An update on recove...
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An update on recovery from hip replacement surgery and the Aneros

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Hi guys,

It has been nearly six months since my freakish fall which caused the fracture of my right hip on January 6. Hip replacement surgery occurred two days later on Sunday January 8 followed by nine/ten weeks of rehabilitation to get me walking again. I finally was released from the hospital near the U.S. Capitol on March 17 for further recovery at home during which I undertook a walking regime several times a day with a cane both inside my apartment building and outside in my neighborhood. In the last month or so, my confidence and strength in my daily walks has grown by leaps and bounds.

Yesterday afternoon, Thursday, I went to a "final" checkup by the orthopedist surgeon who performed the surgery. I gave him a succinct account of my rehabilitation and my subsequent walking regime at home. He gave me a clean bill of health. He told me that I was an "awesome" man for this. I just wants to see me annually on the anniversary of my fall.

I believe that my surgery and recovery has made me feel more acutely, but pleasurably my Aless. I have had several Aneros sessions usually on Saturdays. I enjoy working with Maximus, Progasm Classic, ICE, Helix Classic, and MGX (just one or models from this assortment)!

I was very fortunate to have worked with my Aneros models for four years previous to my accident and to have experienced Aless and Super-O's. However the future is bright for me and Aneros in the years ahead.


Illustrious Member Customer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4078

That's wonderful news! It's great to hear you are back into your Aneros use pleasure realm, keep on riding!
Good Vibes to You !

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