based product. I have no idea if this is a good idea in general, or specifically in conjunction with prostate massagers. But, some people are starting to make marijuana-infused lubes.

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But, some people are starting to make marijuana-infused lubes.

OMG, that idea is brilliant. 🙂 Now I only have to waste several years of precious lifetime with waiting for my country to legalize it. :confused:

Btw: You can do this with the worlds most spread drug (alcohol) too, by adding it to your enemas/douche. Unfortunately this is very dangerous (seriously: don't do it), since the alcohol goes directly into your blood and bypasses your liver. Because of that dramatic difference in health risk, pot is widely accepted and legal while alcohol is not... oh wait... 😉

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Disclaimer: I have never used marijuana or any cannabis-based product. I have no idea if this is a good idea in general, or specifically in conjunction with prostate massagers. But, some people are starting to make marijuana-infused lubes.

Yeah -

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OMG, that idea is brilliant. 🙂 Now I only have to waste several years of precious lifetime with waiting for my country to legalize it. :confused:

Btw: You can do this with the worlds most spread drug (alcohol) too, by adding it to your enemas/douche. Unfortunately this is very dangerous (seriously: don't do it), since the alcohol goes directly into your blood and bypasses your liver. Because of that dramatic difference in health risk, pot is widely accepted and legal while alcohol is not... oh wait... 😉

Not being an expert and never taking weed, I dont know if it would be processed by the liver (if you consumed cookies/brownies).
Presumably even lube weed would get taken up by the digestive tract just like alcohol?

Additional risk of weed is the potential circles you'd have to mingle with in order to get it; since it's illegal here (to semi-quote Back To The Future: "I'm sure that in 1985 [your country], plutonium [weed] is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955 [here], it's a little hard to come by."), I imagine the only source of weed would be the kind of people that wouldn't think twice about breaking your knee caps or throwing highly corrosive acid on your face if any problems (unable to pay, dealer suspicious of you being a cop etc.) occured.
Decriminalising it would help - but the only time Ive seen people smoke weed, it was during or within a couple of hours of them driving - which is illegal and dangerous and horrible. So those people already dont care about breaking the law and would prosumably have fewer moral objections to breaking other laws (or body parts). So weed can be more dangerous than alcohol, depends on how you use it and how you can get it.

Alcohol, while also abused and showing an ugly side, is more regulated and not illegal, meaning you can find it in your local *Mart and don't need connections to the criminal underworld in order to obtain.

Either way, I'm not sure any of these exotic lubes (heard of the coffee enema? wine enema?) should be recommended - possible health problems.

I think taking weed in brownie form (I don't smoke... EUGH!!! yuck!) could be beneficial to me from what others have said about Aneros use, but i'd have to go someplace where it is legal and can get it from authorized sellers (no dodgy dude on the street corner - you never know if they are secretly funding terrorists).

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Hi Aneros+Weed enthusiasts,

I continue to supercharge my erotic experiences with weed.  I am definitely an enthusiast.

I now have access to cannabis dispensaries, and the bounty they offer.

Two questions:

  1. have you experimented with the THC / CBD proportion?  I've always used high THC but am wondering if CBD might bring a deep relaxation to the equation?
  2. have you experimented with tinctures?  these are looking attractive because they are:
    1. fast acting (sublingual == 15 minutes, they say)
    2. maximally discrete
    3. easy to carefully calibrate dose
      1. when i use flower or vape i am usually at the 2 inhales dose.  i find that is the right level for aphrodisiac effects, but not hallucinogenic or insomnia.  what would be the equivalent with tincture?

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I am a big fan of weed enhanced Aneros. After some experimentation, I have settled on a combination of edible mints and tinctures. The edibles seem to give a longer lasting high and are very predictable and the tinctures are much faster acting. The advantage of the tinctures is that it is easier to "fine tune" the buzz if necessary. The mints don't generally specify Sativa or Indica which is where the tinctures come in handy. I haven't messed around with the various THC/CBD combinations but you have me interested now.

The mints that I usually buy are 5 mG each and the tinctures are ~5 mG per dropper full if that helps.

The Trident Eupho and a good buzz are an incredible combination (but the other models are almost as good).


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@10dollarbet, thanks. 


  1. have you discovered a tincture blend that is optimal for you (eg sativa/indica/thc percent)?
  2. if i were to get a tincture with 85% THC, how much of a dropper do you think would equal 2 brief vape tokes?


i do my erotic deeds at bedtime, and typically need to constrain them to an hour or hour and a half. 

when i'm done, i need to fall right to sleep.  i've had problems with dosing where i think i need a third toke, but that ends up putting me into stimulant/insomnia territory, which can wreck my tomorrow.  if i get the dosing right, there is a sweet spot where i am erotically charged but not mentally over-stimulated.

so, i don't think edibles will be good for me.



This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by darwin

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